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Everything posted by obek_kwae

  1. This is blatantly inaccurate. The transfers he means only apply to people with valid AU/NZ addresses in their account info and are to facilitate the Asia/Pacific launch for players from those regions who already purchased the game and created characters before the 28th of this month. Those of us elligible will get notified of transfer details closer to our servers opening up next week. Source
  2. Oh i know that, getting help's not the issue. Like i have said, i have friends that are willing to help me and actually volunteered when i was talking about it with them. I just mentioned it via IM with another friend and we're probably going to try it for his toon with my 45 jedi. So will be fun to see if/how it plays out. Edit: This idea came up originally cause i was complaining to my friend who plays on Begeren Colony that whilst i wanted to level my agent there, i hate Kaliyo and just couldn't stand the though of being stuck for 35 odd levels with only her.
  3. This posts of interest to me. I have an agent i am planning to play with US friends as time permits and as i have levelled 1 Jugg to 50, have a 45 Guardian and a second 38 Sith Warrior, i'm not terribly keen on going through all the side quests again without having (all) my companions along for the ride. My thought is to just do each planet's class story missions to progress my story as fast as possible so that i unlock my companions; then once i have my crew along. Go back and do each planets story and side missions. I have a couple of friends who've offered to help me with all my story doors so even if i am lower level than what is listed i should manage to get it all done, my only conern is ome kind of hard "gate" if you will on instance entrances - what i mean is you MUST be level x to enter. Anyone know if that's in place?
  4. The "community" people see as having been destroyed by x-server functionality was people on the same faction on the same server interacting and building networks with the people around them, for pvp or pve or just social purposes. None of that exists anymore. The community i was a part of in UO comprised close to a dozen guilds who all worked together to create player events to involve players from both their own guilds and the wider server population. People got to know each other, help each other become better players and contribute to their servers "community" and wellbeing (economy etc). And some of us, still know each other and game together some 15 years later. It amazes me that people bash this game as being a single player game with a couple of multiplayer features, yet those same people demand a tool (x-server LFD) that actively promotes isolation and single player game play. Why would someone want/need to join a guild or work with people on the server around them (for heroics etc) when they can just click a button, get teleported to the instance and do their run without saying a word to anyone, get their loot/commendations and teleport out? ESPECIALLY IF as the OP's title says they're casuals? People complain on these boards saying they don't want their MMO's to be single player friendly...yet in the next breath they're demanding a tool that promotes and actively encourages it! With x-server lfd There's zero reason to be in a guild unless: You know the people you're in the guild with from another game / irl. You're in it for the hardcore Raiding / PVP Sure it's convenient, but it's not healthy for a server at all. It also gives people who are likely to be morons in a group free license due to anonymity to be an a'hat because at the end of the run, there's a damn good chance they'll never bump into that group of players again, so what's it matter if their behaviour is woeful. Without cross server, people have to mind their behaviour (at least a bit) because sooner or later there will be repurcussions as they get a negative reputation. Reality is, no system for forced grouping to complete (interesting) content will ever be perfect or please everyone, but in my opinion based off experience in Ultima Online (best community based game i've ever played), SWG (with player /guild towns) and WoW (vanilla post LFD) cross erver does far more harm than good. It's only saving grace is convenience and to me, that just doesn't trump the issues it creates. Some of these issues are community created (an a'hat's always going to be an a'hat no matter how good the system is) and others are flawed design - MMO's trying to draw so many people in from many varying playstyles at the expense of quality in the area that their game excels at. Neither of which will change any time soon due to human nature and the (greedy) corporations who only care about tapping the biggest market possible.
  5. Brilliant idea. BH even has a Carbonite Frozen victim in their cargo bay. As to the OP, nice read and agree completely.
  6. I don't agree about the attack replacement, but i too feel the Guardian is completely underwhelming. I have levelled a 50 Juggernaut and i have to say the Juggernaut vs the Guardian is just astoundingly different in terms of play experience. I am using the same build that i used on my juggernaut for my guardian, and my guardian just gets the floor mopped with him. IMO the difference is the companions Vette is so much better than Kira in that she's ranged and does tons of damage before a mob can even get to her, Jugg has it's healer by 18-20ish as well. It's blatantly obvious that the encounter designs for the 2 classes were done by totally different people. I am at the point now where i have parked my lvl 37 guardian and don't play it, because in contrast to how my juggernaut plays, my guardian just isn't fun or effective.
