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Everything posted by Buur

  1. It continues to happen at level 50 after you have completed your class quest and when you have max affection. I have max affection with all my companions and they still constantly signal to talk when they don't actually want to.
  2. I am guessing they realized their mistake shortly there-after. I doubt they went on a banning spree for anyone who used that meme.
  3. The monthly payment model is probably dying. MMOs in general aren't. As for nothing being able to compare with WoW, well... you can't release a game that is basically a WoW clone at end game and have none of the polish of WoW. It's one thing to not be as completely polished as WoW, since Blizzard has had just over 7 years of live development to get things right. But when you launch a AAA Star Wars MMO that is essentially just like WoW, you can't make stupid mistakes like having no combat log, a non-functional auction house, a terrible unmoddable UI, vendors that have no workable sort options, trade skills that are worthless, etc. You just can't.
  4. Because I am sure no one here ever made a mistake. It is a game. Not real life. It is supposed to be fun. The sorting system doesn't work at all and almost all the icons look exactly the same. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the game to have a sellback option. If you don't want it exploited (not even sure how it could be), just make it so that after you equip the item you can't sell it back. That way you have to make two mistakes in order to not get a refund.
  5. It is a major part of the story driven game. And it is pretty poor. Why would people not complain about it?
  6. Oh please, mindlessly doing something that is against how you want to play your character is beyond dumb. But it is the only way to get rewarded. It's not about being indecisive. You still have to make some decision. It's just you aren't at all rewarded for making the decision that makes sense for you. In a story based game that is beyond ridiculous.
  7. I would have designed it so there wasn't a vendor that only gave you rewards if you barreled down one path mindlessly.
  8. It's a WoW clone with almost zero of the polish.
  9. Once you hit 50 you are basically punished if you didn't go all light side or all dark side. You are not rewarded at all for playing the character the way you wanted. Very bad design decision.
  10. There are still chests in WoW. They are more rare now and give better rewards for finding them.
  11. I think he means that in WoW there are generally 2-3 areas for your level range. In this game you go from the same planet to the same planet every time. So in that sense it is much more linear.
  12. I base it on this from their website: "In Star Wars: The Old Republic, your class means more than just the amount of hit points your character has or how many skills you can choose. Each class has its own epic storyline that will drive the majority of your character’s journey. These storylines reflect the spirit of the class you chose, some more traditionally heroic, some more sinister. Class-specific content allows you to play through a tailored experience based on your choices." Yes, if I could play through a separate story I wouldn't care about AC swap cause the leveling experience wouldn't be exactly the same (in a game that has heavily marketed the story aspect, that matters). And honestly, I personally don't even want AC respecs for me. I am quite content with the AC I chose. I see no reason why limited, costly, AC specs can't exist for others though.
  13. I disagree. Your class is based on your class story. If your choice significantly changed your story I would see your point.
  14. Care to elaborate or do you just post so you can get people to see your signature?
  15. Ok, than make it so you can never swap your spec, make it so you can never change your professions, make it so you can't Esc out of conversation options to redo them if it didn't go the way you wanted. That'll make your choices matter. I mean, you should have researched all that stuff before hand.
  16. If it is about "choices should matter" than make it costly and put a 30 day cooldown on it so people can't just swap whenever they want. The choice would matter because if you didn't like it you couldn't instantly undo it and it would cost you a lot of credits. It could act as a credit sink, which I read is good for games or something. It also gives the players more choices which is almost never a bad thing.
  17. Don't make it more than it is. It is literally just hitting one button that locks you out of the other half of your class and changes some of the abilities you use.
  18. Actually they did hint it could be. "Advanced Class switching (or re-speccing, take your pick) was, at one point, potentially going to go into the game. Right now, it’s not in the game. It could potentially be added after launch. Like, frankly, anything else. To quote Georg “we reserve the right to change our minds based on feedback and testing”."
  19. I am guessing it will be added in some capacity at some point. Probably not soon, unfortunately. They certainly haven't ruled it out and at some point was going to be included at launch.
  20. No, the game is based around endgame. All MMOs are. The story and voice acting is just fluff.
  21. It's the internet. Everyone is a developer.
  22. Ya, and they all have the same exact animations. Just a tad lazy...
  23. If you do bad dps you don't belong in a raid. But feel free to continue to be bad.
  24. Except that rarely ever happens. In my years of pugging dungeons in WoW I have never seen anyone in a pug rip on someone else about their dps. Maybe other guildies ribbing each other over it, but that is it. It is a fake problem made up by players who are scared to be accountable.
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