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Everything posted by Spatology

  1. You are coming to the general forums to complain about people being upset when you critically assess their SUGGESTION for a video game. Why do you assess other people's suggestions? You are being synical about already hypothetical situations any poster might have. Typical exersize in futility that in tandem pisses people off because you are judgeing them based on some pipe dream they have for their favorite mmo. /golfclap
  2. The only reason SWTOR did poorly is because they strove to placate EVERYOONE instead of having their own goal/vision for the game and ended up pleasing very few people. This new system you propose sounds like a bunch of nonsense. People dont know what they want.
  3. Its not even funny....i dont even.... *facepalm* nevermind
  4. These facts have little or nothing to do with characters who own personal ships and frequent larger space hubs. Although the idea is nice, it needs updateing to fit with lore. Some other menial task can be found.
  5. wouldn't they be using some type of food synth tech? this doesnt make sense in the starwars universe, but, i think some reasonable replacements could be thought up.
  6. As someone who makes the one time 2 month subscription purchases regularly, i have to wonder if I qualify for this reward. Honestly i could care less, however, since I only pay my subscription to come and voice my displeasure with the game's overall direction and continued degredation of subscription value. Happy turkey day all you turkeys.
  7. I like the game. I like giving EA/bioware a hard time more though. Thankfully, they aren't mutually exclusive.
  8. Just to equivocate, Wasn't the word "stipend" thrown around at FTP launch associated with the cc monthly grant? How would this constitute free in any sense.....ever.... It is and was clearly "hush hush" money....
  9. The overall subscription has lost so much. In game armor, mounts, weapons, titles, toys, pets. QoL features Character customization 1 companion...so far.... Several of you wont understand how the "free" cartell coins are paid for with the above content STOLEN from subscribers. I'm signing off on this thread because people are making attacks instead of debating the topic.
  10. The continued degredation of the subscription is slap in the face to all subscribers. This outrage cannot stand! Rise up my fellow subscribers!
  11. You are entitled to whatever opinion you want to have. I have no care. I support my opinion with reason. If you are unreasonable or lack reason, you cannot understand both sides of the conversation. Never have i claimed EA is legally bound to do anything, i understand the EULA. However, EA/Bioware has made the statement in the past that subscribers get "all future content", (or something to this extent, you can look up the quote because frankly, I dont care enough) aside from major content updates of course. What exactly is EA/Bioware offering you that wasnt offered before? Toy's? Cooler Looking New Armor models? Pets? Character customization options? OHHHH right....all the stuff that should be free with a subscription?
  12. I see the issue in only two possible eventualities: -This will never happen and shouldnt. -If implemented this is a function that should be used on demand like field respec. Understanding people, and the "slippery slope" reality we live in. We will arrive at either of the two..... Unless EA, as im sure they will, is planning on milking people for AC respecs. As if they actually deserve money for an ingame utility that requires no oversight.
  13. I think its even more offensive and deplorable that EA would use the word "complementary" instead of free. Almost as if they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. I laugh.
  14. If you, as a subscriber to a game, are unreasonable and unwilling to understand other people's opinions you have no place in this conversation. The op is 100% correct about the "free" cartel coins. This game was founded on a subscriber foothold and still to this day retains some of those subscribers (yes, im one of "those guys"). Just because you prefer to taint your memory with unwarranted optimisim doesnt mean the rest of us dont understand what is actually going on. I am attacking NOONE, merely stateing facts about the history and current state of EA's abhorrent creation that is SWTOR.
  15. Subscribers should get ALL content without additional charge. "Free cartel coins" is a cop-out EA tried to use to placate and retain subscriber money. Anyone who doesnt understand OP is either: A.) lieing to themselves to appease the inner Id. B.) unreasonable, and therefore doesnt belong in this conversation C.) a paid employee/stockholder You whiteknights and sheeple arent fooling anyone.
  16. Please, Bioware, for the love of yoda. Make the energized and eliminator sets BoE instead of BoP so i can sell these items to people, they are clearly desireable and the schems are already in the game. Synthweaving/Armormech deserve a bone after being screwed over on the augmentation crafting this go round. Please kill 2 birds with 1 stone, please give this to the players and not just another CM cash grab. Please bioware....for the players sake...
  17. This thread makes me beta cringe. I dont even understand how someone else cant understand, and it bothers them enough to come allllll the way to the forums...
  18. Its happened to me on several occasions. I think this will be a difficult bug to pin down and reproduce in a testing enviorment though, sadly. I see this as being one of those bugs that never goes away, like the ability failure bug.
  19. I fully agree and love this idea. Its like christmas getting to open boxes.
  20. tbh i agree with this sentiment. When they announced Legacy I remember saying to myself "this just seems like a glorified extra exp bar.... Still to this day, i ponder over this thing called legacy.
  21. fyi on this subject i use keybinds, however, i noticed that when i use clicks, i dont get the animation/ability rubberband bug.
  22. divide by how many games you've played. also, people who always grouping with friends for pvp will have an unfair edge. Regardless, i think we can agree. Spatology for MVP 2013.
  23. I would pay for exactly NONE of these features. Infact, id be disappointed if content moved in this direction in the future.
  24. I would consider supporting this feature if any of the Heroic 4/2 man quest actually had any story in them. Sadly, the vast majority of them have little plot value or interaction. I think this is a cop-out for people who are antisocial trying to play an MMO by themselves. It is important for people to understand: If you want to solo in an MMO, solo to your hearts content. However, remember, there will be content out of your reach because it is tuned for people to acheive with friends.
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