  7. You're completely ignoring what people are telling you as the answer - no clue why, probably because it's logical and not what you want to be told. MMO's have superior content updates to single player games over their lifecycles. MMO's have economies you can participate in - even if you have no desire to socially participate. MMO's have other people populating them making them feel richer and more immersive. A player wandering past buffing you, saying hi and going about their business is far more interesting scenery than a scripted (usually badly) npc who's only operating as filler to contribute to the illusion of the world being "alive". Show me a single player game that gives me the depth of content and game systems that SWTOR has, that has an ongoing content update cycle as well as constantly fixes bugs. Fact is, you can't because when single player games stop making their creators money, development teams move on to their "next big thing" and dlc (the typical content/update model for a SP game) stops and all that's left is second rate community made content.
  8. Without going into details, i am wondering if someone who's perhaps done Alderaan before Tatooine can tell me if it in any way alters / speeds up Act 1's outcome? I have levelled 1 Sith Warrior to 50 already and it occurred to me that going to Alderaan first could be an interesting way of mixing things up. Does anyone know if it actually has any effect or are both planets still needed (which is what i'd expect)?
  9. They'll just copy what he said cause they don't care and what he said sounded cool.
  10. To add, I agree with the OP, it's annoying and not something i am a fan of. Same as Light Side Sith and Dark Side Jedi, but have to remember it's a game and the devs at the end of the day (and their bosses) only care about the $$. After all, what percentage of the playerbase simply wouldn't play if they couldn't choose their saber color and whether they ae light or dark. More than enough to scare the developers into "making game based concessions" or as i prefer to call it, butchering the IP.
  11. The unfortunate reality is, developers arem't as concerned with keeping the game in line with the IP as they are about making money. So they take concessions that weaken the strength of the IP to draw people in. STO is exactly the same in this regard. There's no universal Starfleet Uniform - rules on unfiroms apparently got abolished or something and Federation ships can equip any kind of energy weapon and projectile they like, romulan, klingon etc...why stay true to the IP if we can't make enough money off it is the way it goes unfortunately.
  12. Personally speaking, the animations of my Jedi Knight compared to my Sith Warrior are like chalk and cheese. I'm not sure who thought the attack animations for Jedi Knights looked good. Considering so much of the game involves your character being in combat, animations for me have to look good and fit what i am playing - the Jedi Knight ones just make me feel like i am waving a fluro marker in someones face. Unfortunately for me as well, my rl friend who formed our guild just went and made empire without asking anyone back when the guild formation stuff went live, so we got stuck playing empire. Lightsaber combat bugs me - feels like i am just waving a plastic glow rod that bounces of everything in complete contradiction to lightsabers in the movies. Yes i understand it's a game and balance is needed, but i still think they missed the mark.
  13. This with one (important) exception. Terrible CS. I have had 2 issues now and for all intents and purposes, this game may as well have no CS and it would work just as well.
  14. But...but...that would be logical. These though are forums where logic is evil and frowned on - or killed by trolls with +5 clubs of hyperbole and vitriol.
  15. And then people would complain that making mods is pointless because they can't do anything. I really hope that they do not take the same route as Blizzard with UI mods. I hope that it's highly restricted and only allows for appearance modification and simple macros.
  16. The voiceover work is great and makes the game so much more enjoyable to play. No way in hell do i want them to forgo voicework for new content.
  17. 1. Does anyone know why a Marauder doesn't get one of the most iconic force abilities from Star Wars: Force Push? 2. Do they get anything that makes up for the lack of it? I'm sure i'll get trolled and flamed for asking about push, but really it makes no sense - especially since it gets used in cutscenes, but we magically forget how to use it? I am at the point of picking an advanced class for my second Warrior right now and as much as i would like to use 2 sabers, i just find the lack of force push to kill any interest i have in a marauder. It's probably silly to let one ability make or break a clas for me, but it just does, so i was wondering if anyone knew the reason marauders don't get it? Surely there would have been discussion about it during beta etc and i was wondering if the devs ever gave a reason?
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