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Everything posted by philwil

  1. Yep. I thought it odd. Its the rectangle mouse droid sounds I think lol
  2. well, good luck with that. lord knows when they do something somewhere else, they spring another bug leak
  3. This December is the 10th anniversary of the release of GSF. So....there is a chance.................. Im trying to get them to release Galactic Starfighter Cartel Packs again, so people have the chance to get Cartel Ships to fly. They have not been available for years now. Maybe in those packs they can put some deco's as you describe. It would work perfectly I think.
  4. For the 10th anniversary of release of Galactic Starfighter we, the die hard GSF veterans and new players alike, would appreciate releasing Galactic Starfigther Cartel Packs once again. Even if in a limited basis. Please consider this for December this year. If you still have the ability to do so. Many, many people would very much appreciate this. We would like to be able to get them for our "newer" characters.
  5. It isnt broken. At all. You are just new to it. Its how it works, and has always worked. And why do we, as veterans who have played this game since inception think new people misunderstand/misinterpret whats going on for them? Here are some examples: Im in TDM, being chased. I grab a purple power up, for engine. It boosts engine regen and speed and such. Someone in Gen chat of the match told everyone to report me, because its impossible to go from one side of the map to the other without stopping. So, I was "cheating". In another case, I was on a gunship and I had feed back shield on. Someone attacked me, the feed back shield hit them and killed them. "I saw what you did!! Im reporting you! There is no way you can shoot from the side without cheating" Something also as simple as a guy has bad internet, so he is hopping around the map, willy nilly. Someone is screaming he is cheating, because he is "transporting". A gunship has Damage Overcharge and kills someone with one shot. "You are cheating! You arent supposed to be able to one shot and kill" You see where I am going with all this, right? There are more, if you'd like a list. Because we have seen it before. And, there is no auto kick. In your case, might it be a bug? Yes. I mean, they put bugs in all the time. Like seriously. The Tier 4 and 5 deselect bug anybody? LOL! Just trying to let you know, how it is supposed to operate. And has operated. Personally I wouldnt mind it auto kicking non contributors.
  6. In a TDM, if you have a known slicer, purple power ups are the way to go. Keep up a steady diet of them. If you get sliced, your engine regen is high with the purples, and you can easily fly away, faster and longer than the enemy. Make sure you evade as you fly away, they can still get you with protorp. if you fly straight away with no cover. In a DOM, LOS is a thing to utilize. Use cover, evade with starts and stops of your ship if you can and turn using hard angles. Turning fast, and close to the enemy can break missile lock on, so they have to start over again. Hope this helps.
  7. This video is an example of a quick win DOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOz_XlX88E8
  8. If it ends in a tie, in any way, both teams do in fact lose. When it says there are insufficient players, there is a 30 second timer. The team has 30 seconds to kill something or capture a node. A match only needs teams to be within 2 of even on manning. If it is three or more difference in teams, insufficient players will initiate a 30 second countdown, unless more players join which would allow the game to continue. Hope this helps.
  9. The Cartel Ships are really, really rare. They dont put them out anymore, and you will only find them if you find an old player that has one. Good luck!!
  10. Again...there is nothing wrong with non contributing system. Number One: The "non-contributing message" is automatic. Number Two: It does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT automatically boot you from a match. Never has, never will. That would be wonderful though. Number Three: "Non-contributing" message does not appear out of thin air. You have to physically not touch an enemy for a minute and a half, or not be on a captured node. The time frame is approximately a minute and a half or so, from your last damage, or spawn in. Number Four: In order to get kicked for "non-contributing", four team mates have to vote to kick you from the match. So, if you are habitual non-contributor, you might get the quick kick from people who dont like leaches. Number Five: You can get "non-contributing", even if you killed 20, had 125k damage, etc. You just have to not do anything for about a minute and a half. You do not get auto kicked. You have to be voted off. Kinda like Survivor. Number Six: The only other explanation for your issue is, that you got server kicked. If you get kicked from a match, it doesnt kick you to server select screen. Just a FYI. I dont know how familiar you are with the game. So, this is a viable possibility. I have gotten server kicked. Its basically a link death, like form the old dial up days. But it does, and has happened on these servers. So, yeah. Thats how that works. Not the way you say it does. Also, some of you sound like you need to do the tutorial. I know it sucks, but you get the idea of a DOM and how it works. In your hangar in game, click the question mark. It takes you to your own match, no one else is there. Mess around in there a bit. It isnt great, but it helps maybe. On nodes, you have to be like, right on it. If you are above the fins that stick up on node, you arent close enough. Thus, you will get a non contributing. You have to be on a node, or do some kind of damage/interaction.
