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Everything posted by ProspectorPete

  1. You sound like you got kicked out of alot of groups for not being able to press buttons.
  2. I just want to be able to use /who and talk across isntances..
  3. I like the game and I am playing the game, but this is not the best game on the market by a long shot. I actually think as far as stability goes you can pick just about any other MMO out there. As for content you could rank several MMOs higher. Same thing with challenge. I know its a new game and will be improved upon but when you overlook some of the flaws and follow blind optimism around here when the industry has a horrible track record as a whole you are going to be disappointed.
  4. Well, youre wrong. They are coming just another on the long list of we will do it after launch.
  5. Anyone else have a problem when you hit the button you dont take cover?
  6. When someone says it cant be done, it sure sounds like they were trying to do it. They did indeed in that case, fail.
  7. The vast majority of the fanboys are terrible at games. They are mostly level 25 and troll the forum all day.
  8. Why dont you just leave SWTOR. You have a nasty atitude and we dont need you here.
  9. I just want to look at a static picture and we can sit in vent together and admire it. You cannot however talk because someones comments may be more funny/witty/insightful.
  10. Thats how raiding guilds do it most of the time. I think alot of you people have never even been in a decent raiding guild in the game. Most of the time you have to recruit people with lower level gear because they have not been able to raid.
  11. I cant tell you how many times i have started an alt and got in a group with someone much better than myself. Instead of say "I wish there wasnt a damage meter" I looked at the meter to figure out what it was I was doing incorrectly or asked them how they were doing so much damage.
  12. In the end the argument is done anyways. There will be a damage meter. You will get called out if you suck. There is nothing anyone can do about it. If you dont like it you can take your ball and go home or you can learn to be half way decent at dps/healing/tanking.
  13. You dont get paid money to play competitive sports. Hell most of the time you pay to do so. And it is still a game.
  14. Because youre playing with us. If you were on a competitive sports team with me and sucked it up constantly i would tell you that you need to find another team.
  15. Tunnel vision is also defined as a narrow point of view. It has nothing to do with calling anyone a name.
  16. I would say that is why most people who don't want it are so opposed to it. Deep down inside they know they are bad and have no intention of improving. As long as content is being downed they are content to have someone else carry them along. Additionally, in the end it will help class balance. If you have a DPS class out DPSing another by a wide margin there is a balance issue. If you have a healing class outhealing others by a wide margin there is a balance issue. If you have a tank class taking more damage than another, once again its a balance issue. You cannot know any of these circumstances without a damage meter.
  17. You are dead wrong in just about everything you say. There is only one reason not to have it. You dont want others to know how much damage/heals you are doing. Admit it.
  18. So what you're saying is that you should get the same gear as someone who has devoted more time than you.
  19. Fanboys ruin games. They make the devs think they have created the best thing since sliced bread. AOC - Warhammer - FFXIV All fell to fanboys. They are literally retarded.
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