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Everything posted by Jediaidertwo

  1. Well for anyone who has ever had a Consular or an Inquisitor, who else is a little depresed that 98% (random guess) of light pants are dresses? What if i dont want my MALE character to wear a dress? And while were on this subject, how about some new hats for light armor aswell? Even if you kept the old stats and name, and just changed the look? Who wants to add?
  2. Check this one out http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=516635
  3. My top 5 are: 1.Grand Admiral Thrawn, the only artist to almost take over thegalaxy. 2.HK-47, the most BA assasin ever. 3.Chewbaca, for obvious reasons. (If you can't work them out then you should go back to bed) 4.Boba Fett, one of the coolest bounty hunters to ever grace the big screen. 5.Jub Jub, the Ewok.
  4. I have it. My father has it. My sister has it. - Luke ROJ This has got to be the BEST one! It took me a few seconds to get it but it was worth the wait!
  5. Well actually they were gonna bring him into the clone wars series 5 i think along with Bane, as a dark force to twist Anakin to evil. But good call Regardless.
  6. That wouldnt work... have you seen Hamill recently? He is an old fat guy! Not a good representation of Luke Skywalker!!
  7. Essentially when he dissapears it leaves Revan's fate open so that Lucas Arts, or whoever has control later on, can choose to either bring him back or say that he died in the foundry. Personal opinion..... DAMN RIGHT HE'S ALIVE!! Someone who wins a civil war and thwarts an invasion on a galaxy AND lives over 300 years would probably have learned how to do something as simple as teleporting dont you think?!?!
  8. In the dark nest trillogy Luke finds a few holorecordings of padme. By the end book they have a basic picture of who she was.
  9. NEW JEDI ORDER! Followed by LEGACY OF THE FORCE! In total I can't remember how many SW books iv'e read.
  10. Dude, KotORs 1 and 2 were alright games but honestly, what would KotOR 3 be about? In KotOR 1 they had a war and a hellovalota jedi got killed and the galaxy was wounded--LA and BIO bought a shovel and chose a spot to dig. In KotOR 2 there was yet again another war and what was left of the jedi got killed, save a few, and the galaxy was practically dead--LA and BIO dug a hole and hours later realized they couldn't get out. So i ask again.... what would KotOR 3 have been about? Why can't everyone just be happy with the new storyline and forget the past?
  11. I havn't actually got a smuggler, but i know for a fact that if your character had a hat or large headgear the hood is removed (temporarily) from your character..... Basicaly- -Get a Hat!
  12. Hi guys, there are probably threads like this already i know, but i need some fresh perspective on this. Looking at some big points: Which is better for PvP? Do the two lightsabers have any benefit? Why does the sentinel only get medium armor? Does the storyline change for either? Are there different conversation options for each?
  13. I have a lvl 13 jedi shadow and i was wondering how i can get him to raise the hood on his robe, any help appreciated!
  14. Battlefront 1&2 Empire at War (I just felt like putting this in ==>) KoTOR KoTOR 2
  15. Hi ive heard a lot about going to some guild manager to join but can any one tell me in plain english, HOW I CAN JOIN A GUILD!
  16. To start off, yes i know there are like 50 threads for this subject but they all seem to say the same thing, 'Sith Inquisitor is badazzz but what about the Republic? what is the best class for Republic? (p.s Sith Juggernaught is the best PvP class, no buts about it!)
  17. I would LOVE to see the New Jedi Order, and Legacy of The Force series as movies, The Yuuzhan Vong Would be intresting to see on the big screen, as would the fall of Courascant (by the Vong).
  18. What ever happened to the heros of the original saga? Have their deaths ever been written about? Now, I know that Crix Madien died in Darksaber (Not sure how or why!)- By Kevin Anderson , and Chewbaca died in Vector Prime-R.A Salvador (still haven't gotten over it:(), and that Mara Jade died in Legacy of the Force 1- Betrayal- By Aarron Allston. But, whatever happened to the rest of them? Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker Jaina Solo?
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