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Everything posted by SgtBranham

  1. http://i.imgur.com/datDs.jpg Not mine but linked From Po5 server page for illustration sake.
  2. I think i have seen a stream where one guild runs, and does very well, with a consealment Operative. This should nullify 90% of most arguments.
  3. What this person said. I don't know what K-Value (the max amount of points that can be won/lost) they use here in SWTOR but it factors into the equation like this. Lets say for arguments sake the K-value is 32. This means that if you beat a team that is much better than you (i would assume ~300+ points (made up for our example because i dont know what the cuffoffs are for this game) you receive max value of 32. If you are only getting sub 10 points in this senario, then you are playing teams that are significantly below you in rating (prob in the 1700 or 1800 if your in the 1900s). What is happening in the senario you are expressing is that you are playing 4 matches against these teams (getting only 6 points a match) and then playing a team of equal rating and losing half the K-value (16 points in our 32 k-value example). In an evenly rate match, you win/lose half the K-value There are some teams that are lagging behind in rating because of slow starts or they maybe good but small and cannot field 8 men teams at all times. They will eventually settle at their appropiate rank (ie they maybe 1700 rank right now but based on skill should be at a 2000 ranking level. They just haven't gotten in enough games in ranked to catch up to their skill). As time passes these will adjust and RWZ will be less "Spikey". For some perspective, if a grandmaster in chess loses to a non-grandmaster, they lose enough points that they are no longer ranked a grandmaster. In closing, If you beat who you should beat and are competitive with those that are of equal skill you will be just fine.
  4. I think you will only see results when you get a level 25/26 PVE Armoring. Couple this with a war hero mod (i used the ones that have the most main stat/end/ and an augment. you lose out on 45 expertise but gain over 40 of each stat. You can do this and still maintain over 1200 expertise.
  5. Under the ELO system, what should happen in the event of a draw is that the draw should be treated as a half win- half loss. This could still result is gaining and losing points depending on where your rating was in contrast with your opponents. Tthere are no functional draws in SWToR. The game assigns a winner in the event of the score bing the same in Voidstar. There needs to be a draw option inserted for this warzone or a steadfast tie-breaker.
  6. Personally, I think they should return them to the pre 1.2 era. Sure their tracer missile hit like a truck but that was fine because they can be easily interrupted. They are build to be a a stationary turret but currently they are a stationary nerf gun. I am also fine with them not having an interrupt (or at least not having one when they did the kind of damage they used to do). If you let them freecast on you, you were going down. I am fine with that and their armor debuff being balanced out by not having an interrupt and line of sight.
  7. The correct move is not to jump down from the ledge. If they leap to you while you are on the ledge they die. Sometimes you can pretend you are going to run and jump off (but really, you run, stop, and jump strait up) and can trick them into charging you because once they see you jump they think your coming down). It won't work very frequently but when it does you just have to /laugh. If you have range damage, just sit up there and unload. If the juggernaut/guardian has a teammate in front of him then its futile. Run around the ledge to either side and get back to the middle. If your teammates can pull him back then yay, if not, you are in better position for the next ball. Also, its not the Juggernauts fault that someone doesn't know how to line of sight. I think Enemy pull is usually the deciding factor. Pulls into the firepit win more games/prevent more scores than almost anything.
  8. It totally changes the games dynamics!!! You are taking away a whole subset of the metagame. I understand what you are saying and what you are trying to accomplish and i think we will have to agree to disagree. We already have enough deathmatch warzones and i don't want to see Huttball become one. While Sub 10 sec scores can and do happen, they are by far a minority and seldom do happen as it requires the stars to align just right. You can still pass the ball, i get that, but without movement abilities you are going to end up with way too games that are decided by who is holding the ball and it would cause the "stealth in the endzone" strategy to be the most viable strategy. Tank walks the ball though the pit, with multiple healers and tosses it up. There are enough counters to ball carriers abilities to balance it out. The real issue comes down to how well your team executes them. If there is a guy on the other team that doesn't know how to combat a jug then we can easily 6-0 you in sub 5 minutes.
  9. I cannot agree with this. It just becomes one big death match in the center if you take these abilities away. All the abilities that sorcs/assassins/jugs use have counters. General tips - USE CC WISELY This is probably the single most important thing you can tell someone is huttball. full resolve at the wrong time can lose the game. Yet, 7 out of 10 times this tends to happen. That is a learn to play issue and makes the ball carriers seem even more powerful than they are. Use the map to your advantage - Traps are your friend and you dont need to have a pull to take advantage of them. knockbacks into the pit are usually better than strait out killing people. They are out of the way for the same amount of time it would take them to respawn. Jug - Lets see, firstly, kindly instruct your teammates not to stand where he can leap to them. You would be amazed how quickly this slows down his scoring ability. Second, prevent teammates from getting ahead of him. Pulls, knockbacks, stuns, snares work great for this. Granted, it can be tricky sometimes, so catching them at the right time is key to prevent you from getting rid of the ally and not letting them jump to you. Take these two things away and Jugs ball handlers become exponentially worse. They are also VERY prone to knockbacks and pulls. Sometimes if feels like your a pinball when you play a Jug. Jugs can spec into unstoppable and you need to be aware of this and plan accordingly. Assassins - They are going to use force speed. Everyone knows this. Usually they will wait for a full resolve bar. Don't give it to them and use the CC to prevent them from getting far. Snares and roots are probably the best thing. I love force leap/slow/force choke when they try to run over a pit. Also, Focus them and make sure they burn their defensive cooldowns before they want to. This helps alot. Sorcs - They pull friendly targets. So, keep them from getting into position. Pull them down, knock them back, stun them, slow them, kill them (they are squishy). If your team lets a sorc beat you then your team is bad. The "problem" with huttball is that most people can't think tactically. They cannot see their opponents movements and anticipate what they are trying to do. Then they get upset because the sorc that runs past them (which they ignore because they were tunnel visioning the ball carrier) and pulls the ball carrier ahead.
  10. It is the unique part of the game. If you want to play voidstar then play voidstar and don't advocate huttball into becoming voidstar because that is what would happen if you removed the speeds and leaps. I like the fact that i can get a 6-0 win with 3 kills and 20k damage. Killing people other than the ball carrier in huttball is secondary and the game comes down to team work.
  11. In Huttball everyone has their roll and from reading the OP's post, it seeems he doesn't what to play his. I play a juggernaut and I carry the ball alot so I will say this. To be effective there needs to be someone ahead of me. Friend or foe. If there isn't, moving the ball is a real nightmare. And to be effective a player still need to pass. Even if you have all the leap abilities. Huttball is a team sport and taking away any of the ball moving abilities will make it a deathmatch in the center and too much like the other warzones. As of now, It's the only Warzone where teamwork and coordination outweight DPS and Healing. Smart CC'ing and knockbacks are king. Huttball requires situational awareness that most tunnel-visioning players cannot seem to grasp. That being said, your team is only as good as your weakest link. If there is a guy that will run to the ledge to be jumped to, then its gets frustrating. I usually mark this person and tell my team to kill him on sight so he will be coming out of the respawn as i arrive. I also mark the other teams assassins and power techs and instruct my team to keep them outside of 30 meter or at least away from the traps. There are a ton of times where i intercede to a teammate and immediately throw the ball strait to them and about .5 sec later get grappled back into the fire.
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