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Everything posted by JMCH

  1. You seem to forget there were - 2 dailies, one of which doable by anyone, rewarding one bag each - 2 weeklies as well, rewarding 3 bags each. - twice cheaper consumables - ~50% more comms rewarded each try, assuming you win as much as you lose, which is not systematically the case
  2. I'll not going to attack a world boss or anything else solo because I know I won't be able to take it down. I'm generally not going to fight "balanced" elites if they reward less in-game currency or items than regular trash, and on top of that end up costing me in-game currency because of consumables needed to kill them.
  3. It's almost as long to PvE grind the Recruit set than it was to actually play PvP for the Centurion/Champion mix stuff, and it was better stuff, relatively speaking.
  4. There's one ok case, though... it's draw to death duels With DoT-specced marauders/sentinels, a significant chunk of your damage is done by the said DoTs. So if you kill, say... a merc, then die to his own DoT shortly after, all is fine, and quite fun actually. Now, the issue with healers systematically overwhelmed by damage dealers is perfectly explained in the first post : why take a healer when you can just kill faster and have the same "balance" if not better? In fact, it's even worse than that as 2 damage dealers will virtually instant-kill almost anyone (before a healer can even react and cast real heals), big defensive skills aside. And I have even worser news, certain classes have monstruous AoE attacks, some have decent AoE with damage amplification embedded... dps fest will never be a good thing... NEVER.
  5. Recruit has about the same stats as Centurion back then, and the said Centurion gear made my heal merc lose a lot on effectiveness compared to lvl 47 artefact/proto/proto combo oranges... something like 200 aim, 100 end and alot on the crit/surge/power side. Yeah, you gain 10% damage reduction, but you'll sacrifice way more than that in stats, for sure. Recruit will only boost survivability by diminishing aggro generation, at least for a moment since it will soon reverse.
  6. If you don't get 3 medals, you get 0, ZERO comms. The ~20 comms matches I had probably were 3-4 medals ones.
  7. As there is almost no content, make sure to have the few content abominably time consuming and even frustrating... You must be sarcastic.
  8. Whole post is correct. 1- Look at the "d" at the end of "required", it's past time. 2- Bracers, belts and relics are the only available "high grade" parts straight from the trainer. 3- Where did you get the plans for your Columi implants? HL PvE I guess... 4- Rakata crafts are still BoP if not changed in 1.2a. I should have added the fact no PvP item is craftable (except the WH armor they added for whatever stupid reason since you can theorically have it via PvP itself and the crafted one is just an empty shell like any orange piece) as it seems craft is no more PvP than PvE, it's all about... uh... useless cash sink.
  9. Considering BM prices, lvl 40+ gear is ok, anything else is nonsense. Considering lowered comms reward and doubled consumables prices, you can't buy anything anymore anyway...
  10. If you've not discovered it already, I think I should tell you something... Crafting "high grade" lvl 50 gear has never been available except for some BoP secondary items, which required you to have HL PvE BoP loots btw.
  11. We should ask for ads to display on our toons...
  12. 4 hours ago, we've been steamrolled by a team whose damage dealers were all playing solo... almost never had more than 1 sentinel on my heal merc, no interrupt either. It's really a pity to lose to this kind of players mainly because no one has a decent stuff (I probably was the second best stuffed in this group with my 3 main champ pieces seeing the charts...)
  13. You won't for long. If you don't see what's up, get a brain, seriously. (and note me as well as others pointed it out many times already...) The issue is not winning or losing, it's not being able to play equitably mid-term if you can't even refill the consumables you used or should use. Close fights without consumables = no play. Steamrolling the other = no play, but you're rewarded. Being steamrolled = no play. See the issue?
  14. Perhaps he was somehow in ambush or something like that. By being chain-killed defending a node I had no defense bonus either, I almost only had time to drop my AoE to interrupt, then come back with the speeder and have the AoE ready again.
  15. They count for numerous reasons. 900k damage and 1 kill means BAD damage dealer. 90k damage and 40 kills, depends on the case, could be a serial fragger or those frags could be useful. The same could be done with deaths.
  16. I'm thinking of using a (damage + healing + protection)/(damage taken - protection - (deaths * 15000)) type formula, representative of the positive or negative impact of a player. You generally don't have enough time to choose who you give your vote, though...
  17. Yeah, and 1.3 will give more pvp xp in june, and this un august, and that in october... The issue is NOW, not "then". If they don't know how to matchup based on the matches stats, even without pre-existing stats tracking, they shouldn't develop games.
  18. JMCH

    PvP is a joke now.

