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Posts posted by Red_rocks

  1. Why are you nerfing arsenal down to tk/lightning mm/sharpshooter level? (and possibly even worse according to some of the maths being posted).

    Currently NiM ops dps checks are in such a state that those 2 specs are not welcome.

    Why would you put arsenal mercs into the same category? another underperforming unwelcome spec?

    Why would you not bring every underperforming spec up to a reasonable place where it is welcome in all content before you nerf other classes compared to underperforming specs?

    Your process here seems incredibly flawed and can only cause outrage.



    This is the most idiotic thing ive ever seen.

    Mercs arent doing too much damage.

    Their defensives are retardly OP

    You nerfed their damage

    You left their retardedly OP defensives alone.

    Are you stupid?

  3. I don't know where you get from my post that I love to feel OP.

    I don't pvp all that much by the way, the reason I don't want my commando's dps nerfed is I'm in a progression team and we're already struggling with some dps checks. I just don't want us to be set back by this.

    I don't care if mando/merc defensives get nerfed into the ground and we become the easy kills again in pvp, i just want to be able to pull my weight in ops dps wise.

    Also I heal on all 3 healing classes and i always have starparse running in the background. in pve content equally geared scoundrels and sages have roughly the same output, commandos are a litle bit behind and could be brought up. Sages only become invincible in pvp if theyre guarded and protected, but that goes for any healing class, theres just a lot more sages healing in pvp due to their dps specs being garbage - so they seem to attract attention.

    A heal sage who isnt guarded and protected in pvp is easy pickings.

  4. I've put too much time into these 2 characters to have them nerfed into oblivion.

    I think you guys should consider the command exp investment people have sunk into certain classes when you're nerfing. Or at the very least provide some method of"switching mains" and deleveling these toons and putting their cxp on another class..


    My sub is cancelled until I see the post nerf numbers, I'm not spending another second gearing/grinding for characters I might not have any interest in playing post nerf.


    i KNOW my commando needs her defensives nerfed, theyre stupidly OP. But her damage is fine.


    All the seer sage needs to be balanced is 1 of the bounces to be removed from wandering mend so it can't "double tap" the same target - no other balancing required that will take care of it entirely.


    You guys seem to be going about class balancing backwards, worried about raw numbers when its the utilities that are causing all of the frustrations.

  5. A well played scoundrel can keep up in raw hps with a well played sage healer, they have very different burst profiles but theyre about on par output wise over time.


    Scoundrel could use a very slight quality of life improvement by making their slow release medpacks heal for more and only stack once. More GCD's for direct heals would make the spec more interesting to play.


    Mando/merc heals are a bit lower and could use a bump up - ONLY IF THEIR DCDs GET NERFED.

    Mando/merc heals could use progressive scan being made less underwhelming - by adding a crit mechanic to it similar to what sages get with healing trance - or even a new interesting mechanic.. E.G. each time progressive scan crits gain a stack of bacta power (max 4). While you have 4 stacks of bacta power progressive scan has no cooldown. Each stack of bacta power increases the size of your next bacta infusion by 3000. Casting bacta infusion resets these stacks to 0.

    This would make mercs pretty boss single target sustain healers and their burst wold be even better than it is already with supercharge.


    Nerfs piss people off and make them quit.

    Bring the healers into alignment pve wise.

    Once all 3 healers are equal(ish) in pve - reduce the output in pvp areas of all healing by 25% across the board.


    There, pve healing fixed, pvp healing fixed and nobody gets mad and quits.

  6. Lightning/telekinetics is NOT in a good place, put it on the list.


    DPS output on no class needs nerfing. BUFF the weak ones - all classes should be theoretically capable in skilled hands of the 10k numbers posted above - currently they are not.

    Some classes have overpowered utility and survivability - those can be nerfed but don't screw up our dps in ops in the name of balance when what classes like gunnery/arsenal need is a DCD nerf / ohcrapheal nerf.

  7. Interestingly, while 244 blues and 242 yellows have the same stats, the blue armorings give more armor and the blue hilts/barrels give more force/tech power- not sure why - chuck those 242s in the bin once you get to rank 300 theyre just a credit drain moving them around to your alts.
  8. Infiltration shadow is one of the tankiest DPS classes in the game when you consider all of their defensive cooldowns and the ability that makes force speed give 60% dmg reduction.

    However for solo play or pvp (don't do this in pve content you'll get yelled at) you can sort of have the best of both worlds in a different way to what you are doing. Change to tank spec, equip a shield and then keep all the rest of your gear as dps gear. You will do about 70% of the dmg of fully dps spec but you'll be very hard to kill.

    Obviously that means you'll need to learn the tank rotation but its pretty easy anyways.

  9. As a response to the devs on this subject i'd like to comment:

    I got an unstable arbiters lightsaber in my DvL packs, I was quite chuffed about it but I hadn't started using it yet.

    Now I'm not going to.

    If I suddently start using one of those now there's going to be a perception that I'm some tool who would spend $60 IRL on some in game cosmetic item.

    If this kind of perception persists, no matter how much you are careful about the price, it will ruin the market for them.

    Supply and Demand, you just took away the demand.

  10. No offense but if you can't do MM with 240's then gear isn't your main concern.


    I am the only person in my team in 240s, theyre slow, unskilled and frankly hopeless at mechanics, however I'm pub side in australian timezone, theres not many raid teams to choose from who aren't total *****. I would still like a chance at upgrading my gear however and I despise pvp.

    Why should pvpers be able to just afk in warzones and get 1-3% of a 242piece every run but I can't do a hm flashpoint and get some progress?

  11. This^. I can confirm that we are still on track for next week. I am working on getting expanded details out this week, such as the buffed Component rates.






    Hi Eric,

    Are you adding any way for us to get unassembled components if we don't like pvp or starfighter?

    My ops team is too weak to do master mode, and I'm rank 300 with zero 242 pieces from crates due to horrible luck.

    I would still like a way to upgrade my 236's to 242.

  12. I love playing all my alts - and the cxp grind has made me feel like I'm wasting time not grinding on my main.

    My idea is to make the cxp packs you get from operations / flashpoints / uprisings etc bound to legacy.

    Then I can play whatever character I feel like right now, and send all that cxp to my current main character.

    I can't see how this could be exploitable, but its got potential to be a small step in the right direction to help the alt situation? What do you think?

    This doesn't help people who like to pvp on their alts however, as their cxp gains arent from packs - maybe they should be?

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