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Everything posted by DarthRamette

  1. Do they count those free 30 days as active subscriptions? That is the only thing keeping my account active right now.
  2. She was bat shi* crazy, and he had no issue with her being killed. What a dad huh? I did notice when you told her he was alive if you went that route for a moment she called him dad.
  3. I was rather pissed at Quinn for what he did and I think a couple convo's later with Pierce I had a one night stand with him to get back at Malavai. My SW still loves him and forgave him but she has not forgotten either.
  4. I personally would love to see a SIS agent for the Republic as I loved the Imperial Agent story and likewise an Imperial Trooper, like a person who made thier way from the bottom to command of the Imperial Guard.
  5. If you take Pierce with you during the "incident" as I call it, he and Quinn get into a pissing contest which is funny as all hell to listen to.
  6. Que is not popping but there are enough people to play. BW said there was an issue but they though it fixed but it isn't.
  7. O M G...that is so awesome. I can so see that.
  8. Why do some only PvP in this game and not do the story lines and such? I never understood that.
  9. This is one of the emails I got when I wrote them about thier pvp issue: Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you may have experienced in respect to the state of the game's PvP. Rest assured that your feedback is valuable to us, we have taken steps to ensure that this will looked into. As a PvP player myself, I can understand where you are coming from. We deeply value your support for Star Wars: The Old Republic and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service simply because our customers deserve the very best. We apologize again for the inconvienience this has caused and we hope to see you again in better times. If you have any further questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us again. Now the pvp element is broken on my server.
  10. From the ones I have played I would rank them like this: 1.) Imperial Agent- Wow jut wow. The twists and turns, the different choices even up till the end were great. I loved that story and will likely play it again. 2.) Sith Warrior - Even thought I knew early on who I would kill it was a fun story and just fun to kick some butt. 3.) Sith Inquisitor - Like the whole back history thing but it could have been more. 4.) Jedi Knight - Only got to Taris today but so far it isn't that bad. 5.) Jedi Consular - Got bored of it around level 14.
  11. My husband said that when Baras took off his mask it reminded of him Darth Vader in Ep VI.
  12. What is going on BW, pvp for my server has been down since last night. I would like to work on my lvl 50's and perish the thought my other toons and do a little pvp but I can't. Why is the pvp down and when will it be back ?
  13. Well if my kid wakes up from a nightmare or is sick and needs me I will quit period, my family comes before a wz. If you had kids you would understand that. Second, our IP had an issue about 3 months ago and our connection would be stable then the net would go out for no reason for 5 or more minutes, I called and they had no idea why it was happening but it was. Perhaps you should not generalize so much.
  14. I play with my husband like you do with your wife and we tend to take objectives together as well. I don't know to be honest, I tend to not leave wz unless I am thrown in the middle of a badly losing match like a 4-0 Huttball match, I will leave. Other then that I will stick it out. You cant with an automated system which sucks in a way, I do get tired of seeing the same people bail time and again when things don't go their way. I wish there was a way to punish people like that who you know will bail on you if things get dicey. Give your wife props for playing with you, I love it with my hubby and we have a lot of fun together.
  15. If you ignore the kid then yes you are, I tend to play when my son is either taking a nap or when he is in bed so those issues don't come up. Yes I do have to deal with the occasional night issue with my son but I know that having a 2 year old is not going to be condusive to a good mmo experience.
  16. One of them all she does is yell at people about not having geared correctly ie non BM gear and then *****es when things dont go her way. She will call names and leave the wz saying we are stupid and morons. All she was doing was sitting at turret guarding it refusing any help and getting jumped by 3 Pubs and then blaming it on us. For her, she isnt trying she just wants her comms and wins. I have seen it more then once. Sadly you can't distinguish but those people who always leave when they are not winning screw those of over who try. This one fresh 50 had all recruit gear asked what she should do as a fresh 50 and this person told her to leave the wz she will only hurt them and dont come back until she gets BM gear. We went down two turrets and she called us morons, noobs ext and left. We went on to win the match handily w/out her working as team.
  17. I do see certain people on my server in the 50 pvp bracket will leave 100% of the time if we are losing, once a door is open, nodes capped ect you can bet they will leave and screw the rest over. Its those people who need to be punished, not the occasional person who has a d/c or a personal issue come up. The people who desert because they can not stand to lose need punishment.
  18. You don't have kids do you? If this comes along which I think BW would be smart enough to not implement this I am gone. My kid is my priotirty and if I have to leave a wz because of a kid related issue then so be it. I feel bad leaving my team but you want to punish me. Its easy to say by a new computer, you going to pay for it?
  19. Nope, the first toon I created was a Juggernaut, played that through, just got done playing through the sniper story and LOVED it, next will be a Jedi of some kind. I play what I want and don't do the FOTM routine.
  20. I hate huttball period, I do just fine in it as a Sniper but I just hate the game itself. I would be happy if I never played this again simply because it isn't my cup of tea...or at least get a few new Huttball maps that are different.
  21. Yup sent an email to BW about this yesterday and I was told to post about it in the suggestion box thread and it got buried in there. I was shocked I actually got an 8 v 8 last night and what a difference. They have no fix for this and just said they were sorry about it.
  22. Your not the only one, it takes half of forever for 10-49 to que and I can be on for over a half hour for the 50 pvp and nothing on my server.
  23. I agree and would love to see this expanded. I mean I am married to Quinn, the Emperors Wrath and by the way he talks to me you would never know it.
  24. This is a major issue that is killing PvP. I have not had a match yet today that has been 8 v 8 and had at least 5 matches that have been 4 v 8 or 5 v 8. My husband had 2 matches that started 3 v 8. This takes any fun out of PvP when you are going to get crushed no matter how you slice it. We are not there to be farmed for medals by the other side. This imbalance needs to be fixed quickly as it is killing pvp. I enjoy pvp and the wz but not any longer. This has made my husband and I to stop pvping period and I did not renue my sub when it came up. Until this is fixed more players will quit pvping and more then likely quit altogether.
  25. I am tired of starting war zones with a 3-4 person disadvantage for over 90% of the matches. I have not had one in 2 days that has been 8 v 8, in fact I had 2 wz that were 3 v 8. I am not there to be farmed for medals for the opposite side. You need to fix this BW because it is unacceptable and rives more people from PvP then you already managed to do.
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