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Everything posted by DavieDe

  1. also in regards to dromund kaas the empire probably like the wilderness there makes it a perfect place to hunt, scares slaves and is a handy training ground for Sith to learn in
  2. I like both games but I find myself having more fun in swtor at low lvls then I ever did in wow
  3. You should have to fly to the planet first is my only issue once thats done this would be a good idea
  4. got to give it to the empire also if we are including x-wing games n such then some of those small fighters could do hefty damage ie missile boat for the win
  5. what?????? darn it i wish id know that
  6. did this twice myself spent over 40k half asleep so a buy back would be handy or more sleep mite do it for me
  7. but he killed his master which as Sith goes proves he is worthy of the title he did what every sith aims to do become the master
  8. i like it makes it more interesting when i attack a mob and wonder why im dead a min later
  9. In this case the Sith believe that being pure blood means there more powerful in the force and thus better if, you water the blood you lessen the power, a pure blood with no or little force sensitivity is no better then any other Alien and are ostracized by the rest of the Sith, And powerfull Non Blood Sith can still command any below them if there power is greater.
  10. more planets are coming i believe the first new one will be in the next content release in march
  11. ah the joys of the internet, it happens on most forums there are always people who like to insult and abuse there called Trolls its unfortunate i know, I myself love this game but admit there are performance issues but once there fixing them im happy to play for now anyway
  12. i don't see a major issue with this, we know mandoloriens were working on tatooine and they have access to this tech very possible the sand people killed them and stole it, also i love how some of them pop out of the sand very cool
  13. I love this quest giver he is a paranoid genius
  14. if i only did the major stuff in work nothing would ever get done small fix's come in when they can not everyone is needed to fix major things and there no point wasting resources when they could fix the lil things
  15. the other thing is Hutt's don't take it lying down when one of them is killed, kill one and they will spare no expense having you tracked down and made an example of, unless of course one of them ordered the killing
  16. they may be big but alot of that is meant to be muscle there fast when they want to be and they use there body as weapons who wants to be hit by a HUTT's *** tail,
  17. Most of the ships in the clone wars were built for that war and probably commissioned by palpatine who as a sith lord probably favored the design after all the republic never really fell it just slowly morphed into the Empire
  18. if its true its terrible and hopefully its sorted if not bold troll on another note i love the sreid responses that say no you havent its like a panto
  19. its not my favorite ship but if they allowed me to horde trohpys from my kills in it id be one happy BH
  20. I like the idea but you should also be able to do crew skills from swtor.com which would be handy though to make up for not being in game mite be worth making the mission last longer to not give a big advantage to thoese who have more time on the net
  21. Have to say alot of the lore points to the jedi being a bit closed minded 1 they reject emotions rather then teach how to deal with them 2 they have left millions die rather than go to war 3 they gloss over the fact that a large portion of there order has rejected the councils decision and gone to war anway and as for the sith being afraid of the Jedi, There whole civilization was nearly wiped out by them they know if they reveal themselves and loose the jedi will hunt them down and destroy everything they can to do with them. If you look at it from a future perspective after the Jedi win the war it looks like they erased much of the history concerning the sith, very little is know about them in the future to the point of many of the planets in the empire in swtor are unknown in bby. The whole chiss race is forgotten even
  22. DavieDe


    There was a tweet from mr Reid saying this was on the way i really hope they add this my self, But what i really want is to be able to put trophys on my ship from quests
  23. just to check you know when you go to a trainer for your class its tabbed and that you general class and your advanced class skills are on different tabs, in beta i missed this and my BH missed a good few skills
  24. iv only like 40 underworld trading and iv got to blue schematics for my armortech and 1 synthweaving one to sell
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