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Everything posted by Lundorff

  1. So my side is getting spawn farmed because no one knows their class and/or because the other side has a tryhard premade because they can not go 30 seconds without their frieeeeends, so now I have to suffer through this anyway? Narh mate, I will instantly leave. Give us map selection and balanced teams prior to any type of deserter lockout that isn't needed in the first place.
  2. Try this: queue 50 warzones today and enter as soon as you get the pop. Then write down just how many "<NAME> has left the warzone" messages you get. I bet it will be +100 people leaving. Remember to also notice how many leave during the match - especially when your side is losing. With a deserter lockout you will get 3 responses: a) People will insta-leave and can not re-queue which will prolong queue times. b) People will sit out in a combination of protest or because they think it will be faster than lockout. Say hello to even more terrible matches than now. c) Some people will play. Sure some will actually play a match or two, but after getting HB 3 times in a row they will just leave. TL;DR: There is no upside to a deserter lockout. None. It will absolutely not create better games. It only makes sense in ranked.
  3. No it is not going to kill PvP from one week to the next, but it will bleed even more people away. The pop times will increase and eventually pvp will not be an active part. It will be like GSF.
  4. We only have our own subjective perspective to measure from, but I personally see many. many people leave buttball and OPG every time it loads. I think it's an error of judgement to assume these people are suddenly going to play something they don't want, and personally I will just leave and either stop queuing regs completely or run a few FPs until I get bored and close the game. A deserter lockout without map selection is going to be a net loss for pvp. Yes the rewards for ranked are fine, but with regs dying due to the deserter lockout ranked will suffer as well. It needs fresh blood and with fewer people player regs, even fewer will try ranked.
  5. Lowbies on DM is littered with tryhards in 2-man groups that only play level +34 characters and only play to stomp others in arena. A 2-man experienced premade in arena against clueless randoms is devastating. Banning all premades in low and midbies will make it far less toxic. Yes it will
  6. Ahahahhaha oh man the failure of BW-management continues. This will 100% beyond any doubt kill pvp entirely. Not only regs but also ranked as pvp will simply die out lol You want a deserter lockout? Fine, implement this first: - Map selection. If not specific maps then a selection between buttball, arena and the rest. - Balanced teams. Same number of healer / tanks / dps on both teams - Ban premades in low / midbies and enforce mirror premades at level 75 Maybe, just maybe it won't tank pvp entirely then...
  7. It would be the rational thing to do, so no, it is not going to happen.
  8. Oh man... the stuff being posted here is exactly why I haven't bothered with 75 regs for years. It is a clusterf*** beyond rescue. Lowbie pvp and solo ranked ftw
  9. Lundorff


    I am confident that OP knows this. Changing tanks into actual tanks would be a welcome change, and no it will certainly not make us queue DPS juggs any less. Likewise This, at least ,we can agree on.
  10. As far as I can tell, he is referring to PvP specific games and that translates poorly to swtor. The bread and butter of this game is PvE, and it seem to me that Bioware has actually managed to stem the population decline and maybe even caught the attention of new players - despite this being a decrepit old game. PVP was never meant to be anymore than a sideshow, and things like match-making and class balance has always been an afterthought. Singling out a minor facet like PvP and saying it is snowballing feel disingenuous to me, as the resources needed to support it was never there to begin with.
  11. They are actually fairly balanced / mediocre right now. Yes they have crappy defenses when focused, but this should be offset by double vanish. Sins that knows how to play are annyoing because: a) They do far too much damage if left alone. b) By focusing them you risk wasting a lot of dps on someone that will just run and heal. Twice. I am still somewhat bad on sins as my mentality is far to jugg-ish, but I am learning. The bane of sins is merc net with a dot that shroud / breaker can't cleanse.
  12. Cries in rage jugg 1. Concealment oper 2. Fury mara 3. Lethality oper 4. Lightning sorc 5. Deception sin 6. Arsenal merc 7. Sniper 8. Veng jugg 9. AP / Pyro pt I am mostly going for survival here. APPT can easily be more deadly than any of these, but there is simply no survival. Sniper is highly susceptible to lingers, so down they go. Carnage seems to hover somewhere between Sin and Merc.
  13. We used to send out newsletters 8-9 times a year. Nothing particular special: discounts, general news, product changes and stuff like that. I was in charge of it at that point, and I always tried to curb the amount to not annoy our customers. But our company grew and eventually we needed an agency to handle our media presence, and I still remember their take on newsletters. They wanted to send out newsletters every week and possible twice per week. They wanted to push it to the breaking point where people began to unsubscribe before scaling slightly back. It sucks for the customers but it totally makes sense from a business perspective. The same thing will happen here. This advertising bar is just the first push and unless we push back, more is bound to follow. It is a very basic business strategy to nickle and dime their customer base as much as possible. But hey, who cares, it is not annoying... yet.
  14. Yes it can be moved but not removed, and it still start in the drop downed state e.g. BUY CARTEL STUFF PLZ-mode ever so often. I guarantee if this is tolerated then more stuff is to follow. How about a Cartel Market button on the main quickbar? Or a Cartel Market flair that will make you run 10% faster? Perhaps you will now be greeted by Giradda the Cartel Market Hutt every time you load into a character. It reeks of desperation and of all the stupid things they have done over the years, this signifies the end times more than anything else.
  15. I guess I ought to know this by now but I don't so...
  16. Has there ever been a player initiated thread in this sub-forum where the devs has listed, participated and implemented changes? Perhaps back in the 1.0-2.0 days? Never? They very seldom listen when we come with suggestions in threads they themselves starts...
  17. Guys you just have to heal to full and make them pay.
  18. From 10-42 you will often get nothing but arena. In prime time you might also get 8v8 even in lowbies at times. There will be more 8v8 from 43-74, but it still depends on time of day. At 75 and you will often get 8v8, but not always. TLDR; Level up, get more 8v8.
  19. How much better would these be compared to current BiS? Are we talking 1-2% overall increase or more?
  20. Just give us queue choice. 1) All arena 2) All Buttball 3) The rest Allow people to queue for 1, 2 or all 3. This way only the people who wants to play BB will actually queue for it, and no it will not fix dsync, but those badly affected by dsync will probably stay away from it.
  21. Yes I completely get this frustration. Jugg is the only class I am somewhat proficient with, and to be constantly considered a liability is getting old. That being said you should not give up just yet. On my pure damage rage jugg I am 11/10 and on my more defensive vengeance jugg I am 27/22. These are also queued in the blind, so things could be even better with higher regards for tanks/healers in queue. But with the season about to end I am not really playing ranked anymore. I will be back again for season 13, and hopefully with more matches.
  22. The vast majority goes with Fury due to: - Immunity - Mini leap - Damage is not nearly as "white" compared to carnage - Sustained is better http://parsely.io/parser/stats - Burst is more or less the same - More forgiven rotation Not saying carnage can't work, but you will have to work harder for it.
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