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Posts posted by Hodsy

  1. Im really sorry you didn't get what you was after :(


    I know how it can be the thrill the rush of opening packs! will it be epic rare or trash....you open one....another another another and until you know it you've lost abit of money and logic kicks in....


    At least you enjoyed yourself opening the packs and hopefully you can sell enough stuff to afford to buy one.


    I myself got one on pack 8 ^_^

  2. 8V8 All the way.


    No one likes bumping into a PUG at the best of times let alone 4v4 Y_Y


    8V8 Gives people who dont obsess over pvp,rotations and such like, it allows the common man (like myself) to enjoy a spot of casual pvp without being steamrolled over and over!


    we asked for more pvp content and got somthing no one was asking for Y_Y

  3. Althought i LOVE the idea since it essentialy allows you to customise your speeder which lets face it thats why we play MMO's to customise out characters.


    I doubt they would let us register current speeders in the game. Dont get me wrong this would be amazing!!! A luxury skiff with the two huge pod racer engines attached to it sounds amazing to me!


    BUT! they would loose too much potential money from this as no one would buy the new mount re skins or the packs they come in.


    Take for example the new red spirit speeder, it is in essence the same as every other varient just red, yet on my server it sells for between 1-3 million!!



    What would be a good idea is to expand on the speeder building concept already in the game with the "custom speeders"


    Yes make a chop shop and yes allow us to customise it how we like but i think they would have to create new base models down that it makes new speeders or reskinned speeders viable for people to spend there cash and credits on. They could even release new base models in the cartel packs and market allowing different models to be customised. With it they could release new customised parts on the paks. market


    defently would be awsome!!

  4. I too am considering getting a hyper create but buying the CC to buy it...


    My question is to all those who got them before. Looking back on your purchase would you rather had sold 7kCC for 7 million credits by selling stuff on the exchange.


    My thoughts are if the majority of people didnt get enough items to make it worth while selling them back is not just better to get 7 million credits and waiting for them to go on the GNT?



  5. I agree that although the emote isnt exactly game breaking stuff, people play MMO's for differenct reasons.


    Some like PVE and as such enjoy the content but all things PVE mean a great deal to them


    Some like PVP and enjoy that content to them more war zones are very important and requested allot


    Some like RP and enjoy the emotes and animations on offer and the sit is very important


    Doesnt matter how you like to play the game there will be always important parts that should mean no more or less than any other.


    I personally think this should be given free of charge as it a very basic emote that should of been arround since release. But putting as a legacy unlock would be allot better than making the emotes only obtainable through packs.


    Also on most servers the emote will sell quite reasonably but on the RP servers unless the emote is INCREDIBLY common it will sell for near millions!!

  6. Doesn't make any sense at all from a business perspective to release something new on the market at the same time as a 50% off coins. The new stuff would get people to pay full price on coins to obtain.


    Then again, that isn't to say BioWare has shown a ton of good business sense of late :p


    It makes perfect sence!


    You have to supply somthing to create the demand...

    If they released the offer for 50% off yea sure it will catch peoples attention and get a few extra hits, but release it the same time as a brand new cartel pack and it tempts people who have never bought packs to try it out since they get 50% off


    Perfect business plan supply the product with an offer and create demand.


    I for one would buy a good 2000 CC

  7. I personaly think the new pack was ment to launch WITH the bounty hunter event.




    As you may recall they are adding the ingame cartel purchases which grant 50% off your first purchase. It makes sence that they would launch this feature with a new cartel pack suited to the bounty hunter week.


    They will either launch the next cartel pack after the current bounty hunter event finished OR when the next one begins.



  8. I guess the idea behind it is open up PVP to everyone to try increase the number of people who actively play PVP.


    If it works i guess they would start adding more content that requires sub or a cartel market unlock.


    Just a way of luring people into a potential profit increase.


    Imagine when patch 2.4 goes live and all the F2P flock to PVP along side there normal questing as a way to level fast or avoid planet missions. They get a taste for it and start playing PVP more seriously. Once there hooked BAM! they release sub content and/or Cartel unlock content.


    Although that would mean a HUGE influx of "noob" PVP players meaning drastic loses for experienced PVP players. All fun and games!

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