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Everything posted by Genttry

  1. Here is a link to my AJ thread FYI. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/237814-swtor-20-pvp/ Thanks for your replies friends! Edit: I have the same handle as here except that my name on AJ is Jentry not Genttry. Somebody took my name here:(
  2. Thank you all for the posts. Despite my grammar inconsistencies per previous disagreement with the guy who is awesome at grammar, I think we are developing a good thread that contradicts all of the whine posts I see in this particular forum. I actually rely on good writing in my profession as a patent attorney. My semi-trolling of whats-his-name and just a couple others aside, I think our issue rises to the top...the new bolster system, while flawed in cerrtain cases, is a step forward. Of course, this is a subjective opinion. I still would like to see the model that WoW uses- 3 v 3 - as an esport in SWTOR. Maybe tt is because I'm bored with the ridiculous amount of billable hours I have to put in for my job. Maybe it is because I really want this game to succeed post- FTP and 2.0. I'm not sure. In any case, I like the new changes. It isn't quite 50/50 yet for people in support of my premise, but I am reinvigorated by the positive responses that i didn't anticipate. I don't have to troll dumb "as ses" anymore to get my point across- no more selective quotes, no more feigning to tards- lol at that guy I watched the clip for. Actually, Kudos to him for getting me to watch that. I guess i am the dumb a s s on that one. He's probably Dean of the Dartmouth English Department, but I still invite him to participate in the AJ discussion I will post soon. If he has the ranking to post... Surely, during the last ten years he played WoW and, since he is a "come at me" kind of guy, he played WoW at glad level. Or, in the alternative, he never stooped so low to play WoW and is simply a "come at me kind of guy." Please join my post if you have privileges there. We may get a cold reception for the simple fact that it is SWTOR, not WoW. Let's get a fair assessment of this 2.0 sans whining. If it is no good, then it is no good. But I personally, at first blush, think it is a step in the right direction. . I, like many others, want this game to do well. I, and we, have from the start, I suspect, wanted it to do well. The bolster system has problems but let us make one positive post in the PvP forum. I appologize for making fun of the guy who claims to be the best healer on his server. I also appologize for making snarky comments in a few of my other posts. To Wit: (1) How can bolster be fixed for those of you who are serious about end-game pvp (excluding the glaring obvious problems that bioware proposes to fix) (2) What do you think about an arena-style system of 3 v 3 and 5 v 5 for SWTOR? Thanks in advance! I wiill, from this point on, ignore the best healer on whatever server and others who bring nothing but crap to the discussion. Hit this thread up! Thanks! Otherwise, let's keep this thread going if you would like.
  3. I agree. the benefts for organized PvP will be evident after Bioware fixes the inherent bugs with Bolster. Thanks for posting!
  4. Roger, I hear you loud and clear. New is good. Some other people even mentioned they would like it as long as it isn't the only path to top-end gear.
  5. I agree thanks for the post friend!
  6. I agree. I think that a smaller scale battle like 3 v 3 may provide a better venue for the less-admired classes to find good comps to synergize with. I'd love to give it a shot, though. Thanks for the reply!
  7. Oh snap. A healer who brings good grammar? I can't really talk tough as a pvp'er in this game because the metrics are skethcy in my opinion. Do you play arenas in WoW? We can holler at each other on AJ forums if you are a gladiator. I'll post up and talk some smack. At least we can look at each other's accomplishments in arenas and stuff for smack talk. Back to topic: What does everyone else think of 3 v 3 or 5 v5 SWTOR pvp yo?
  8. Ah, ok Scotland- thanks for clearing up the meaning of that post. It's all so confusing! And yes it did take three posts but it seems to have a lot of views and responses now. Sorry you don't like the 3v3 or 5v5 idea. Oh well. I was even starting to look forward to partnering with you friend! maybe we can catch up in what you call E-sport Ranked. I'll even heal you when you get low. Thanks for continuing the discussion, Scot. Any more input is welcome.
  9. Agreed! 2.0 improved PvP. Healing and burst are closer to being balanced now. Woot woot I found 2 more 2.0 supporters! Drive on!
  10. No no, you misunderstand. The OP (me) isn't bashing anything. I'm applauding 2.0, or at least most of it. Or did you mean something else like "resume bashing the original poster?" Scotland, can you help me out on this one? You have a better grasp on the written language, or at least you make me think you do friend! edit: Back to the topic- SWTOR PvP as an E-sport post 2.0 changes with a more leveled playing field! How about 3 v 3? What do you think of that? Or 5 v 5?
  11. In competitive arenas like WoW 3v3, the aim is to attain gladiator ratings. Getting the gear to become competitive enough to reach the top 0.5% is a chore. Attaining the win/loss ratio is the challenge. Finding comps that work is the challenge. That is the goal. I know the system in SWTOR isn't there yet, but that is what I am personally hoping for. 3 v 3 in Swtor would be fun in my opinion. edit; Despite my poor grammar, Scotland has my back on this. See above. He and I will start this publicity drive. In return, I endeavor to improve my writing skill. He may have to be the poster from now on...I'll just bring esprit de corp to the process
  12. Great start! Let's start a publicity drive, create a buzz, get more coverage from established gaming sites like AJ, find some cash prizes and competent play-by-play callers. See, my poor grammar has not driven us apart as far as you may suspect friend! Let's carry the banner for this movement and see how far we can go with this thing.
  13. Me too. There are some glaring problems with 2.o PvP. We shouldn't be able to PvP naked. I don't care for PvE gear being viable either. /signed for having faith that those will be fixed
  14. Okie doke, I watched it. Again, sorry you don't like my grammar friend. I suppose the Queen may not approve either. SWTOR as an E-sport though, she would support that I think.
