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Posts posted by Red_rocks

  1. Come on bioware, how about having a thought for APAC players when you do this.

    3AM PDT is our 8pm.

    Thats the time most guilds have organised to do ops.

    Please stop ruining our ops schedule multiple nights in a row.

    All you need to do is bring the patch forward 3 hours, midnight PDT and the game will be available again at 7pm for us.

    As an added bonus, the stupid bug gets fixed for everyone faster.


    When you do this to us apac players you're telling us that keeping the servers available for americans from midnight to 3am, is more important than keeping the servers available for APAC players in our prime time.

    Do you even understand how insulting that is?

  2. 1 Classic ops 20 a week

    2 Story TFB Op 20 a week

    3 Story S & V Op 20 a week

    4 Story Toborros Courtyard Op 12 a week

    5 Weekly 3x 55 HM 20 a week

    6 Daily HM 55 group finder (requires 4 people) 10 a day

    7 Daily HM 55 Completion (will probably require 4 people in your level of gear) 10 a day

    8 Spawning the bonus boss in each HM 55 2 per run (Most of the bonus bosses have tight enrage timers, so you may not be able to kill them)

    9 Loot from each boss in a hm 55 (2 i think?)


    You're in for a very long slow arduous gearup if you do it the way you're suggesting.

    My suggestion would be to make artifice and cybertech toons and make yourself a full suit of purple 66 gear before even attempting to 2man the 55 hard modes.

  3. Ok enough is enough, I am sick of hearing the same 2 questions on fleet OVER and OVER. Those of us who give a damn about helping newbies need to be given a break here, make this stuff more user friendly.


    1. Where is the priority mission dropbox?:


    The answer: Well you need to go to supplies, go to about the middle and then stand there and wait for 10 seconds and the dropbox will appear. Don't run around and around without stopping or you will never find it.. ever.

    This couldn't possibly be more unfriendly to newbies and must be incredibly frustrating.


    2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?:


    The answer: Well it may not have been obvious to you but when you first landed on the fleet you ran past a guy with a quest triangle above his head. So if you can remember where you've been, retrace your steps and find him.

    How about automatically getting the quest at lvl 10?

  4. In Hammer Station upon entry I always inspect pug DPS.

    If they are not appropriately geared I vote kick.

    I do not skip the bonus boss ever, especially because someone comes in unprepared for it.

    At level 55 they should be in minimum 66 blue gear / 61 purples, thats easily achievable quite cheaply now.

    If they aren't they can go run some lvl 50fps or craft/buy 66 blues.


    Its no huge stretch to expect a 66 barrel/hilt on a dps now either, they aren't that expensive.

  5. I don't think you understand.

    They are adding mass manipulation generators to the reward of the "one time quest" called Legions of Scum and Villainy.

    If they do not retrospectively give that reward to the people who have already completed it, or allow them to get the quest again, they will miss out on some very valuable mats.

    I myself have completed it with 5 toons so thats 10 (TEN) mass manipulation generators I'm out of pocket.

  6. From the upcoming patch notes:


    •The following missions now provide significantly improved item rewards:


    •The Legions of Scum and Villainy


    I assume this means the reward is being brought in line with the terror from beyond quest. ie mass manipulation generators..

    Please tell me you are going to reset this quest so we can all do it again for the appropriate reward.

    Otherwise I am screwed since I have already done this quest on all 4 of my lvl 55 toons.

    Please allow those of us who went ahead and did this quest already to get the proper rewards.

  7. Everyone is assuming the decision to remove the apac servers is financial, and trumpeting it as fact.

    You do not work for bioware/ea.

    Quit trying to sound like you know all the ins and outs of this because you don't.

    All they've said is theyre trying to give us the best play experience, and based on that, they're doing the wrong thing.

    Anything else you guys are supposing is just conjecture.

  8. We want the apac servers merged.


    Why can't you just admit the motivation for this decision has nothing to do with enhancing our player experience and is bean counters pushing dollars around.


    Stop lying.


    Either listen to the community and do what we want or admit you don't care what we want and do whatever your bean counters want, but stop telling us you're doing us a favour.

  9. Why has there been no feedback from bioware/ea in that thread?


    You say the reason you chose that particular decision is to give us the optimal playing experience.


    The entire community is telling you you are wrong, and if that is the only reason you have chosen this particular route, then the solution is simple, reverse the decision and merge the 3 apac servers into 1.


    Is there something you aren't telling us about the motivation for this terrible decision which has so angered the community?


    Please explain to us why you really have made this decision, its clearly not in the best interests of your APAC customers.


    Ignoring us will make us go away.. all of us.

  10. We want further replies from Bioware/EA NOW in the APAC thread.

    Do you guys even understand the anger you have caused?????

    If you are going to get this stupid decision reversed you need to do it fast before the APAC community is destroyed for good by this decision, guildmates and other peoples guilds are already empty, guild websites are full of goodbye threads.


    Don't leave us hanging over this precipice.

  11. How about two more examples.


    Player A Shadow tank

    Player B Vanguard DPS

    Player C Sage DPS

    Player D Scoundrel healer


    Aim chest piece with shield and absorb rating drops. It would be a huge upgrade for Corso. Who gets to roll need?



    Player A Guardian tank

    Player B Sentinel DPS

    Player C Gunslinger DPS

    Player D Sage healer


    Heavy armor chest piece drops with DPS stats- strength, endurance and power, but no shield and no absorb rating. Who gets to roll need?


    In example one the vanguard dps. Offspec is still more important than companion.


    In example 2, both jedi knights can roll need, the guardian for offspec, and the sentinel to rip mods.


    I still see no need for companions to enter the equation at all.

  12. So because you cannot benefit from allowing the dice to decide, that makes it ok to take away the rights of another so that only you can benefit?


    But you are not allowing the dice to decide.

    Everyone else is rolling greed on stuff they dont need for their main character and you're rolling need.

    Thats taking the loot, not letting the dice decide.

    EVERYONE has companions.

    EVERYONE deserves an equal shot at loot for their companions - thats why we greed.

    If you flout the communities rules you are telling them that your companions are more important than everyone elses.

    No wonder you get flamed.

  13. Your companion did not contribute in any way to the flashpoint so why should he get loot over people who helped complete the flashpoint?


    Please explain how 3 people greeding for companions and needing for themselves, and 1 self entitled *** needing for companions and needing for himself is fair on the first 3 people?

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