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Everything posted by LFDUVEZ

  1. OFFICIAL ANSWER TO THIS THREAD: If your team has 2+ players with 15-16k HP or less: you WILL likely LOSE.... unless your team is lucky or the other team is bad. I am not selfish when i KNOW I am losing no matter what I try. Get the medals and "losing" faster is just saving "playing time". There should be an option in game /forfeit where your team instantly lose... Playing vs a premade that DESTROYS your team or cannot be killed --> that's not fun regardless of the outcome (winning valor and commendations). Edit: Forgot 1 thing... the other day the warzone started with 2 on my team. YES, 2! The other team were 8! HOW ARE WE TO WIN or even GET A DEBUFF for wanting to leave this sillyness?!? PLEASE.... tell me or prove to me that this is not just SILLY and stupid. Yes, I stayed but I was literally doing this: /s you are 8, we are 2. Nice job guys... you win.
  2. I am a tank vanguard and my biggest crit ever was 3019. I have very good gear too. I wish I would hit as much as my force users counterpart. Buff vanguard tanks! GOGO!
  3. I was just in a warzone where we were 2 vs 8 players. Who programs this stuff? Really? Please... don't make me waste my time. This is stupid and should not happen...
  4. Premades vs pugs = most of the time the premade wins. The new PVP system makes it even harder for the pugs to even have a chance to win.
  5. NEGATIVE on that.... The DPS is the same, actually EVERYTHING sounds the same. They simply made the game 5X faster and now you cannot even think before doing something. It is now a FPS with some RTS. Really, prove me wrong here. Yes, they lowered the healing... but made everything else "faster". I dislike everything about this patch EXCEPT the interface change. My current profession still sucks badly. I am forced to take BioChem basically. Leveling an alt then changing my main's profession. This sucks.
  6. Personally, I am giving it 1 week then it is cancelling time. Oh well, I liked this game. The one true cool thing about this patch: UI customization was well made. Rest, meh.
  7. NOT pvp related but another "bug: Space combat starts without me being in it. Try Drexel Sweep and I cannot target the first 6 ships --> they are gone by the time the screen comes up.
  8. Alderaan: no defence points for side turrets --> only mid. GG?
  9. If they implement "macros" imagine how many people will be spamming 1 single button for whatever ability is ready.
  10. I used to last MUCH longer too. Tank here.
  11. LOL so true... didn't think about that one
  12. Voidstar: once the attacking team gets a door... it is ALMOST impossible to defuse. Anyone has successfully defended a door since patch?
  13. - The sound has become AWFUL, really. Turrets / ships making a sound soooo annoying taking all other sounds. - Losers get nothing, meaning winners get to use items / get upgrades while the losers has the SLOOOOWWWW way to "get upgrades"
  14. +1 They tried but failed miserably
  15. PVP for 2h30: get 300 WZ commendation. Voidstar: if the strongest team starts they get 12 medals. If the weakest one starts (defence) the other team GETS 18......... It is a detrimental system... losing gets NOTHING. Forget about using stuff except for buffs BECAUSE you will simply waste them if you are pugging BECAUSE you cannot win vs a premade.
  16. Also: - Tanks take less dmg than before (less resistance) - Healers heal less than before - DPS do dmg as before but only faster
  17. NEW PVP SYSTEM: press ALL buttons while you can... whether you are a healer of a tank you will get killed in no time! Medals will pass by you won't even have the time to see which ones you get and start to not care running around pressing 1 most of the time since you cannot react fast enough. Some classes are at an advantage here but I hope you are otherwise you are pretty much having to spam everything you can to actually do something. Yup, that's how I see it now......
  18. I noticed that when you lose even if YOU are doing your very best... you get NADA. You cannot get enough medals to compensate for your loss. This plainly sucks... I guess its premade or lose.
  19. First it is IMO going way too fast compared to before... they overkilled a bit on that part. Second, I am a "tank" yet I get destroyed now, literally. Its all about DPS --> tanks are worthless. Third, going against another team of your own faction on that new modified Turrets warzone is somewhat silly Fourth, I no longer like PVP as much - SERIOUSLY are you FORCING ME to go BioChem??? anyone else?

    Why SWTOR Failed

    I agree with what you said
  21. Did you "exploit" the bug on Illum? Are you on a server where your "faction" is less populated? If "no" and "yes", gg you earned it. Otherwise, move along and don't feel proud about yourself.
  22. You know which classes are getting this special button to continually hit .... in PVP. well, either that "one" or "number 2" to get it done. 10% IS NOT going to cut it --> OMG i get hit for 350 HP less on a 3500 hit!!!!!! That will surely make the player want to hit "another" button??? Nope. Seriously, who thought about these things???
  23. So much hate, must have a lot of Sith's around?
  24. This is the same problem that has cursed many other popular games: healers are too powerful. I understand the need to balance to accomodate PVE but seriously when healers heal for 4k+ and we dps hardly ever do this --> WHY??? Good luck getting this puzzle resolved

    The State of PVP

    You can tell when something is not right. Arguments about premades vs premades are nice but when you see 4 players steamrolling another team with 4 other pugs BECAUSE they are there it is somewhat sad. Queues should also take into consideration the gear of players but I guess that would be too hard to implement. The general rule about winning is true 90% of the time: 2+ players on your team have less than 15k hp, you will lose.
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