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Everything posted by Mugen_no_Jidai

  1. Yeah, I kind of know the gearing basics... Again, not asking if they look like they work together as per the tooltip--I can read that. This is SWTOR and the tooltips can be pretty inaccurate/misleading or not reflective of the actual circumstances, so I'm looking for someone out there who can personally conform that they do indeed actually work together on post 2.0 gear.
  2. What you are describing are the old pre-2.0 bonuses, so the question stands unanswered, alas.
  3. I've decided to regear my old Sentinel that I haven't use for anything since 2.0 and was wondering if the Challengers and the Weaponmasters set bonuses worked together (i.e., do 1 Challenger and 3 Weaponmasters pieces [or whatever] give the 4-set bonus)? I'm not asking for the tooltip, I can read that, but that they do actually work together from the experience of someone who has combined them (screenshots are a plus). Obviously I'm asking since there are Initiative enhancements in the Challenger leggings and Weaponmaster boots, with crap crit pieces in either set to be avoided.
  4. Still looking for an imp guild that starts between 10:00-2:00 server. At this point I don't care if you're even doing NiM, so long as you've progressed through the current HMs and have a consistent raiding group, with plans to progress in 2.4 (whenever that comes out).
  5. You have a pic where I can see total achievement points, since they've obviously gone up from last time? Or just want me to update for reputation?
  6. Still looking for a late night imp guild. I joined a pub guild for NiM and will be raiding on them Tue/Wed and perhaps a few other nights, though would like to not have to pug for imps on the weekends (same times as the original post). My sniper's gear is the same, and I just need implants/relics and a few enhancements to be in mostly 72s on my jugg DPS, also got an op healer up that's almost in full 69s (besides relics) with a 2-piece set bonus. I've since done NiM Thrasher on 8m/16m, and have seen all the phases for Titan and Operations Chief.
  7. Glad that you found a solution to this. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with doing it all on one character, as I only redid a few things on the pub side after doing them on the imp side, and the achievement popped up for my Sentinel. I know for a fact I've never taken her into a HM 55 flashpoint, because I never bothered to gear her up after 2.0, so there's no way I could have gotten the Cademimu achievement on that Sentinel. Also, D7 SM should be pretty easily soloable for a 55 in 66-69 gear and a healing companion. I've done this 10x solo since 2.0 for some of the SM flashpoint achievements with a sorc and a hybrid leth/healing scoundrel (who had plenty of 63s still on her)--so just try doing it by yourself. Otherwise, I do agree with both of the sentiments regarding hidden achievements. I had to get CS help to finish the MCR-100 hidden one, since I couldn't figure out what I'd missed.
  8. Because I wanted to wait and see if there were more folks posting because of 8 Legends being available for the first day before updating it all in one go, plus some new bugs popped up that I wasn't sure of. That and it takes quite a while to update everything and I didn't feel like doing it yesterday.
  9. A paltry update for me, just up to 21310 for achievements, and like everyone else who updated today, 8 legends. I think I'm 37/100 on this with 30k kills. I saw someone on fleet with the title a long time ago, though I never see anyone ever pop these in WZs. And if I do, they're always on my team.
  10. Today, I tried taking the Thranta taxi from Outpost Ghrent to Elysium, multiple times and with two different Empire toons, only to have the Thranta vanish from beneath me every time at the same point, causing my character to fall down to her death. Here's a screenshot of what I mean. Slightly above where my toon is in the screenshot, the Thranta consistently stutters, then just vanishes outright, causing my character to fall straight down. I tried picking up and abandoning the associated Shock Doctrine quest (which you need to get up there for the first time, to no avail. Not sure what's causing this, but Shock Doctrine is likely unable to be completed by most folks/everyone depending on the nature of the bug causing this.
  11. I've done this twice on HM, once on my Sin tank (hadn't ever done the FP before) with a groupfinder group and once solo with my sage (completed it many times before 2.0), and it counted both times (SM worked just fine as well). You're not the first person to report this bug, so I'm not sure what's causing it. The way the Behemoth dies might well be something to look into, as it doesn't seem to be relevant if you've done it before 2.0 or not.
  12. Smashing folks all day at the endzone. 32550 objective points for Mugenkyu.
  13. It looks like patch 2.3.3 brings a few fixes to achievements, including the following: Black Sun kills were previously only counting for strong and above, not just any Black Sun NPC, so that should make farming the 500 kills for those achievements easier. I didn't have problems with it post 2.0, though I've read reports of some individuals experiencing trouble getting the The Invasion of Balmorra for the Republic Loremaster of Balmorra achievement, so that should be achievable for everyone now. One other update of relevant regarding the Seeker Droids, if you've been putting off digging for Deadseed/Starforager armor and speeder parts since they broke it like I have: Non-Pleasure Speeder parts were always tradable via the trade window, though it looks like you won't have to wait for someone spamming on fleet to purchase these anymore. The other improvements to the Seeker Droids will hopefully make digging for the rest *slightly* less painful than it is on live right now. In response to this, yes, a number of the PvP achievements seem poorly designed. While some maps you shouldn't have a problem grinding a few 55 kill games occasionally (Voidstar), some of the other warzones don't make it easy with their layout, and require that: 1) the other team's skill level is less than your team's, 2) the other team doesn't have many healers, 3) the warzone isn't so dominated by one side or another than it ends too quickly (see most Novare Coast games), 4) honestly, a bit of luck, no matter your skill. Now, I think 55 kills is doable on all maps for many folks, but the correct conditions are incredibly rare. 20 killing blows requires a bit of luck by itself as well and similar conditions to above. 10 solo kills, however, is a bit insane, unless warzones are double the length that they currently are now. I don't think I've ever seen anyone with any of these achievements, among my server's best players who I achievement check (and many don't even have all of the 5 solo kills achievements). Not sure why there weren't any objective-based achievements, or anything for protection (for tanks), not that I want to re-grind warzones for new achievements. I would suggest, Ygnox, that you try to grind 10-29 PvP for some of these, since the average skill level of players is lower, and there are fewer and less effective healers at that level. Ranged DPS are especially deadly in this PvP bracket.
