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Everything posted by Genttry

  1. Werd. I agree. Keep bolster but make PvP gear (for PvP) advantageous. No one likes to be a doormat. Especially if you have all of your abilities bound, play well, but simply can't perform on the same level as someone who is rolling thier head on the keyboard and destroying people because they logged umpteen million hours in PvP. This is the heart of the issue- make PvP more inclusive, force players who spent the time grinding gear to actually play well with binds, strategy, etc. to prove that they are the best. All competitive PvP'ers, I would think, are more than ready for this challenge. Bring it on!
  2. You are absoluteluy right, friend! Too much testosterone. And it is over a video game. I feel silly I used to take this stuff so seriously, but a dose of the real-world put my butt in check. I don't play PvP in tournaments for money anymore and I miss that, tbh. Only the very best can get sponsorships amd make a career of it. My 1L was paid for from it, and I count that as a blessing. My testosterone-fueled hubris is at an end...back to the issue I do support---- Arenas in SWTOR. I think 4 vs. 4 may make for some fun times!
  3. How do you define cheating? If you define it as abusing the bolster system, then I don't agree with you. If Bioware codes it to be like this, then the player is taking advantage of what is available. I don't consider that cheating. Bad coding, maybe, but not cheating. If you are talking about specific hacks outside of abilities we all can use on the different classes, then that is different and I agree with you. However, I played pretty hardcore in pre-2.0 and I've never seen someone "hack." My prior guild was reported many times for hacking and we even talked to a GM about all of these reports, but we didn't hack, nor did anyone get banned. It was simply utilizing what was available in- game via abilities. I'm interested to see, though, what hacks all of these posts are talking about- outiside of the "taking full advantage of the bolser mechanic" issue. I have yet to see a hack that isn't about the bolster system or contributed to lag. Knowing gamers and high-speed coders, I wouldn't doubt that they are out there...I personally haven't seen cheaters though. My sampling is small. I don't play 24 hours per day and I only have 2 toons. edit: C'mom- there has to be a ton of people who are like "screw you," hacking is pervasive. Even if you haven't seen it, I have and it is detroying my fun! Hackers are everywhere and it is ruining my gaming experience. Let's face it, the majority of people, or even the minority of people who can code at this level, pop up in so many warzones that it makes me want to either stop pvp'ing or unsub. I know you peeps are outh there, just post some replies that HACKING is this pervasive. I really want to hear from you and see examples. A screenshot showing a GM agreeing to ban A BUNCH of players will go a long way to make your point!
  4. Good to hear from you, man. i didn't realize you even played SWTOR. How was Korea? I hear they game hard there. I haven't seen any numbers come up; hope you are doing well. I miss our 3s! You are right, I stooped low. I didn't get any response on AJ re: that guy. The few guys who are ranked and also play SWTOR sent me a few PMs but I shan't repeat them here. All of them were like yours, though...why stoop so low. I guess we all have moments of weakness. Anyway, hit me up on AJ PM and if you have a toon in SWTOR or a guild, we can have some fun if I am on same server. I play two healy classes; hit 55 not too long ago so I lack great gear. Also, I'm still on my druid and other mage once in a while, plus my priest. I've been out of all gaming (wow especially) for a while because of school and these effin billable hours but all toons can be geared in time and if I can help you make a push on one of your alts at season's end again I will. Hooah to you last tournament. Share sum monies wif me, K? I have student loans now and a lot of hours spent at work. Thanks buddy, I'll look for your reply on AJ. edit: not joking on monies lolo...I spent all of my money on these thick ugly books during last two years of school. I'm in DC at a firm hoping to get hired to make more monies. I start in a few weeks. I have a place so if you are traveling through via Reagan or Dulles, You have a place to stay, Can't play video games anymore to pay my bills:( The real world costs too much! Again, thanks for posting and good to hear from you bud! 2nd edit: I won't troll him anymore. Soz, I look bad now, K? Hit Me Up on AJ you athlete!
  5. Disagree. While there are some problems to be fixed, Bioware is moving in the correct direction. Please fix the bugs and continue with refining the bolster implementation. Make sure PvP gear is at least as good, or preferably better, than PvE gear in Warzones, add cross queues to ranked and implement arenas and we are looking even better. Thanks, Bioware. Cheers!
  6. Did I miss an announcement re: Bioware banning them from playing in warzones? Are they still allowed to participate in open world pvp?
  7. Clearly, the OP, evilmoka, is supposed to top the dps chart on whatever class she plays. Duh! These nerf threads are so awesome! I say we just buff Evilmoka; not her class, just her specific characters. I'm tired of not seeing her top the damage charts and I'm tired of her having to push way too many buttons compared to everyone else! It's just not fair for her anymore Buff Evilmoka!
  8. Really, really bad comparison. I could say a lot of things but I'll just leave it at wow- what a poor choice you made... video games compared to Hitler? Oh, Rodney McNeely...
  9. /signed I mentioned this in my other post thanking bioware for taking a step in the right direction with Bolster, even with all of the bugs, et al. I love WoW arenas. At the very least, having an arena system with searchable ratings will help to curb all of these arrogant pvp posts where people claim to be the best pvp'ers ever to play SWTOR. In WoW, after Blizz made ratings searchable, the pvp forum bragging really slowed down. Arena Junkies contains the smack talk now, but at least the people who post there are all in the top 0.5% so they most likely have some knowledge and aren't just legends in their own mind. Whoops, sorry I talked about the other game too much. I agree with you though...implement 3s or 4s or 5s arena! edit: 4s arena sounds like a really cool possibility. A tank, heal and 2 dps or...think of all the crazy *** possibilities!
  10. Genttry

