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Everything posted by Punchy

  1. I'm actually quite far from angry. Slightly upset (but mainly at losing friends to this merger), but angry is such an incredible stretch. Hence, your understanding is invalid.
  2. I've read most of your replies. I agree, you really couldn't have put it better. Not even close.
  3. I don't want to even think of the brutality that would ensue. Actually, yes I do. It'd be glorious.
  4. Can you blame us for wanting to keep our community? More to the point: we've been dealing with our server pop as is for a while now and, by-and-large, it works. Group Finder can be a bit painful at times, and there are times when Warzone queues are just... yeah. But the general community spirit was something to be proud of. Cheers though for your kind words in support of our plight though. It's great to see such empathetic individuals such as yourself on these forums.
  5. I don't think anyone is more devastated to see him go than I am. But he has made his decision regarding the merge into the North American servers. Although... that being said... if enough people said they wanted him to stay... That might work. o.O
  6. Does this mean I'm going to have to apply my DPS skillset to my Scoundrel?
  7. I disagree. Not all of us are going to quit. Most of the guild that I run will remain after the transfers and give it a go. After all, progression PvE might be a bit more challenging if you throw in another ~150ms. Whilst I have lost one of my closest friends due to this announcement, I'll still stick around for a time. You can raid. Quite fine. At 180-200ms. It is by no stretch of the imagination impossible. A few weeks ago, I tanked NiM EC on a mobile broadband stick where I was experiencing ~300ms with rather frequent timeouts of ~8 seconds. It wasn't perfect (due to said timeouts), but it was achievable and overall an enjoyable run. Now. Don't get me wrong, I disagree with the transfers. I would *much* rather see an APAC superserver. But it will take more than a migration to the Harbinger to kill this game for me. And it certainly won't kill Oceanic PvE progression. You might just have to recruit a few late-night American players to fill the gaps.
  8. Annnnnnnnnnd there's the correction I've been dreading. Well played, Sir. Well played. I guess that kind of settles it then.
  9. I knew I could've have been the only one! ^ This... this I could go for.
  10. If only it was. I highly doubt the *other* Aspect has as much /played time as mine.
  11. Harbinger* I don't know why this bothers me so much but it does!
  12. I will fight you until I fall off that stupid beam! So... for about five minutes.
  13. All mine are taken too. Aspect Ratio no more, it would seem. Unless there is truth to the /played winning out, in which I *think* I stand a reasonably good chance at keeping *most* of my names. If not, then Aspect will be Spren, because I can't not reference good material. Golden will probably move to Murphette. After that, no clue.
  14. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, man. Sad to see you go. - Aspect.
  15. I know someone that types in pink. Need I say more?
  16. I'm so mad, bro. I am currently transforming into a madsaurus. Getting called out in a conversation I had no part in due to association is a low blow. A very low blow. I can honestly say I didn't expect it. But meh. What's done is done. Hands have been revealed. Yay. Wish I knew a whole lot sooner.
  17. Ahh. I don't think either of you really want me to legitimately respond to your baiting here, Carth. Knowledge has the potential to hurt. Neither of you two have gone so far as to warrant me being *that* petty. Although that came decently close.
  18. We have to follow them. We're certainly not winning as a result.
  19. Just amused that so many people seem to spell it wrong... by adding an extra letter. It's like "rogue/rouge" all over again. Also, no namer? /feigns hurt. Aww man. I love reading your posts. They make me smile, after I stop crying as a result of your expert butchery of the English language. Also, your amazing ability to completely miss a point is spectacular. +1.
  20. At least some people I care about are going to stick around for a time.
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