  11. So, is this video what you experienced? Or something else? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO3Wl1ncEME Dont worry not malware. Just a video showing a huge bug, lol
  12. Number One: The "non-contributing message" is automatic. Number Two: It does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT automatically boot you from a match. Never has, never will. That would be wonderful though. Number Three: "Non-contributing" message does not appear out of thin air. You have to physically not touch an enemy for a minute and a half, or not be on a captured node. The time frame is approximately a minute and a half or so, from your last damage, or spawn in. Number Four: In order to get kicked for "non-contributing", four team mates have to vote to kick you from the match. So, if you are habitual non-contributor, you might get the quick kick from people who dont like leaches. Number Five: You can get "non-contributing", even if you killed 20, had 125k damage, etc. You just have to not do anything for about a minute and a half. You do not get auto kicked. You have to be voted off. Kinda like Survivor. Number Six: The only other explanation for your issue is, that you got server kicked. If you get kicked from a match, it doesnt kick you to server select screen. Just a FYI. I dont know how familiar you are with the game. So, this is a viable possibility. I have gotten server kicked. Its basically a link death, like form the old dial up days. But it does, and has happened on these servers. So, yeah. Thats how that works. Not the way you say it does.
  13. Hmmm. Its not something ive run into in all these years. But its not out of the question, they bugged it since they tend to do that you know lol. Ill keep looking for that issue. Could be random like the sound bug, or the deselect bug. Or, the U/I crash bug, or....well you get the idea lol But yes, its normally set to count each kill for you. The only kill, that tends to NOT be counted on your stats is if you get a final kill in a TDM. Strangely, it is missing form your stats at the end. but that one has been around a very long time.
  14. Just a little something I put together for GSF holiday First one was made last year. The second one is fresh for this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBHNLr-SOQU&list=PLiZgrL_Z7JN11o5vcloQCsWW9l4hLJPbV
  15. The reason B is tactically important, but not necessary to win with is, that it is central to the other two nodes. If you capture B and C, you only have to go that distance to help the other node. Same for B and A. Having A and C, makes travel longer to be able to help your other node. But, if like me, you have potato team mates (because I solo queue), it doesnt really matter, haha
  16. Yeah, i have launched a protorp, moved on to another target because i knew it was gonna die, just before the final blow on my next target the other target died, thus two kills seemingly simultaneous. And, I have had slow team mates, and rattled off 6 or 7 kills in a row, with no enemy killing our guys, so the battle chat listed me for those, all in a row. In that instance, Damage Overcharge was the culprit. 😛
  17. The "skipping" is probably lag. If your enemy seems to banjo around, its probably their internet connection being bad. If you seem to not be able to slow down, or stop firing, or even start firing for that matter, and everyone is jumping, its YOUR internet, lol Just keep that in mind.
  18. You probably had someone else get the last shot for the kill on those other two. It counts correctly, believe me. Just watch the messages when they pop up for kills and look at that. If they died in front of you, and your name doesnt appear as the killer, someone else got the last shot. It happens alot, specially when multiple team mates are shooting the same target. I been playing this since launch, and it counts correctly.
  19. Thats why you got to be on top of what matches are going on BEFORE you queue. There are rare occasions where two matches might start at once. It does work. I use this method often.
  20. I need to add a caveat If you are looking for DOM's, the only way to know for sure is if its Denon. If you only want TDM's, then if its Battle over Iokath you know it is. Lost and Kuat are toss ups, 50/50 if its gonna be a DOM or TDM.
  21. Yeah, I get it. We all get it who have been playing a good while. There is not fixing that, other than to wait out the bad players to stop playing. This is also one of the reasons many vets have left GSF, and SWTOR in general. Im down to maybe, flying 3 times a week or so. Just dont have the drive I used to have for it. Maybe, take some time off and come back and see how it is. It will probably still be here.
  22. In being spawn camped, you can have a little fun by doing the following Take a beacon bomber, and fly it from a spawn not being camped. Or at least try to sneak by Fly your beacon bomber to one of the side spawn points for the enemy, and drop your beacon. Try to get your teammates to spawn on your beacon, gather as many as you can there then the enemy team is going to be like, where did they all go? then bring your team full force from behind them and go that route it adds a bit of fun to a very bad match and you can laugh about it afterwards did this once, and it didnt help us at all for a win, but it was funny the enemy reaction to it and the team mates laughed about it giving some sort of levity out of it all
  23. Here is what you can do, and should be doing to check and see if matches are going on. type in the "WHO" search the following lost kuat denon over only a space between the words, no commas or anything It will give you matches going on. When you get a pop for a match, wait until the timer on accepting or not accepting reaches about 50 seconds Do a new search with those words and you will see what new match is coming up. Because that map begins to populate. If you dont like that map, dont accept it and wait til next match That only works if you have done the search prior to it popping, because if you dont you wont know which match is the "new" match. Hope this helps.
  24. Just shoot someone every so often with your main laser and you are good to go. Thats it. Or put your mines near where enemy may go thru. Mine hits give participation. When bombers first came out and all you did was damage with your mines, you still got "non contributing", but they did fix that one eventually. One shot is all it takes to clear non contributing. Well, I should say one shot along with one hit.
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