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Posts posted by Red_rocks

  1. If all 4 of your dps can do 2400 to 2500 dps over the fight you can simply put all dps on bestia and completely ignore adds at 50%. You'll get her dead before a 3rd set of adds spawns so you're only dealing with 2 monsters and 2 larva. Just heal through it and ignore the adds entirely, letting tanks deal with em.


    If shes not nearly dead by the time a 3rd set of adds spawns your dps is too low and you might hafta do it the long way.

  2. One other thing that could help if dps is your issue.

    Until 2.7 comes around and gunnery gets a much needed boost, gunnery falls a long way behind assault for pure dps.

    If you have a guardian who can provide the armor debuff, try rerolling assault and learning it, its capable of much higher dps and its threat isn't as front loaded as gunnery is.

    I've jumped on the pts and checked gunnery and its a significant increase, it remains to be seen whether it will replace assault as the top dps spec however.

  3. Like the HM version of the fight, 8man is significantly easier than 16man.

    Do it in 8man if you're just trying to get the quest done.


    Theres usually 2 reasons pug 16mans fail, lack of skill kiting raptus (it amazes me how running between 2 points and throwing some threat on him is hard but that's off topic) - and healers not being able to keep up, they let people get too low and don't cleanse death marks, and if you get to the final phase they get overwhelmed by the healing requirement.


    If you have 4 healers independently healing whoever catches their fancy and not talking to each other about heal priorities you're not going to get through it, and this will be obvious early on in the op when multiple people die on bestia, and the drouks in the raptus hallway.

  4. Fair enough. As inaccurate as it may be, it is hard to answer any other way when someone is concerned (as a dps) about their ability to carry their weight in an operation.


    If you took 4 dps in an 8-man HM DF and HM DP, none of whom were able to parse higher than 2500 on a you-don't-have-to-move ops dummy, would they be able to beat the enrage timers in actual fights? Not sure. I imagine it would be pretty darn tight.


    Exactly, bestia would be incredibly difficult with 4 dps who can only do 2500 dps on a derpdummy.

    They would barely be cracking 2k in that fight and anyones whos done bestia with that low dps knows what that causes....

    My guild burns from 50% and as long as all 4 dps do 2400+ the boss dies before a 3rd set of adds spawns and its stupid easy. Lower dps makes that particular strat impossible.

    And if you can kill bestia like that you can kill the only other dps race mob in the zone.. council too.

  5. Its also worthwhile to talk to the other healer and see how hes healing.

    If he's rolling hots on all 8 players, he has limited global cooldowns for other heals, that means he's relying on you to mop up any damage spikes.

    I personally hate ops that heal like that, its completely unnecessary.

    If he's a good op though, he'll have you as one of the people he's running his hots on, which means you can consumption much more freely.


    And as has been stated above, puddles are worthless unless they're hitting the majority of the raid. You have a couple options when raiding, yell at people to stack in the puddles (not possible on operator), or not use them as they're terribly inefficient when hitting only a couple of people.


    Be aware of using too many bubbles, you still need to heal up that health eventually, and bubbles cost more than other heals, so it'll damage your force. Use them in emergencies to save lives only.

  6. The only time a guard is required on a healer in flashpoints is when dps have gold fever and leaving bunches of weak mobs beating on the healer.


    DPS your job is to kill all the weak mobs while the tank gets control of the dangerous ones, this means getting agro off the healer if necessary. If you don't then the healer has no alternative than to ask for a guard as a little bit of extra insurance when taking a lot of threat from multiple weak mobs.


    TLDR: If dps do their job properly the healer never needs guard in flashpoints.

    If dps are blithering idiots, put it on the healer.

  7. Grouping all 4 healers together is a hangover from the days of bloodthirst/inspiration not being raid wide.

    Its going to take a while for pug ops leaders to get used to setting up raid frames in a more healer friendly way.


    If you end up in an ops with 4 healers in the one group, talk to each other in /p. Decide who's healing who if the ops leader doesn't assign roles. Usually commando/merc or scoundrel/op healing tanks and sage/sorc healing everyone else.


    If you end up in an ops with 4 healers grouped together and you don't talk to each other, what will happen is very bad. You'll have 4 healers in full triage mode.. ie. everyone will have the same priority - heal the person with the lowest health and that low person will survive but when 2 (or more) healers are focused on him, the next lowest health person dies. Healing as a team is about knowing what your priorities are.


    As a 16m healing strategy I'd suggest:


    Tank Tank

    Dps Dps

    Dps Dps

    Dps Dps

    Dps Dps

    Dps Dps

    Heal Heal

    Heal Heal


    If not assigned by the ops leader, once again talk to the other healer in your column and make sure you know whos healing the tank.

    If you are the tank healer your priority heal targets would be: your tank, then the other tank, then your column, then the other column.

    If you aren't the tank healer, run triage on your column first (including keeping an eye on the tanks health) and then whole raid second.


    This way when the poo hits the fan and everyone starts taking damage, everyone gets healed in a timely manner.

  8. simply stopping as soon as you are out of the graphic does the same thing as jumping, the server updates your position when you stop.


    Way back in HM EC my guild was having problems with the red circles on Zorn and Toth, once we realized that even though we were out of the circles, we needed to stop moving so the server updated us as "out of the circle" we found it easy.

    Same as foreman crusher circles, if you keep running around like a madman you'll get hit, if you simply step out of the circle and stop, you'll be fine, this has been the case for many "red circles" in operations.

  9. Ok a couple of things, I don't want to sound mean here but it sounds like its healing problem. why?


    which meant I had to start consuming health for force before the boss got halfway.


    This tells me you're doing it wrong, don't start consuming life for force when your force gets extremely low. You should be doing it all the time and keeping your force high all the time, so when things get nasty you have the force in reserve to burst. Heres a good guide to sorc/sage healing: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1301494


    Next thing, the spot where the rope/control panel is, isn't the best spot to run to during the electric water, move to the right of the boss, its closer. Use force speed to get out of the water quickly every time. The tank can leap to you. A carnage marauder won't take much dmg, and you might be able to occasionally pull the other jugg.

    In all 162 gear you should not have a dps problem even if you all run out. ignore the adds and focus on the boss only, and this guys enrage is pretty soft. With all the force you save you might even be able to keep a dot on the boss all the time too.

    If you're hitting enrage still at too high of a percentage there's a problem with your dps and they may need to be directed to appropriate learning resources.

  10. sounds like the rdps in the middle on yellow and orange isnt pulling his weight and getting the first big guy down fast enough, its the key to moving to the next phase/boss cleanly without too much damage happening.


    Also if dps on cores is ok you can have another dps peel off near the end of yellow to help dps the adds before the operator spawns - it totally depends if you have enough to get the cores down if you can do that though.

  11. Once AGAIN smack in the middle of APAC prime time on FRIDAY NIGHT.

    PLEASE consider moving these short paches to Midnight PST so we dont constantly lose entire ops nights.

    It would suit euro players also.


    Is it so important for americans to be online from midnight to 2am on a friday morning, that all APAC players need to lose their entire prime time friday night ops?

    Please consider who you are inconveniencing the most with this constant patching.

  12. Thanks for the prompt reply. Glad that this one was resolved fairly quickly.


    I really don't think 2 hours of downtime during off-peak is something to gripe about. I'm personally happy to see a quick fix being done for a problem like that.


    its not OFF PEAK to apac players, that is 8-10PM for us.

    We lose a whole ops night every week to this crap.

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