  15. Not really. There haven't been responses that are so poorly written where we lose the point of the post. I didn't claim to be a master of the English language...I simply asked to make sure we can understand the post. Thanks for replying though and sorry if I butchered the grammar friend! I don't mean to offend. And thanks for taking the time to post, although I'd rather see a response more on topic...kudos to you anyway! Back to topic: E-sport for SWTOR! Hit me with the skinny!
  16. I agree. Again, thanks for your post friend. Keep 'em coming all!
  17. Thanks for all of the positive feedback re: 2.0. I knew there were a lot of people who enjoy the changes like me. It just takes an encouraging post to get people to comment on the improved pvp gameplay. Back to the point...I think Bioware is in a great position to create an esport niche for SWTOR with bolster and the newly improved semi-leveld playing field. Like I mentioned, now is the time for them to create their MMO niche. We all want an MMO e-sport apart from WoW, which is arguably doing just "ok" as an esport. We need more positive threads like this with some good input and ideas for Bioware to take into consideration. Thanks for your time and for posting all. I know a few of you posted that you don't like the changes, but the vast majority seem to be happy, which is what I expected. Cheers and keep the ideas coming! edit: I don't believe that healing is as easy as one poster claims. All it takes is a coordinated effort to lock out a healer like in WoW and pre 2.0. Healers are not god-like by any stretch but if that is your opinion, good on you! Thanks for sharing! edit: Also, to the poster(s) who claim that Bioware fails to listen to its audience, I think that 2.0 shows that they do. Most, or maybe many if I go too far, are happy with these changes. It is a more level playing field. I suspect those that don't like it are the ones who enjoy grinding pvp gear for an advantage which, in itself, is fine. If you are going to beat me though, I'd rather it be because your binds are better, you know your class better and you know the other classes well too. I do agree that there is too much cc atm though. Keep the great posts coming. This is encouraging, for me at least. 2.0 seems to be a hit, in general.
  18. I hear ya on the disappointment with Bioware. my entire guild quit when they announced, the night before, that ranked warzones were canceled. I came back within the past few weeks after I got utterly bored with WoW. It's hella fun to level up in SWTOR, I'll give them that. I agree with your comment re: the designer's poor execution. Alas, you are probably right...no sense in holding your breath. As far as getting bored with PvP in SWTOR, I'm personally not to that point yet. I would love to see this as an esport with commentators, an AJ SWTOR site, etc. Wishful thinking maybe...but I wanted to start the dialogue. Maybe someone over at Bioware actually pays attention to well written posts where others provide input...
  19. I think one of the issues at level 55 is that PvE gear is pretty strong at the moment with bolster. A patch may be pending to fix this. I would call this an unintended consequence of the bolster system. If I understand your post, there is nothing wrong with a small gap between different tiers within the pvp gear groups. If that is your point, I agree. Thanks Jtrick:) Cool name. What does the "J" in your name represent?
  20. Heya Somejagoff (snicker), thanks for the reply. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Somewhere in my long post I mentioned breaking the mold. The novelty I'm talking about is to have an MMO game, with PvE and all, with a viable and competitive and maybe semi-balanced esport component. I play MMOs for the same reasons as many others- for the camarderie, for the fun groups and, for me, the PvP components. I simply posit that perhaps SWTOR hasn't developed a niche market yet. It has a fantastic backdrop of the Star Wars Universe which I and many others love. I think now may be a good time to develop a novel esport component. That's all I am saying. The bolster system, sans bugs and other readily-apparent flaws, feels like a step in the right direction toward a more level playing field. I honestly don't know how to balance an MMO esport, but WoW has done it, kind of. SWTOR can maybe take that model and improve it. Like i said I still enjoy WoW arenas and have played to gladiator level. I really want SWTOR to succeed. I think the forums are a tough place to present ideas due to so many people trolling (as you mention) and generally being rude, but that was not my intent at all. Thanks for the reply buddy, mucho appreciado! edit: I agree about the gear grind. However, does there need to be a gear grind for PvP? Maybe an arena mode where bolster kicks in? I don't know, but that's why I ask the question- for ideas.
  21. Lolo I don't work for Bioware. I appreciate your post, although it is more of the same flaming blah blah blah. The game pre-2.0 was actually pop all cooldowns. As far as "baddies", I'm not sure what you mean. People who aren't as good as you? I assume you aren't a baddie since you refer to "them", excluding you. In my experience, baddies are really just casual players or players who don't take pvp seriously as in set key binds, learn how all classes work, etc. They are in every MMO that I've played. They are also a very important part of the comunity and a large reason why we continue to have SWTOR as a game! Sorry you don't like the game post 2.0. I did give GW2 a try and didn't really like it. I still can't put my finger on exactly why, but I think part of it is the fluidity of combat mechanics. Regardless of your snarky attitude, *tips hat* for taking the time to post a reply. Thank you. I personally enjoy the bolster system. Bugs aside, I think it brings us closer to a level playing field which is what I think at least some hard-core pvp'ers are after. I'm still looking for a reasoned response for or against my original post. Thanks! edit: Waywardone, thanks. You at least point to the "time-spent" reward sytem a la WoW as a refute. I still like being able to log on without spending countless hours and retain at least a modicum of a level-playing field based upon how well you play your given class and how well you understand how other classes work. Thanks Waywardone:)
  22. 100 looks and no reply so far. Hit me with your negativity, I don't care. Please make sure we can understand your writing though. I honestly want to know if anyone is hoping/waiting for at least some of the ideas I mentioned earlier. This PvP forum can definitely be more than just a cheese and whine fest. Holla, please give me an idea of where our pvp community stands on the esport issue, et al. FYI- I also support the PvE and leveling-up experience this game has to offer. I'm talking strictly about competitive PvP though, which is why my long-*** post is in this forum:) Thanks for your replies!
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