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Posts posted by Hodsy

  1. Does anyone else hate how you spend AGES locking on long range missiles,chasing them round getting there health down to 10%% only to get someone fly by and get the last rapid fire shot it and they get the kill?!


    Would it not be more logical to reward the kill to the person who did the most damage rather than the last shot?


    With the objective missions, sure the idea is to get medals and objective points but its so frustrating when you know you should have 8 kills but on the score board 0....




  2. By converting your Req all you will achieve is fast upgrades...That's it!


    in a week or so normal player will have maxed out there upgrades also...So its hardly game breaking or paying to win. You are simply paying to gear faster.


    Also as stated on the news later that came out 2/12/13 each player is placed in the same match equal to there skill/gear.


    I personally like it as not everyone can spend 5-10 hour a day grinding ship reqs to get maxed out upgrades.


    Also anything to help support the game is a bonus. If you wanna pay real money to get something faster...be my guest

  3. I've been playing SWTOR on and off since launch playing lots of different alts never settling on any of them to go all the way to 55 but last week i finally got to 55!!


    I was so excited and happy and proud. Running my first daily's with my guild and getting a full set of 156 gear.


    But then it occurred to me...I've missed so much!!


    On my rush to 55 id done hardly any of the Flash points only the first 3 really. Id missed different side quests as id been running PVP to skip them and i felt disappointed :(


    Since im 55 now i feel the pressure is off and i can finally enjoy the game at a slower pace.


    So ive completed the Jedi Knight story mode which i enjoyed allot, although i did feel at times around chapter 2 it got abit boring and repetitive but over all i liked it and enjoyed the ending.


    So whats the best way i can enjoy the FULL story of SWTOR? Run every flash point that comes within my level range? How are the flash point story's normally told as i normally jump in via group finder.


    Also you your opinion which class story did you enjoy most on the republic side?


    Thanks for any help in advance!

  4. Although i always welcome these events ive found through my leveling that if i log off in a rested zone by the next day i normally have a pretty decent amount of rested xp which then gives double xp anyway.


    But yes bring back dbl xp!

  5. Turns out ALLOT of people bought the cartel packs this time around.


    The only thing on the market at the moment that's holding value are the ultra rare mounts but the prices are stupidly high.


    The other rare items that would normally go for around 500k-1mill have nerly hit rock bottom lol.


    pretty much all the mounts apart from the rare two have hit bellow 100k and the manadlore set isn't doing too well either. The chest is 300k legs 100k and boots, gloves, bracers and belt bellow 50k only thing holding its value is the helm at 500k but even that has dropped from 3 million lol.


    The sit emote 2 is down to 70k which is a welcome site.


    Training frog and worm are lower than 10k


    Cyborg stuff is holding well around the million mark again as this is a rare/ultra rare


    Most of the trench coats are around 100-300k


    Now would be a great time to jump in and buy buy buy as these items will stabilize within the next few weeks and we should see most of the mounts return to 150k-300k and the mandalore go to around 500-1 million.


    It amazes me how much people panic sell I bought 3 new mounts for 35k 50k and 20k even though i already had them to sell for 150k-300k in a week or so.


    These reports came from the Proginator server at 12pm

  6. SWTOR is still VERY young.


    Most games dont even make it out of the gates.


    Yes SWTOR might not have been that good to begin with but lets face it what brand new game is?


    Take GW2 for example that was meant to be the MMO to end ALL MMO's but it flopped. Yes people still play it but months after release the forums were full of "dead within a year" posts.


    We are coming up to SWTOR second year and i think we have come along way since then. The fact that this game has been able to survive going FTP and then go on to release expansion packs and updates so quickly this summer shows signs of things to come.


    Keep up the good work SWTOR!

  7. If you have common to rare drops from the cartel market and you know for a fact a few people will have them its not very wise to post them first day out the box. Take a few days to sit and watch the exchange to see the prices and when the times right, normally within a week or so, post your items.


    Its only the very rare stuff that you should ever sell first day to get really high prices for before they become more common

  8. $50?!?!?!?!?!?


    I paid just under that the buy the game when it first came out! NO WAY!


    Why should we have to pay for the game AGAIN AND! a monthly sub?!


    These things should be gradually added throughout the next few updates and then one big expansion pack like jump to light speed for maybe $10 but even thats pushing it as our subs and cartel purchases should be taking care of the costs!

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