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Posts posted by Hodsy

  1. Don't you mean the 4v4 ones? There aren't any new 8v8 maps coming as far as I know. But yes, it seems they are all come in 2.4


    refereing to the hutt ball tease possibly hinting on more 8v8 maps and not just focusing on 4v4 arena.


    Im just fishing for info on possible more 8v8 objective maps to play on

  2. I LOOOOOOOOVE this game! :rak_04:+


    I love the voice acting, i love the graphics, i love the PVP, i love the PVP....i hate space combat but hey cant win em all!


    I have the founders title so ive been around near launch and this game has come along way! I might not hard core play this game day and night all year round, but i always find myself drawn back to SWTOR for new events and cartel items.


    I am addicted to the cartel market its not even funny!!!!


    I'm not the sort of person who blows hundreds on cartel pack but when new shiny things come onto the cartel market but i cant help but buy coins! its only £5.99 after all :p My highest level guy is 42 and the rest of my alts around around 25 but they all look SUPER classy because i kit them out in sexy cartel stuff!


    With the new edition of the collection feature for the cartel market which is a god send!!! i can now have the luxury skiff on all my alts without having to fork out 1.5mill per alt!!


    The thing i love most about this game is character customization! I love kitting my alts out with cool gear from the cartel and saving up to get sexy mounts for them! That mixed with the voice acting cut scenes with my characters and its one sexy graphical orgy!


    Keep the sexy stuff coming!

  3. Defiantly would love to see this!


    The ability to customize ships interior and exterior would be amazing! Somewhere to show achievements, pets speeders love all the ideas!


    there would be two ways in which this would happen. Either with a huge update were they revamp the whole space mechanics and allow free roam ships. So that ships become a worthy investment it would only be logical that they would add these features in as a new niche in the cartel market.


    Or as a social expansion pack like the hutt cartel were you would buy the expansion for set amount of cartel coins in order to add the social aspect of your ship.


    If they brought it out any sooner i dont think anyone would buy any packs from the cartel market such as ships or decoration packs as our ships are pretty much useless at the moment.

  4. Here is a fix that always seems to work for me.


    When you launch SWTOR extact when the red banner pops up to say updating launcher, kill your internet connection as soon as the banner pops up. This stops the cycle starting and if timed correctly the red banner will disappear allowing you to reconnect your internet and input your user and pass to play!


    Works for me anyways =/

  5. WOOOOW!


    i thinkg EVERYONE bought the new cartel hyperpacks because on my server (The Proginator EU) there are TONS of rare cartel items starting out at 1 mill and then creashing to 50k!


    Red eye scanners 100k

    bastia 500k

    thul loyalist gear around 50-500k


    Its a free for all!!


    The only thing thats holding value are the new skiffs sat around 1 mill-4mill


    even revan holo is down to 400k! O_O


    If your looking to get the items you missed from buying packs get on the GTN now!


    Ive got plenty of stuff from the packs but im holding onto mine until the prices stabalise.

    Whats it like on your server?:rak_02:

  6. WTS

    Revan holo x2

    Bastila Shan's Tunic

    •Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

    •House Thul Loyalist Upper Body

    •House Thul Loyalist Auxiliary

    •Matriarchal Auxiliary Body Armor

    •Bastila Shan’s Bracers



    Not bad for only 5 boxes ^_^


    If any1 seriously wants them im on the proginator server xD


    It defently is a lottery some people open tons and get nothing and people like me who just open a few just for a laugh get some decent stuff?


    P.S any give me ideas on value of these items


  7. WTS

    Revan holo x2

    Bastila Shan's Tunic

    •Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

    •House Thul Loyalist Upper Body

    •House Thul Loyalist Auxiliary

    •Matriarchal Auxiliary Body Armor

    •Bastila Shan’s Bracers



    Not bad for only 5 boxes ^_^


    If any1 seriously wants them im on the proginator server xD


    P.S any give me ideas on value of these items


  8. Before i create my own guild i wanted to see if there are still any active "main" guilds around The Progenitor.


    I am a level 34 Vanguard trooper, I started playing SWTOR when it launched but lost interest quickly. After returning the game now has my full attention and i want to progress in the game better with a guild.


    Im mainly looking for an all round guild, somwere I can call home and level up with friends and then take on flash points and eventualy end game contect.


    I'll leave this post up a few days and if i dont hear anything ill set up a new guild for new players were we can all grow and learn together.




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