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Everything posted by TheOriginalTrey

  1. I tried playing a sentinel the first time I played a JK as well, back then I didn't even know that AC's had their own separate tab at the skill vendor. So I was running around basically as a JK with two lightsabers. Man I wiped so many times. Thank you everyone for your help. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
  2. Awesome! Thank you Yvin! I definitely wasn't expecting a BW employee to reply. I will get to reading that right away!
  3. Thank you I like the way your keys are bound. Right now I have mine set up with my combat abilities on my num pad, my taunts, damage reducers, and interrupts on my row of numbers, and my items on shift + number. It seems like using F keys is commonplace. I'll try that out as well.
  4. Thank you for your advice. I am currently working with a Jedi Knight. I'm more than likely to go Guardian, but I haven't decided if I'm going to tank or DPS
  5. Thank you so much for your help I will keep all that in mind!
  6. I am not technically a new player to SWTOR, I have been playing since December, but I stopped in January to focus on college. I had fooled around with several characters before, but I decided today to move to a more populated server, try to get a character to level 50, and "Build my Legacy". That being said, SWTOR is my first MMO. I did try my hand a WOW, but I never got past level 10 so the experience didn't help me at all. I have a list of questions that I've been pondering and was hoping that more experienced MMO players could help. I was also hoping that maybe other people that were new to MMO's could get something from this. 1. How to I keep my gear up to date? Where should I go to buy new gear? 2. How do I keep my all of my companions geared up? I know that you can get companion gear from quests, but I usually found myself gearing up one companion and having companions that I couldn't use at all because their gear was so bad. 3. What are some general rules I should follow for each of the roles in the trinity of RPG builds (DPS, Tank, and Healing)? 4. I want to join a guild, what are some ways I can go about doing this? 5. Do you have suggestions for ways that I can bind my keys? 6. There are several different ways to level up, space missions, flashpoints, side quests, heroic side quests, PVP, etc. Do I need to do all of these to have a character that is leveled up properly for story quests? 7. Is it worth investing time into crafting and crew skills? I know these are seemingly complicated questions, and I don't expect someone to answers all of these. I have been trying to do some research on my own, reading on the internet, reading the guide book, and my phone is currently filled with at least fifty hours worth of Podcasts, but I'm finding that the world of MMO's is a hard beast to conquer. It almost like MMO players are speaking a different language with all of the terms that they use. If you don't want to spend time answering my questions, could you point me to resources that will help me? Thank you so much for your time.
  7. I'm bumping this once, if I get no replies I'll just let it die haha
  8. I started playing on Master Gnost Dural when the game launched and the server population wasn't bad. I got my JK up to level 23 and took a break because of college. I recently started playing again and my server pop has pretty much died. At any given time we have less than twenty people on each planets. I was thinking about switching servers, but I'd rather not play another character from the beginning. Should I wait for servers to merge? Or should I move to a new server? What server should I move to? Thanks.
  9. What's the name of the visor?
  10. It's like if you wrote a 5000 page book and in the book you left a comma out that makes the sections of the 50th and 10th chapter completely unreadable. You'd have to go through the entire book looking for that one little mistake in order to fix it. When you're coding you can try to make the best code possible, but if you make one little mistake it can completely screw up the end product. I'm a computer science major, and right now I'm coding a really simple game (it's basically like a game show). Even in my really short code I make mistakes and it takes forever to search through the code and find where I messed up. If a line of code doesn't work, I can spend hours just testing different things in hopes that they will solve the problem.
  11. I wish that they would patch more than just one thing.
  12. Not to be too complainy, but are they only fixing one thing with this patch? Don't get me wrong, I'm up for as many patches a week as possible to the game on track, but it seems kind of pointless to shut the servers down for one thing.
  13. As a Jedi Knight Guardian, I'm very displeased with how all the armor I've received since hitting level 10 has had a hood on it. On one of the many forum posts about this issue, a developer said that he was going to pass along the suggestion of adding a toggle hood option to the game. Have there been any updates on this or is there a chance that a wider selection of armor will be added into the game for low to mid level characters? Thank you for all of your hard work. I understand that this isn't a very big problem. I don't mean to come off as unappreciative, it's just a little frustrating that Jedi Knight players haven't received any new to this matter.
  14. Your radical ideas on Lucas are frustrating and completely over the top. In response to this post, "good writing" is a relative idea. Your idea of "good writing" and my idea of "good writing" are two completely different things. I personally will always respect a person who writes for himself over a person that writes for his fanbase. I know an almost equally radical idea, but I can list a few examples where writing for the fanbase hasn't worked out. I don't ever recall Lucas throwing a fit about what other creators are doing in his universe. The fact of the matter is, Star Wars is George Lucas's world. Opening up the universe to other creators isn't something he had to do, but he did it anyways. While many writers have done incredible things with his universe, they all originally stemmed from his ideas. Look at SWTOR. The Republic is heavily influenced by the way it is presented in the movies and the television show. You talk about Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston, and while they did great things with the universe, they didn't create it. A lot of the fame they currently have wouldn't exist without it. You may not be "claiming ownership" of the universe but you attempting to speak for the fanbase. I don't appreciate it. I like the prequels, I like the original trilogy, I like the old republic and the new republic, I like Star Wars. I'm not going to pretend that everything George Lucas did was perfect, because he made some mistakes. It just frustrates me that people like you always stand up on your soap box with a megaphone calling Lucas a heretic and a traitor, while paying for a subscription to an MMO that wouldn't exist without him or spending countless money on books that wouldn't exist without him.
  15. I agree. I think seeing other players' faces also makes playing the game seem commonplace. I don't have any "gamer" friends, so for me personally, it's cool to see everyone else. If your friend looks like me, he must be a pretty cool guy
  16. This is a great idea! I hope I'm not late to the party http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc478/darthtrey/4d0ca1a2.jpg
  17. Luke and Leia are around 63 in the most recent novels. They were born 19 years before Episode 4 and the books are currently at 44 years the movie. Not being argumentative, just supporting your quotes.
  18. I like the books, but I wouldn't suggest reading them since they're stuck in "cannon limbo." I love her books in the Legacy of the Force and I love the work she's done for the Halo novels. Also, I like what they did for the Mandolorians in the Clome Wars. Don't knock the show until you've watched all of it. Especially the later seasons.
  19. There doesn't need to be anymore movies. With all the books, comics, video games, and television shows (since a second one is being worked on), there is plenty of Star Wars to go around. If Lucas happened to make another Star Wars movie, it would be about the Skywalkers in some form. The movies have always focused on that central cast of characters and it should continue to focus on them. The expanded universe exists to tell other stories.
  20. To be fair to the OP, the first character I rolled was a sentinel, and I was having a lot of trouble DPSing. Mind you, this is my first experience in an MMO, I was not specing my character correctly, I had no idea that the sentinel skills were under a separate tab from the trainer, and I was using Kira as my companion. After a few dabbles into the other classes, I've finally settled on playing a Guardian and I am loving the ability to switch between tanking and DPS. However, I have decided to either roll another sentinel or a marauder after I'm done with my Guardian because I did not give the class the chance to shine due to my own inexperience.
  21. It seems like everyone on every forum has a problem with every class. If no class is effective doesn't that mean they're all on equal footing? I'm definitely not saying anyone is wrong. It just seems like everyone hates their class.
  22. Hey this is my first experience playing an MMO, I tanked as a powertech for a while, but decided to switch to a mercenary because I didn't like the feel of the powertech. I feel like I did a pretty good job as a tank, but I really don't know how to be an effective DPS (especially since I haven't run into any good examples). Could you give me some tips to help me step up my DPSing?
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