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Everything posted by frobalt

  1. This is certainly something I'd be interested to see, as I always wondered what happened when you equipped a companion with presence.
  2. The way I see it, Anakin (Vader) is still the chosen one, as it is him that kills the emperor, which also kills himself. However, that is if you see that moment as when the force is brought into balance. From a math perspective, the force is brought into balance at the end of the revenger of the sith. After all the Jedi have been hunted other than Obi Wan and Yoda, there are 2 sith and 2 Jedi, which to me is balanced. After all, the force is unblanaced if the majority of its users are light sided, isn't it?
  3. It seems someone has another case of not understanding the 'random' part of 'RNG'. Statistically, what you said is possible, just improbably (most likely). Let me give you an extreme example: You could have 2 people that play the lottery, each play different numbers but play the same numbers every week. It's possible, however unlikely, that 1 of those sets of numbers shows up 5 times on the run, with the other set not showing up for a billion years. It's not rigged, it's just how % chance works.
  4. With dual spec though, you wouldn't just be able to switch spec whenever, but it would remember 2 specs. After all, do you really want to have to wait on someone field respeccing and then having to remember to place talents in the right places?
  5. Woldn't the door work for them just fine? Or, if they go on a space mission or something does it not just leave the ship where it is?
  6. I think I saw that thread. When people posted about not seeing queues all I could think is that they clrearly aren't busy during the day then, or are on a dead server. TOFN is annoying me too these days. Last night around 9.45ish I got disconnected from the server and had to then wait another half an hour to get back in...it's just ridiculous. Bioware have truly failed their last ditch effort to save this game.
  7. It will be temporary, as people will get sick of the long wait times and quit. Personally, if I quit because of the wait times it'd be purely because I can't justify paying for something I can't* play. *Yes, I know I could go on a server with lower population, but I'm not starting again because Bioware don't have a clue how to run an MMO properly.
  8. These queues are getting seriously ridiculous now. Yes, we requested transfers, Bioware, but put some actual thought into it. Whoever thought 'put them all on 1 server' needs to be fired. The population should have been spread out over 2 or 3 of the same type rather than forcing us all together. Such a massive failure...this could so easily back fire. I know a lot of people say this, but I'm not usually the sort to rage. However, I get to play in the evenings and maybe a bit at the weekend, so a queue of over 1 hour (estimated) is just unforgivable.
  9. You are on the character you bought the perks on when testing this, aren't you? After all, the perks are character based, not legacy based.
  10. So, server transfers have gone successfully. A lot of people must have transferred, seeing how I have an estimated 40 min queue time to get in my server. So, is anyone else thinking that now this has happened they should introduce server transfers off the highest pop servers to the second highest in each category? Just so that way the population can spread out across 2 servers. Or at the very least they need to raise population caps ASAP.
  11. Let's put it this way: Why should a player be punished for role-playing? After all, most players would opt to keep a companion rather than kill them, if they went without them permanently, as there is no gain to killing them, other than if you are a hardcore RPer and would happily cut off your own nose to spite your face. Having generic companions is something that I'd like to see in the game anyway, to be honest. After all, I believe you should be able to recruit whoever you want to your own ship. If they're generic, you could then choose the species and archetype, too.
  12. If they did have the whole 'ability to kill companions or future companions' thing in the game they'd also need to introduce a way where you could replace that companion, albeit with someone generic.
  13. I can see a theme developing here. Basically, because you 2 aren't interested in it the devs shouldn't work on it? I won't claim to love everything about the legacy system, but then there are bound to be things that just don't interest me. Other things I might get just because it'd be fun to have, others I'll want because they are useful. IE: I love the presence boost you can get through getting a human to 50 or finishing companion quests. I also love the /agent emote (only one I've unlocked so far). However, I just find legacy to be a bit stupid where you have to solely pay for everything....it kinda negates the need for the levels other than artificial barriers. There's so much that could be done with the legacy system. In terms of abilities, they could make it so that you could even use mirror class abilities too (although would share a cooldown with your own class abilities, ofc) so that way you could be, say, a jedi that shoots lightening. Of course, these could be unlocked by buying the skill on the opposite class, which would certainly encourage players to level both sides.
