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Everything posted by Punchy

  1. We're getting our only option for *low* ping taken away. Decent is subjective. ~200 is good enough to raid/PvP competitively. If you start getting all those false GCDs because of high ping, then I will heartily agree that it sucks (/shakes fist at the PTS).
  2. Ah Vindrik, you made the same mistake I did (hence the redacted post earlier). I'm actually rather amused by that.
  3. I... just... /facedesk. I guess the Australian/New Zealand playerbase is the vocal majority in regards to this change. Well, the *upset* Australian/New Zealand playerbase. A fair few us got a bit blinded by the announcement to consider anyone other than ourselves. For some, this manifested to the point where if you were pro-merge... well, I'm sure you've seen some of the stuff that has been said on the forums. I can't apologize on behalf of everyone that has said something negative about those that are pro-merge, but I can offer my condolences. Some people's behaviour since the announcement has been quite... horrendous, to say the least. Personally, I'm anti-merge. However, I'll accept BioWare's decision in stride because I enjoy this game way too much to let a latency increase throw me. And who knows, maybe the Harbinger has some good late-night raiders that we can poach.
  4. Edit: Redacted. You were talking about something else and I misconstrued.
  5. She doesn't have enough expertise man. :L What about 22k tanks?
  6. What if we're not full 63s but have the Warstalker title? o.O
  7. What guild are you from? I'm just curious as to what my opinion of you as a player (based on the guild you've chosen to join) is, as it seems that's the mentality you adopt in regards to other people.
  8. I'm almost looking forward to having to adopt a new naming scheme. Already got one worked out. No more Aspect Ratio for me though, I fear. Legacy will most likely merge. Anything you gain on one will be attributed to the other. You almost certainly won't lose your reputation. If you do, I would call CS or put in a ticket or something.
  9. TEHEE for the most part will stay together. The destination server (at this point in time) is Harbinger. I don't think anyone here is out-right quitting due to the NA West server merge/transfers.
  10. He's not a troll. Do you understand the concept of a troll? He's just pointing out something that unfortunately appears to be obvious. I mean, look at the facts here: - We have raised a tremendous amount of fuss on the forums regarding this announcement. There are over a hundred pages of posts in the Consolidated APAC thread alone, not to mention all the sub-threads in each of the server forums (namely the ones that are here on the Dalborra forums). Having spent the time and effort keeping up-to-date with said threads (at least since the announcement came those few days ago), it seems only a small minority of unique posters are in agreement with the decision they made. Most are expressing displeasure/annoyance... to say the least. - In the few days post-announcement, fleet general was absolutely mental with people being unhappy about it. How many people have claimed that they've unsubbed thus far with no intention of re-subbing if the merge/transfers go ahead to the NA West servers? - There's an online petition floating around somewhere that had (last I checked) ~550 signatures. The community is actively trying to make their voices heard about their absolute displeasure with the direction BioWare/EA are taking with the APAC servers. We are trying. We will continue to try. The general message though (thus far) is that they are not going to change their minds. This won't stop us from trying, of course. I'll be there next Sunday from start 'til finish because hey. I love my server. I love my community. I don't want to move knowing I didn't stand up in protest of what they're doing. But, as stated above, Selianne has a point. There is no way they've *missed* the majority reaction here. At least, the majority *vocal* reaction. Am tired of people being called trolls when they're really doing nothing of the sort. :L (And just for the record, I'll have you know that I was the second signature on that petition, next to the person that... you know... created it).
  11. I promise I will never bring it up again in a public forum... or general chat. Happy now? Also, despite that massive post I made this morning/last night, TEHEE is probably going to the Harbinger.
  12. There are arguments for and against the Harbinger, as there are arguments for and against every other server. On the plus side, the Harbinger has a larger community. The plus is that yes, prices are driven down by supply and make for a cheaper playing experience in terms of credits. It also has more people available to recruit into raiding teams, warzone premades, etc etc. That plus is also a downside. The Harbinger is infamous for its instability (and you have to wonder just how much of that is due to the population?). Wasn't the chat server down a few days ago? Heard numerous reports of spiking latency too. Doesn't sound pleasant. On the plus side, the Harbinger will most likely have the majority of the APAC population migrating there. That's great. I love a bunch of these people on Dalborra (and haven't had the good fortune to extend into knowing people on Master Dar'Nala or Gav Daragon). If I do end up on the Bastion, I will be sad to lose contact with all those people. However, the Harbinger also has (from what I have heard, granted) a very... unpleasant general population. At least, an unpleasant vocal one. Whilst this may not speak for a majority, it's a sharp contrast to what we're used to in a relatively mild-mannered community where the worst you get is being called "Porky Pig" because you let slip that it's a nickname (if you're reading this man, you will never escape it). The biggest downside as far as I see it though is the fact that a very, very, very, very, very good friend of mine (and a fantastic player to boot) sees a difference of ~100ms when playing on the Bastion. In favour of the Bastion. Personally, when all things are equal, I am impartial. Things like this tip the odds. Reasonably sure the guild we run is of a majority agreement in that regard. There are other contributing factors that will sway our overall decision. But at this point in time, the Bastion is looking more attractive than one of Brett's sheep on a cold day.
  13. The left shovel is slightly more responsive. I'll take that one.
  14. Have seen you around. Sad to see another go. Best of luck in your future endeavours.
  15. It's failing because they're going to kill it, unfortunately.
  16. I'm leaning towards the Bastion also. No ambition to play on the Harbinger tbh.
  17. Stop. With the hate. Against Eric. Again, he has been given this terribly job of giving us news we don't want to hear. Not his fault. Calm down and be civil. (Some of us still love you, Eric).
  18. Yes. You have a choice as to which NA server you move to. However, eventually, any character that doesn't transfer off of Dalborra before they close it will be thrown onto Harbinger.
  19. In regards to name loss, you probably will lose your name either way. This isn't a server merge like the reduction of NA servers that happened months ago. This is *us* transferring to *them*. Most likely, they want to disrupt their already *reasonably* loyal playerbase as little as possibly by making *us* adapt even further. I guess from an NA player's perspective, "Why should I lose my name just because someone on a failing server had it for a time and then got dumped here? How is that fair for me?" If we keep them, great. If not, ah well. Identities can be reforged. They have to in either case because new server = new community. Unless you're Dulfy, odds are you don't have game-wide fame. Although, it does suck.
  20. I can't even be GM on the forums? Come on, man. ._.
  21. Stop with the personal hate against the messenger. Seriously. Get that you're annoyed, but don't attach it to the guy that has the really unfortunate job of telling an angry and disheartened community news they don't want to hear.
  22. Interesting. <TEHEE> have yet to decide which server we're going to move to, but I am reasonably certain it will not be the Harbinger. Curious to see where all the other guilds go.
  23. As the GM of TEHEE, you have our support. +6, Sir.
  24. Says the guy that is making a pitiful attempt at trolling the forums.
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