    That's exactly what many of us complain since the patch went live... not that we already are bored winning without an ennemy, just we have some common sense. If there's no point in participating a warzone, you don't. Soon, the actual steamrollers probably will be steamrolled again and again by really good players and they'll whine all day... it will be fun.
  19. I will ask you to not open wounds more than they are... seriously? lvl50 crafted gear?
  20. 100 WZ comms for the daily, 1 BM bag with roughly 25% chance of half an armor piece inside previously. 16 WZ dailies a piece, versus 1 in 4 chances each day. It's not really cheaper, in fact.
  21. The issue is the whiners responsible of the heal nerfs were attacking only once and declared forfait, not even trying to interrupt a cast, stun or anything. Dunno how BW didn't see this as it was obvious. I had a hard time killing a merc/commando with my assassin because of lack of CC/interrupt, but he didn't outheal the damage I did... and that was with a tank specced assassin. With a little more experience, I think I could have killed him with real skill (not lag exploits or other stupidity... simply playing considering timers knowledge and such).
  22. 1.1.5, you had relatively better in less than 1 week pvp missions. 14 bags from the dailies. 6 bags from the weeklies. 2 to 3 bags from WZ comms rewards (at 100 comms a run winning and losing, accounting for the medpacs used, I think it's reasonable to consider we could then obtain 1600~2400 a week). Total is 23 bags, with 15 Centurion commendations and 7 Champion commendations each, or 345/161. 161 Champion commendations was almost enough to get the 3 main armor pieces. 345 Centurion commendations was enough for the remaining pieces. At the time, the expertise gap was similar between Centurion and BM as it is now between Recruit and BM, Centurion stats were similar to Recruit, too. All in all, it was WAY easier pre-patch because there was an intermediate set you could buy at least some parts before being able to even try to have BM.
  23. JMCH

    I was wrong about 1.2

    It's all truth, though I'd have to play as a DPS, which isn't the case. In real gameplay I sometimes combo 200k heal + 75k damage, 300k heal is out of reach with DPS boost and no competitive stuff atm. Sometimes I dump all my heat for 6k+ damage on one target because I'm there and it's needed. Also, why heal a stupid tank in the middle of 8 ennemies of which 3 are low on life when you could pull some AoE on them? You can't save the lone tank anyway, so... After all, that's how healing classes were supposed to be played, and that works unless you're facing severe imbalance. Hopefully, there's no full merc/sorc premade group running, with some luck we'll never see it.
  24. That used to be the case, as long as I didn't see a severe mid-term imbalance in favor of the inevitable 10:1 winners versus just "average" 1:1 players. Winning or losing by a slim margin against a full War Hero team is what I love, but it won't be sustainable if I can't even refill my medpacs stock each match, while they often use absolutely none steamrolling poor pugs, thus already giving them a reward advantage. Stims and medpacs are part of the PvP mechanics, removing them only from those who need them the most is beyond stupidity and will increase the gap even more. As a result, the 10:1 team will become 50:1 and the 1:1 players will become 1:4 at most.
  25. You can work VERY hard against some high rank full BM players with your mixed champ/cent stuffed heal merc (you gain nothing from Recruit except implants which are a good bit better than Centurion), interrupt 6 of them trying very hard to tag a cannon with your mates and die so quickly you don't even earn the 1k def medal, win the match and earn absolutely nothing. Sure, someone never playing in a pickup group won't encounter this kind of win... and I can assure you it's just insulting.
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