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Everything posted by BlazingShadow

  1. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooo
  2. 1) Darth Maul- gave him good story and personality worst: 1) General Grievous- What the F. They nerfed him in Episode 3, they ubernerfd him with TCW 2) Ventress and the Nightsisters- I group them together because they eviscerated Nightsister canon 3) mandalorians- there are none besides the death watch, destroyed Mandalore, lawl 4) Anakin- not dark enough
  3. this game does suck. I just resubbed for the PVP and expansion 'till PSWG is a bit more fleshed out. They're making good headway.
  4. the prequel trilogy? @OP: Am I the only blond-hair, blue-eyed individual that kinda digs where this National Socialist Party is goin'? CWUTIDIDTHER?
  5. Trolling the forums, disliking every bit of the game I have experienced. Biggest $150 initial purchase mistake I ever made.
  6. Nydus, you are aware that by purchasing CC goods with ingame credits, you are still supporting the CM by encouraging the original purchasers to buy more goods to sell, right? All things are connected, and every action you perform carries with it a consequence.
  7. The ability to purchase goods within a depressed and failed economy does not make F2P intelligent.
  8. WHy do you complain, comrade? Do you not enjoy Comrade Bioware's gloriously generous, monthly ration of printed currency? You buy essentials, yes, you buy food! In soviet union, all subscribers enjoy glorious spoils of Comrade Bioware!
  9. lol and so it begins...the denial as the eventual P2W creep comes about
  10. this is false. Witches of Dathomir, Death Troopers, huge PVP updates, atmospheric flight(after closing announcement) all came after the TCG
  11. Ah hell, I can't believe I didn't get the chance to buy them. /unsub
  12. Are the battlemaster schematics still available, or did I miss out? I forgot the update was going live and did not buy all the BM armor set schematics... Any answer would be great, thanks!
  13. would be nice to see another way to get top gear.
  14. nooooo. No. NO. Brings back nightmares of hitting Return Fire while fighting a lightside jedi... ffffff-
  15. Definitely the Old Republic hilt from SWG. Curved, golden hilt... on my ex's account, I decked all her equipment out... she used an old republic hilt with unlayered battle armor (meaning 6000 to all protections, next best thing to a master jedi cloak) in Mk3 Crusader armor (gold) with matching cape, ... looked menacing as hell. Drede Shadow... I miss ya, darling Also, the Jinsu Razor... sweet hilt, very simple yet sooo... attractive. here's a lightsaber gallery from Galaxies http://swg.wikia.com/wiki/Gallery_of_lightsabers
  16. if Gunnery gets HtL, can Tactics haz Storm + HtL?
  17. "We don't accept credit." "I find your lack of faith disturbing..." - Cop pulled me over, 2am... "So, where were you headed tonight?" "To Coruscant." -Qui Gon Jinn
  18. That's just terrible fanfiction. This is the Grey Jedi code: We cannot know with certanty if Darkside or Lightside exists. They COULD. But then again there COULD be a giant reptillian bird in charge of everything. Can we be certain there isn't? NO, so it's pointless to talk about.
  19. the ice comets took me by surprise... they looked quite beautiful, reminded me of the ORIGINAL Star Tours but the episode was otherwise boring and made me want to kill myself. I've noticed a bit more and more that the shows have more starwarsy music and not the crap they started with in TCW movie...
  20. *retracted* because of the size of bassilisk war droids, they do not cary many destructive long-range weapons. They need ballistic artillary.
  21. If this is the case then the Krath warships and Republic technology go down in flames. Bassilisks are quite dangerous, more firepower than any starfighters of their time, able to take down ships much, much larger than themselves, and they are war mechs, not just vehicles. Semi-sentient, able to fight in melee range and bombard from a distance. I don't really like seige scenarios, but are we looking at EK holding up at Y4? If so I call shenanigans. Mandalorians are known to sling-shot nukes, and they could bombard Y4 into a smoldering crater.
  22. The masters were not backstabbed, they were confronted, lectured, and even with their defenses up, aware of Traya's presence, she broke right through them. That is true, she is visible to non-force sensitives and yet she can still skulk around ever so gracefully. But this discussion is over.
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