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Everything posted by MefuneAkira

  1. Ive notice some seem able to defuse the door bomb faster than 3 seconds. Is this so? Is this a alacrity thing? Thanks
  2. Just wanted to say I really lol'd at your sig. Brilliant.
  3. Jar-Jar Binks - Over used and annoying. Midichlorians - Killed the spirit of the imagination with unnecessary pseudo-science. Lame. CGI looked CGI - Hardly any sets and it showed. Padme left Jar Jar in charge - A script decision that killed any credibility to the storyline. Everything goes bad because padme left Jar jar in charge. Why would she leave an idiot in charge? Anakin goes sith, then back to jedi, then goes back to sith again? - Anakin kills all those kids - then he visits padme for a whine-fest - then kills all the separatist leader -THEN he gets the "evil eyes" and goes full sith to fight obi-wan? It should have been - Anakin has his whine-fest with padme, then kills the kids and becomes a full sith. To kill the kids then go talk to padme calmly and content is nonsensical writing or editing or both. Nothing more evil than killing a bunch kids. No heart - Unlike the original films, the characters were lifeless. I blame George Lucas for this as he is not a very good director. Should of had Spielberg do it or anyone but himself. Worst line in all the prequels? Episode II - Anakin and Obiwan chase a bounty hunter into a cantina. Anikan - "I think he is a she and I think she is a changeling" Obi-wan - "In that case be extra careful" Extra careful? Seriously? There is a ton more, but meh.
  4. Iosnowore - SINR Guild right? Made armor? Ah Starsider, the last Zion of busy servers for SWG. Thats something I also miss, the crowd. The best I get with SWTOR on my server is a small group around one the GTN terminals. lol Well they're giving us Guild Capitol Ships. Thats a start and the notion they do listen to us. Here's hoping.
  5. Patch 1.1.3 Player Housing and Guild Centers now available on Tatooine and Dromund Kaas Random minor Experience and Stat buffs now occur over time in main cantinas on every planet. Bounty Hunter can now hunt Jedi Players via the Bounty Hunter Guild center. no?
  6. Combat, simplistic crafting and datcron hunting. Not much there. This is a Star Wars MMO and many who are here were spoiled by the older Star Wars MMO that had many combat, non-combat and social game play options. Bored now. Maybe not down the road. Game is new. Yeah.
  7. Dude. Yes. Bounty Hunting other players was so....um...*********** bad**. Nothing else like it still.
  8. I hear ya, but I think it was more for the quest of subscription $$$.
  9. Actually, what happened is...Jar Jar snuck onto Palpatines ship and shot Anakin's burnt body into space and put on the Darth Vader outfit. Yes, Jar Jar is Darth Vader. You heard it here folks!
  10. Actually, its the fault the Trade Federation gunner who shot the rest of the astromechs but missed R2 as they left Naboo. Edit: Sorry it was the gunners wife's fault for packing his lunch with a BBQ Nerf sandwich that had gone bad, which in turn made the gunner sick, hence the bad shooting. Edit Edit: Sorry again, it was actually the butchers fault for.....ok Ill stop.
  11. Dude that is scary! (the scorpion is cool though)
  12. You must have voted for Bush. Bazoing! Oh she was all over his saber. Giggity giggity goo!
  13. Who leaves the completely unqualified idiot Jar Jar Binks in charge of Naboo's affairs with the entire republic senate, who is then tricked into calling for absolute authority for Palpatine? Padme. Thats who. What Anakin ever saw in her, I just dont know. Tsk tsk.
  14. I disagree. Many asked for guild housing and they are giving us Guild Capitol Ships. I think Bioware are a bunch of competent guys who know to listen to their players and take what they have to say, at least, into consideration. SWG2? Probably not, but some of SWG's non-combat and social game play options, could be. What am i trying to accomplish? I already did. Voicing my opinion. Thats about it.
  15. You need the original discs to play SWG EMU and many dont have them anymore or DL'd the client.
  16. Speak for yourself. I dont understand why people who hate these "leaving" threads take the time out of there lives to click them open, read them, then complain about them. FYI, I dont care that you dont care. To the OP. I wish you well my man and hope to see you back when they hook us up with a better LFG option.
  17. The remainder. Its says it when you cancel.
  18. Im not offended if you bash SWG. Say whatever you like. Doesnt bother me one bit. Just some feedback for bioware. Like I said, I do like the game. Im just a little bored and would like to see some non-combat and social game play found in a previous Star Wars mmo. Simple as that.
  19. and running from EVERY bantha on the way to Fort Tusken. Ah, the good ol days. lol
  20. I've been reading/hearing from many that they completely skip crafting and side missions and just go with PvP and Story Class quests all the way to 50. Is this what you're doing and why? Thanks.
  21. Point taken. Perhaps the term should have been "more star warsy" on my points.
  22. Not allowed? Why? Seems perfectly logical as this is another Star Wars MMO and is relevant, as are the suggestions written in a non-abrasive, constructive feedback manner.
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