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Everything posted by darkcerb

  1. Here's my problem with you and your arguments. You put forward that the lfd was a terrible thing. That wasn't my exp with it or rifts. So that puts us at an impasse that you refuse to see, instead repeating that it did happen and we're wrong. And then you turn around and tell us to stop doing what you're doing right now. You can't have it both ways.
  2. So just like every other mmo dev's. Well I'm re-assured still, because cross server lfg is the way apparently. Judging from current industry contenders.
  3. No what you've given is "Here's why I think I'm right" And what we've given is "Here's why we think you're wrong" At least from me. And I know there will be negatives but I believe as I experienced in wow and rift the positives outweigh them. And to paraphrase you, convince me and I'll agree with you. Until then we will argue. That's the way debates work.
  4. With only 11k views on this thread it was already a forgone conclusion that minority's would be arguing with minority's. But when even the other side for the most part readily admits that if the tool were introduced people would flock to it I think the point leans towards it's introduction. If judging from here. Given biowares flip flop from "not planning it" to "discussing it" tells me they have stats that have made them change there minds.
  5. whatever friend. My post history is there I'm not hiding it and neither are you whether you want to or not and I'm just not see'ing it with anything you've said in this thread. That tool, you going to enlighten us with your magical alternative? Cause I have faith you wouldn't just have used it as a shallow pretext to trap someone into admitting something that when viewed a very specific way could be seen to support your view as far as I can determine your view at all.
  6. So glad I missed that, arguing these points in wow rift and now swtor would have killed me.
  7. No they've now stated it's ont he table being discussed. Not quite the same. Do you remember pve to pvp transfers in wow? UN-thinkable at first cross realm lfg? UN-thinkable at first raid lfg? UN-thinkable at first there current attempts to merge servers as much as possible via friends and inviteing people from other servers? UN-thinkable at first It's naive to think this genre or any are set in stone. Especially when there words have never been harsher then "We're not currently planning this"
  8. I'm sorry did you enter here thinking bioware would stop everything eventually and announce a winner? I suppose in one way they will when we see the final adaption of there current lfg system that's in the works remembering that wow and rifts own started out one server.
  9. cross server is a solution. cross server with an option to search just your own is a solution. Apparently putting forward solutions doesn't end the debate, turns out all we can do is argue for our own and wait and see which bioware goes with.
  10. Except the answer to your problems is in the cards, and your failing to see the other side. How bad was your friend? was it possible to complete the run? If not how shocked can you really be when people leave and do you actually expect same server people not to bail in such a case?
  11. Right back at you. And you have yet to lay out any reasons, can you stop with the inflamatory posts? and start with logical ones? that's be a nice change of pace from the norm for you.
  12. Indeed as another has said wow's tool atm is closing the server gap more and more with each iteration bringing us closer to a seamless joining of an entire section of a games community I.e US Euro Oceanic. Something that seems to me to be the epitome of the "community" argument and solving any other debate...but what do I know I'm not afraid of the cross server system.
  13. You proved nothing about others but everything they were saying about you, and you continue to with every post. Weren't you leaving? to do flashpoints I believe was your exact quote. Don't let us stop you if you can that easily get groups, and don't let an optional tool stop you either. Really we should be thanking you, your doing more for our side then our arguments.
  14. I picked the wrong server apparently as I can't find a group. I picked the wrong faction. I'm socially awkward, and would like a tool to be the middle man for me. I have limited time that can't be eaten up spamming general and whispering people. I am one of these, which one doesn't concern you or this topic because all and many more are applicable.
  15. I was running heroics in guild for quite some time after that without nerfs, got a link to those claims? Besides anything the hard content is still there, raids hard mode raids and here a level above. Nightmare mode. That's what I don't understand about your argument, unless you just want an extra layer of gear between you and the un-washed masses? All that changes is the volume of groups and what bioware does with that data is outside the scope of this thread.
  16. I'm sorry but I have to laugh, I had a feeling that was your ultimate "ploy" Go ahead and give us your alternative now that you've had your fun. I'm curious.
  17. Already answered, but if your suggestion is a same server tool then no it wont help low pop servers or pub side anywhere. And thus would not have my support. I'm still waiting on your magic system please enlighten us.
  18. If you have a suggestion go ahead? And so far all you've done is toss childishness around.
  19. Level with me, is your suggestion that the majority of tanks and healers will boycott the system because they can. And furthermore that the que will be longer then currently. I just want to know what I'm dealing with here, because if so you couldn't be wrong in my experience if you tried. And that's not just because your speaking for everyone.
  20. Again, the counter-argument I'd call him what he is but that would ironically be a reportable offense so lets just say when they're last argument is logically met they turn to inflammatory and insulting posts. Especially this poster.
  21. Your logic is a lie. I'm not playing wow because i've played it for 7 years and I'm bored of it not because of the tool.
  22. More decent people, more tanks more healers. Now your closer to acknowledging them all.
  23. Your position is groups formed via cross realm are worse then locally. That so far is your whole argument so we have to assume why that is, I've covered every conceivable route so I'm left assuming I'm being toyed with. Either you feel local groups are superior because they somehow know eachother (on the whole false) Or you feel cross realms are worse because of something you haven't defined. Just what is your point? do you have one?
  24. Except all that changes is the volume of groups, the attitude towards them doesn't change. Feel like we've been here before, and you're carefully stepping around the fact that the pool of players is increased 10 fold or more.
  25. A standard group being one formed from spamming general and whispers amongst strangers. Your argument makes even less sense now. You realize it's the exact same thing just more of it like we've been saying all along?
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