  14. More than likely those kills are from before 2.0. The achievement system only tracks PvP kills from 2.0 onward, unfortunately, or I'd have been at Manhunter a long time ago. It doesn't take into account the number of kills from what you see in the PvP queue stat window if they existed before 2.0. Why this is the case, I have no idea.
  15. @Nausikaa, thanks for the note of the missing number. A small update for me, up to 21120 achievement points and now 7 Legend Ranks. This should serve as a reminder that this week folks can start getting Legend with The Adjudicators/Ordnance Acquisition Corps, and soon with the Bounty Brokers Association.
  16. The one that unlocked it for me was killing the Hypermatter Sentinel Droid on the Republic side. Even though I'd just killed one the day before on an Imperial toon, for whatever reason the achievement popped up when I did it on the pub side. Previous to that, I'd gone through and redid the Corelia and the Tatooine ones. I worked off the same list that you cite, so it's probably just a matter of going back and redoing some of them, perhaps with an opposite-faction toon. If that doesn't work, there's a helpful CS rep or two in the CS forum that will sometimes help with things like this (i.e., they may be able to tell you what you're missing). At least one on-the-ball rep helped me out with the MCR pet (by letting me know which planet I had one missing on).
  17. This bug might just be on your end. I can't confirm the Sand People kills since I already have 1,000, but the 5k kills overall was working just fine for me when I ground out 700 earlier today. The Sand People one is a little buggy, as it doesn't always count kills even in the same area (because they're outside of the "Scar" area?). I farmed my Sand People kills at 1500, -1500, around a circle structure to the west of Largona, if that helps. Otherwise, you might try untracking your kills from the UI and logging, since there have been some rare issues with items not updating while being tracked.
  18. That's funny, because I finished the Republic Loremaster of Balmorra back in June, and I'm pretty sure I didn't have that codex when I started my hunt. So I, at least, didn't have a problem interacting with the object, which is now in the same place on both sides.
  19. Yes, it happened to everyone, and the Devs are aware of the issue. See this post.
  20. Everyone else has already given the details, so bump for what they said.
  21. Patch 2.3.2 brings a number of relevant fixes to achievements, including the following: This means that the Desler Collector achievement is now attainable, assuming that you want to grind out the Desler Explorer. I've encountered all of the following achievement issues for EC, so assuming that you haven't found ways around these already, there should no longer be any problems attaining achievements for EC (other than finding a group for 16m NiM--good luck with that). There are also a few fixes for achievement tracking that I didn't list. Finally, the Invasion of Balmorra codex being accessible to everyone means that players can complete the Imperial Loremaster of Balmorra achievement without rolling a new Agent character. Additionally, a few updates for Bounty Contract Week (upcoming again here shortly) So, if you didn't already grind out enough tokens for Legend during the last event (like I did), you should be able to get +reputation faster/with less effort via purple tokens instead of blues, from Kingpin Bounties. However, if there were Kingpins you didn't attain for achievement points, then this will take much longer as you can only kill OR cryo one individual Kingpin per week. A small update for me, up to 20710. Haven't done too many planetary achievements this week, mostly just grinding PvP kills. Halfway and then some to Manhunter. Thanks also to Ygnox for your update and letting us know what achievements we can expect in 2.4.
  22. Just a clarification on this line, since I can't tell for sure by how it's written: You can only complete one Kingpin contract per character per week, or per bounty per week (i.e., You could only either kill OR cryo Arkan on Nar Shaddah once across all of your toons every time the Bounty Week pops up)? I assume the latter.
  23. Maybe the 10th? thread I've bumped on this bug, which has existed since TFB first came out a year-ish ago. And yes, pulse cannon/flame thrower don't work either, among all the other abilities that you listed. Had to respec out of the hybrid and to full Pyro when I did this for the first time on my Powertech.
  24. This thread has a player-suggested workaround, if you didn't see it. You can try the following and see if it works for you:
  25. I’m looking for a late-night guild that is progressing on NiM content. While I can run SM or other mindless content during other hours, I can currently really only concentrate on NiM content between around 10:00 PM – 3:00 AM server, which I know severely limits the number of guilds out there actually doing that kind of content during those hours. I can be flexible on the days, as that doesn’t currently matter to me. I’ve R/MDPSed and healed through all HM content to date. Just 1/5 in NiM TFB is all for that, since my raid group fell apart just around the time that we were beginning to progress through NiM. Haven’t yet set foot in S&V NiM, alas. I have been with Night Stalkers on the imp side since a little after 2.0. We merged into YES a month back with the hopes of being part of a larger guild with more folks to draw from, though their NiM team is long since set and raids the same times we would want to/too early. My most NiM-ready toon is my Sniper, who is in full 72s, aside from an Arkanian SA relic and one 69 mod. I also have a DPS Sorc (who probably heals more than anything), smash Jugg, and hybrid Powertech in 69/72s for other content. While I would prefer to stay on the imp side, I have all of my original pub toons (Sage DPS, Sentinel, Vanguard DPS, Scoundrel healer) that I could legacy some 69/72 gear over to, if there’s an interested pub guild. Alternatively, if there are any small groups raiding at this time looking to merge, let me know. I can be contacted on my Sniper Mugenshi (imp) or Sage Mugennana (pub) if there is any interest (I hop between my 13 toons regularly, so probably just an email is best)—otherwise let me know below.
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