  14. Hey guys, I've noticed there are a lot of shortfalls in the legacy system that limit it's functionality in a way. Relationship Screen For a start, the relationship screen originally centres around the first character you put on it. I feel this is silly as the first character you put on it isn't necessarily the centre of your 'family' tree. As such, I reckon it'd be much better if it centred the screen more logically at first. The relationships themselves are rather limited. I added 2 characters as spouses then another as a child to the female. Much to my disappointment, it didn't show as connected to both of them. I know you can't just assume that's the case though, so it got me thinking that you should be able to define multiple relationships per character. I know you could put character A in the centre and have multiple people off that character. As such it should be easier to define relationships to multiple people. Companions is another thing people think is missing from this part, so ideally they shoud be able to be added to the family tree, too. Legacy Rewards The biggest thing I noticed here is that you don't get the legacy until after you complete chapter 1 of the storyline. I don't see why this should be the case, as I find that it discourages you from making alts until you at least get the legacy. Anyone else think they should make it so that when you start on a new server you get the legacy straight away? Or alternatively you have the legacy account wide and create it when you create your first character, although some way to rename it would need to be introduced then. The rewards are generally quite expensive. I'm not going to say they need a flat out decrease in price, however I do feel that the level needs to be taken into account at least. Or, alternatively, you could introduce new ways to get the rewards, as not all of them require cash to be paid, such as the alignment and social rewards, as examples. I can't think of every requirement off the top of my head, but the ones that are being introduced in 1.3 come to mind. For instance, the XP boosts should be able to be gained by doing X amount of whatever the boost is for. IE: To get the PvP boost, you have to have played 100 games. I can't think of much more that needs to be improved, so I'll leave this open to discussion.
  15. I noticed that too. Didn't realise the imp skill was called Predation though, so was confused about what it did.
  16. Personally, I'd say that the definiton of 'pay to win' is where you need to buy an item with real cash that grants you some form of combat advantage that you can't earn in the game. IE: If you were able to buy a 20% boost to healing and damage. People that say it doesn't apply to PvE: You can win/lose against mobs and bosses in PvE; If there is a boss that you can't kill without the above mentioned increase then it would be pay to win.
  17. I like Vector. Not because I'm a light side IA but because he has an interesting story, and has compassion for other things. My Agent is neither light or dark specifically (although is erring on the side of dark slightly) as I don't want to do bad things just for the sake of it - I will choose diplomacy over murder unless the person has proved themselves to be really untrustworthy, and I will be honourable where I can be as well. All in all I do what I believe is best for the empire. Personally, I don't like Kaliyo, and am going to choose Ensign Temple over her.
  18. I managed to get chapter 1 finished at 29 and chapter 2 at 38. Weren't easy fights though as it required a lot of kiting. Chapter 2 was made easier by having a well geared healer (companion) with me.
  19. I do think it'd be a good idea, as, unlike WoW, faction allegiance isn't based on species. It's probably not going to happen though, as it'd be very hard to actually implement properly. Another reason I'd love to see it is because of what happens in the Imperial Agent storyline. I'll not spoil the details though.
  20. I had a similar issue when I did this. Try getting in your ship and travelling somewhere else, then immediately travel back to Nar Shaddar. For me I think the bug was that I had 2 missions to go to Nar Shaddar but only 1 trigger by it.
  21. Do you want the game to die or are you just annoyed that there aren't millions of people playing it, like WoW? After all, when you post threads like this what are you expecting to achieve? Are you hoping potential new players will see the thread and think 'Nah, not gonna play that game if it's dying'?
  22. ^^ This. To re-iterate though, scheduled maintenance could be 'we'll do it in an hours time', unscheduled would be 'holy cr@p! we need to do maintenance NOW!'.
  23. I think being able to switch their roles would certainly be a good idea. Right now on my imperial agent I find myself using Kaliyo, as I need a tank (Haven't geared Lokin enough to use him as a healer yet) but would much prefer to use either Lokin or Vector (Personality wise I prefer Vector but like Lokin enough to use him for personality). Also skill trees for companions would be good as well Being able to affect a companion's personality through decisions would be an interesting concept as well.
  24. I meant the skills, not the story.
  25. You took a day off just for the hope of keeping character names? Yes, that is a stupid decision. Especially since you could have just created a character on a server with the name you wanted then once you have transferred the one you want with that name, delete the duff character and 'rename' your main to the right name...simple.
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