    A useful tip

    hahaha, touche
  11. Makes sense to me. My only concern is that, upon changing set bonuses, you have to grind 2 sets of gear: one for pvp and one for pve. However, if the stats on the gear for PvE and PvP remain the same, except for set bonuses, then the new bolster system still retains the advantage of leveling the playing field enough in my opinion. Fair point, friend. Maybe changing the bonuses can address some class balancing issues.
  12. Interesting idea...definitely inclusive...it will also allow PvP'ers to jump into end game PvE. I'd argue to maybe even keep set bonuses the same. Interesting.
  13. I agree. Bolster closed the gap. Bioware could help the situation by clarifying, in concrete terms, how bolster works and maybe definitvely give PvP gear an advantage in warzones. They could also fix the few bugs with the new bolster. Let's face it: the Devs came up with a pretty good plan to include more pvp players and to make matches more competitive. Plus, if their claim that they can more easily fix balancing for specific gear pieces, then even better!
  14. Sorry Yoda, I do actually "enjoy" the majority of the new Bolster system. You can call me names or make fun, But I enjoy the tighter games. It sounds like you don't enjoy the new bolster system which stinks for you.
  15. Thanks, I agree. We all know there are a few problems to be fixed (clarify exactly how bolster works and definitely make PvP gear better than PvE for warzones) but right now we have closer PuG games which translates into more competitive and fun games.
  16. Heyo Eric- There are plenty of people who actually enjoy the new bolster system, sans the few bugs to be fixed. Thanks for taking the time to post and thanks for (overall) a step in the right direction re: PvP! edit: *Prepares for the vocal minority of disgruntled PvPers to lash out...*
  17. Seems to me that is working as intended. You are simply utilizing all of your abilities. I'm confused by this part of your post. Healing yourself to stay alive is a good thing in a "single dps" as you say. It seems like your complaint is really that Bioware gave you a heal and you don't want it in your dps spec? Also, I don't think that Bioware balances the game for 1 v 1 duel type seceanrios. Instanced PvP is about having the right comps, good communication, skilled players, etc.
  18. Hi Friend: 1- Augment glitch needs to be fixed, i agree. 2- PvE gear should not be better than PvP gear at level 55, I agree. However, I don't mind a small discrepancy between the two and that, I think, is what is at the heart of Bolster: to be more inclusive of all players. More people queue'ing on a better- leveled playing field is a good thing. They (casual, non-hardcore PvP'ers who have been refered to as tards in this very same forum) queue because they know it is harder to get rolled by "hardcore" pvp'ers. Hardcore pvp'ers can still shine, though, as I stated above. Who cares if it is harder to shine? It's more challenging and more fun to have a level playing-field. 3- Healing is fine. Sorry, I disagree with you. One dps vs. one healer should have a very long TTK; two dps vs. 1 healer should still be hard but doable with very coordinated cc. Despite the crying on this forum of 3 dps not being able to take down a healer, most people, especially in PUGS, don't coordinate cc like such. Unless we are talking rateds where the healer's team is actively doing everything it can to keep a healer up, the TTK for healers in non-rateds is just fine. I have to reserve judgment for rateds until I know more, to be honest. SWTOR has been a rollfest for DPS up until nopw. 2.0 is the start of bringing the game back to balance in my humble opinion. 4- Kudos, Bioware. 5- I conceded points that I thought were good on your part. Thanks, friend.
  19. I fully agree that another benefit of 2.0 is to encourage not only more people to queue up, but also to allow support players an important role in PvP. Tanks have always been good on rateds, but they are now more popular in non-rateds, too. healing right now is looking good, despite what many in this forum say. Give it time, let everyone get to 55 with good gear and we will see where healing truly is. Right now, though, a guarded healer and a good tank are really kick-butt. As for your idea re: proximity...interesting.
  20. I agree here. This is akin to WoW-arenas. In my other post thanking Bioware, I've made this suggestion in several posts. Cheers.
  21. I like this post. Clear and concise. I tend to write too much. Thanks fellow 2.0 fan:)
  22. After a few weeks of this new Bolster system, things are looking better. While a lot of people on this forum complain, I THINK that 2.0 engages more people to PvP. Good job, Bioware. The really good players will still shine, regardless of the narrowed gear gaps. It is definitely harder to "roll" people now based on how much time one spent on grinding gear. This is a good thing. WHo cares about grinding gear- it is competitive games we pvp'ers are looking for. On the whole, the games are much closer now and solo pugging is much more fun. Further, just look at your rated warzone comments- the whining doesn't appear nearly as much for those matches. Given a little more time, everything will settle in, to include this entire "nerf healer" crap. Kudos, Bioware. Stick to your guns. The people whining in this forum are not a good representation of all game players. Lastly, please implement a WoW-like arena system for 3 v3, 4v 4 or whatever. We could use an arena junkie-style site where tactics, comps, etc. can be discussed by players who are really the best. I realize there is whining on that forum too, but at least you have to be in the top 0.5% to post. Friendly players on that site will take the time to give good answers to good, legitimate questions.
  23. I agree. I think there really is a silent majority of players that enjoy the changes. The people posting on this PvP forum are passionate about PvP. I can dig that. However, the whining gets old, especially when Bioware made a change that seems to be in the correct direction. To be honest, I am surprised that I even got a few positive posts in this thread. Makes me happy! As an aside, I am enjoying playing as a healy operative. It is a big change from playing a healy sorc. I enjoy the mobility and HOTs but I really miss the force pull, especially in Huttball! I'm playing in the lower brackets on my op, and I've seen some crazy healing numbers like 800k plus from sorcs and the bounty hunter healers in the level 50 range. Even some really good ops pull big numbers. I have yet to break 500K at level 32. I'm learning the class but overall it is fun.
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