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Everything posted by Mossesman

  1. Maybe not fully instanced (having every city in one instance). Maybe just have 3 or 4 seperate areas on the planet where you can a number of settlements.
  2. The biggest complaints right now are focused at Smash spec Juggernauts/Guardians, and Sages/Sorcs who use bubble specs. There are also a few people around who want the DPS Powertech/Vanguard trees looked at aswell.
  3. Alright then...was just double checking for a friend. Cheers guys.
  4. Say i am F2P at the moment, and the current credit cap is 200k, but i actually have 7mil from being subscribed. If i was to send that 200k anywhere...would another 200k come out of that 7mil? Or will that 7mil be "locked away" until i sub again?
  5. The only thing i find unbalanced about stealth classes, is the fact that Shadow/Assassin tanks can stealth. Giving a class which can be geared and specced to be almost unkillable, and then giving them the chance to stealth...is retarded. Please disable stealth in tank spec
  6. OP = Original Poster = You. What he's saying is did you really expect them to have patch notes on christmas day?
  7. They will add some really useful stuff...but you will have to pay either 2 million + or 1000 cartel points.
  8. Since F2P, my server is averaging around 220+ people on both fleets. I think the population is quite stable at the moment.
  9. WAR's class balance was a joke, even worse that SWTOR imo (at the moment). BW/Sorc premades were overpowered for almost a year and half without the issue being acknowledged by the developers. It was only after a developer premade got owned by a bomb premade on the PTS server was when they finally did something about it, which unfortunately wasn't really much.
  10. Janarus appears as the Supreme Chancellor in Act 3 of the Consular storyline.
  11. If we do get the option to choose our warzones, it will need to be disabled for ranked. Otherwise you will get the assassin/shadow and leaper heavy groups just queue for Huttball.
  12. Im all for new ships...but i dont want them on the Cartel market. Allows us to choose what kind of ship we get once we reach that point in the storyline.
  13. Limited time only items? Thats sounds great...its a shame you wont let me and many others actually buy any coins at the moment!
  14. There is no demo you can download or watch. In the newest livesteam they have a basic system up and running and are current;y testing it.
  15. Why not fix all those issues and add guild ships at the same time?
  16. I bet players on WoW. Lotro and other MMO forums dont complain when they have to pay for an expansion regardless of how long they have had the game. God i swear this forum is the beacon of negativity sometimes.
  17. Once had an interesting game where it was 8 Jedi Knights vs 7 Scoundrels and a Sage. We (the scoundrels) one quite easily. Would post a screenshot but its a bad one (scoreboard is partially blocked)
  18. They acknowledged that the hero engine is good enough but said nothing about optimizing/changing it.
  19. Until something is done about the shoddy hero engine...we wont be seeing any decent World PvP coming.
  20. Disable Shadow/Assassin stealth whilst in tank stance
  21. Did it specifically say it was coming in 1,5 though?
  22. I would be up for this idea...but to prevent people from only picking one or two warzones, they should change the dailies so you will need to do a specific warzone in order to complete the daily. Also, they should disable the feature for ranked...otherwise you will have teams for example which are heavily focused on assassin/shadow tanks, force leaper classes and pullers only queueing for Huttball.
  23. Certain non force classes are fine at the moment (Vanguard/Powertech, Gunslinger/Sniper mostly). The problem is its just more desirable to roll classes like Guardian. Scoundrel healing is fine for example, but a lot of people would rather roll a Sage healer for almost equal healing effectiveness but at the same time have access to the stun bubble. I do agree to a certain extent that some of the non force classes need a buff, but at the same time we need to consider changing (or even nerfing), some of the mechanics of the force using class. For example i would like to see the stun bubble changed so the stun only comes from the bubble cast on the Sorc/Sage.
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