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10 Good
  1. I have to say, the romantic story arcs really add a layer of depth to the game that I didn't expect (and I absolutely love Vector). I would LOVE to see the following: 1. Your spouse is moved from their station on the ship into your quarters. I mean, does he really need to stay in the cargo bay? That's the Star Wars equivalent of making them sleep on the couch. LOL! "No Vector, YOU stay in the cargo bay because you were late for dinner again!" LOL! 2. More interactions with them to keep the romance story line going, i.e.: Daily quest interactions with your spouse - like, one day they make you dinner, or say something sweet, or do the nasty (lol) or give you some kind of unique, rare gift, like a vanity pet, a special weapon, framed art to put up in your ship to make it unique or an equippable token/mod that is unique. Would also be nice if my "husband" would say different things when I click on him while questing...seems unnatural for a spouse to say "I live to serve." LOL! If only THAT kind of comment was based in reality! LOL! It does seem kind of anti-climactic for the whole romance to be done with once you get hitched. 3. A title. I would love to have the title [Name] [spouse's last name]-[Legacy Surname]...OR your spouse can take on your surname or some kind of hyphenated hybrid. LOL! For example, my character's name is E'landria, last name/legacy name Kain, I'd love to have the option to have the title E'landria Hyllus-Kain, and our "children" to have the hyphenated last name. 4. It sounds like, when they implement the Legacy system, you'll be able to assign who's related to who in the family tree. It would be cool if your "children" are able to develop special traits depending on who you choose for a spouse, or if you could choose special appearance options not available to characters that aren't assigned as "children" in the character creation screen (i.e.: if your spouse is a different species), or special racial traits and abilities for offspring from Sith/Jedi parents that might be force-sensitive. Maybe give special bonuses for choosing light/dark side options, depending upon your lineage and what orientation your parents have. If they can't implement it in the character creation screen, maybe have in-game customizations for your character, so if your mother is, say, Kaliyo, you could have a tattoo option, or if your father is Aric Jordan, you could have pointed ear options or something. 5. The ability to rekindle a romance if you've chosen the wrong option or decide you chose the wrong romantic partner. So far, I love this aspect of the game, and I look forward to seeing what Bioware/EA/LucasArts does to expand upon it. Great job so far - this blows away every MMO on the market.
  2. I'm re-subbing, and I'm not a raider, but I play 4+ hours a day (10 on my days off! LOL!), so I guess you could consider me "hardcore." This game gets better as you level, I'm actually blown away with the story line, the game mechanics and pretty much everything overall (except the female hairstyles - hopefully they'll put in some long flowy styles and put a salon in the game so I can change things up when I get tired of my Princess Leia cinnamon buns. LOL!). Very impressed. It's nice to see another viable option on the MMO market that appeals to adults.
  3. Yeah, the AH definitely needs fixing, it's making me a little insane (being a player who likes to make credits so I can buy gear/pets/etc). Even if they changed just ONE thing - the option to search for exactly what you're looking for by name without having to slog through the categories and trying to guess the category of what you're trying to find - would be a huge help. For a new game, it takes a lot of guess work to find what category your item belongs to. It's to the point where I just guess what category my purple "alien blood sample" goes in (I thought it would be one of the bio-professions, but it's not listed there), yet it's not there, so I posted it for an outlandish amount with the hopes it would sell (it didn't). If we had an opportunity to search for the item by name and see what other people were selling it for, at least we'd have an idea what the price range is. I really hope BioWare changes this. It's making such a simple task a pain in-game.
  4. I have to say I really like this game. I love the spell animation, the immersive story lines, companions and the professions - professions are more in-depth than anything I've ever seen. I find the game to be quite innovative, and there's a lot of things I see in this game that you don't see in other MMOs on the market. Here's what I like: - Content that appeals to adults and yet still remains faithful to the Star Wars franchise. There are some cutesy things, but just enough to make it fun, but not so much where an adult player thinks it's lame. So good job, the quests and story-telling are quite balanced. - The writers did a great job, as did the voice actors. You have a lot to be proud of there. - Gear drops early on are impressive and helpful, and the game isn't too easy or dumbed down - it's challenging enough to make completing quests feel rewarding, and that's the key to retaining players - by making it addictive. I'm still very new to the game, so I still have a lot of exploring to do before I can recommend changes. If I could recommend any changes, it would be the following: - Female hairstyles. Yes, I'm a female player, and it would be nice to have some longer, flowing, more feminine styles that aren't so short and butchy. It's a small, silly thing, but as a female player, I tend to focus on the little details. The style that the BH has in the opening Sith cinematic would be nice, as well as some other longer hairstyles. - It would also be cool to be able to start your professions at level 1, but I understand why developers have chosen this particular direction - reaching level 10 is kind of a benchmark and attaining your professions is kind of a reward. - Being able to choose the gender of romance-able companions (so if they're the same gender, we can get a same-gender one and hit on them. LOL!). - Achievements that include titles, bragging rights and rewards (mounts, pets, etc.). This greatly increases the addictive nature of the game, and if you want people in it for the long-haul (especially at the end-game phase), players need variety when it comes to things to strive for when it comes to furthering their character development. I realize this might sound like something another MMO might have , but a LOT of video games have this feature now, and I believe achievements make me play more and add longevity to the game and are cool distractions when you want a break from PvP'ing or raiding. Overall, great job - I've played a few newly launched MMOs, and I haven't come across a single bug (other than the odd booting from the server, but that happens everywhere). I'm really looking forward to exploring more content in the game, it's really well done.
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