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Everything posted by HaleTheFreeVoice

  1. to be honest, it just sounds like you are terrible at pvp and thats fine. just do pve then? ive never had a single one of the problems you have brought up. at all.. you just suck at a sentinel. if its such a problem...why do we have to hear about you being a worse sentinel then the rest of us? i fail to see the purpose of wasting everyones time with this post. does everyone else want to play/look/act/talk/sound like every other player in the game or am i the only one here who wants to be different in all the above things?
  2. QQ to the max.... most pathetic post on the forums i've ever seen so far. seriously? oh no because everyone was expecting SUPER AMAZING AWESOME dialog from bioware.... especially after making mass effect which had the amount of emotions in about 3 cutscenes... THERE ARE NO EMOTIONS IN STARWARS! the music is the emotion. try watching or playing starwars with no starwars music. GUARENTEE that you will say the same thing lol. his voice isnt "surpressed" btw. its just calm. like a jedi knight was supposed to be. Obi-wan was the same way lol. if your seriously basing your Knights voice off of the emotional 10 year old Anakin and luke who wasn't TECHNICALLY a jedi knight until after vader was kill and was also an emotional genius. then thats realllllly sad. this is not episodes 4 5 and 6, this is 2 thousand years ago when the jedi werent all whiny cry babies because they cant stick to their code for more then five freaken seconds. oh and seriously? the dude from metal gear solid did this voice so its amazing for that reason? he is about as fitting for a jedi voice as a gay guy is fitting for a straight porno lol the knights voice if anything should be carth onasi's voice, he has the sexiest, most interestin character voice in IMO he was my favorite character and always will be
  3. your problem is that your the same level THEY are. im stating THEY because if you are fighting more then One level 28 elite at the same time, it will be alot harder to kill them. not to mention the fact that they are elites means alot. example. say its you and kira vs 2 elites your level, ( kira is useless for this fight by the way she gets completely destroyed i used T7 to tank them while i put the hurt on them from behind. ) anyway the fact that they are both gold elites means that your basically fighting a level 28 who both have double your health, strength, abilities, and better gear. if you are fighting more then one lvl 28 elite you should be at least two levels higher and properly geared.
  4. ohhh okay he means like the talents arent doing basically? i doubt it i haven't seen a difference at all, its not like it gimps me completely if anything its just w.e., if you are modded and geared and blahblahblah up to date you should be alright. but thats just me so idk *** im talking about lol
  5. signed but think about kotor and every other dual wielding game, when has offhand ever been scaled to your main hand? lol it goes with the whole "im better with one hand" thing right?
  6. okay guys heres the reason why you "have" to use T7. its to make the story really good, for those who know revans story and how the emperor caught him and blah blah, the emperor literally KILLED T3-M4. the ending to this is literally the same as what happened to Revan, YOU are the reason scourge killed the Exile and betrayed revan and let T3 get blown up. so the fight in the end resembles what happened to revan but had he succeeded. T7 is there because he is kinda like the NEW T3 and its like an Avenged death type of deal. i think its a really good idea and im totally down with my droid but i think they should have let kira or scourge fight two. im not makin this up, im not actually factual that this is why its like tht, but if you read into the revan and emperor battle, it is verbatum this fight except without scourge or a female jedi to help you. I hope this ease's your annoyance, its a true hardcore starwars fan thing, ya no?
  7. lol i still seriously think that they should have let you have like 3 major class spec companions, and let you pick the rest because uhm *** is the pointof the security key vendor as a sith warrior??? i get a droid mouse.... the its like 8 things for khem val???? the chick clothes which isnt like a big deal. then some other random persons gear, but literal nothing for ME. lol. i didnt see the uses
  8. right?! shes so hot, except she kinda overplays the whole "i fell to the dark side, so now im a sadistic ***** who loves hardcore *** with anyone with legs, and if not im super ***** for the dark side twentyfour seven" thing. its hot for like the first two convos after then its like whoa "okay women, i am technically your master and YOU are more evil and messed up then i am...lolwut.."
  9. ew no lol i hate when people do that. okay i like the optional thing thats nice. SEE ITS NOT ALL SOOOOO EVIL... lol e-peen
  10. does it affect the darth title? cuz i really don't want to be in a flashpoint and all my buddies are like "dude can you PLEASE GET YOUR STUPID LONG *** title out of my way" every 20 seconds. like darth taylen "surname"?
  11. by ALOOTOTOLFOTTLOLFNkdshg;lihgsl;kdhg;serhg;sihgdkgbs;kjge MOREREREREEE do you mean all of te +50 that you get every like 3 levels? ohhhh no, maybe you should have leveled you main completely then made alts like BW clearly stated when they announced how to use the Legacy system.... but no instead of going on google and double checking what it when it bleeped onto your screen, you assumed it was just a title and was all like "oh cool and stuff" and now your whiny about the +1000 points out of the possible 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 legacy points available. it must be so nervewrecking, do you want a cookie for telling everyone you failed? QQ and if its a big deal the relevel them they are all low levels anyway so whats the problem?
  12. and so wait, is i have a ?surname, does that mean if i have a Darth title toon will it be like "darth taylen 'surname'"?
  13. well to be frank, ur dumb for making this a big deal. technically your Supposed to level a guy to 50, make a legacy name nd THEN make alts, ur alts arent supposed to help level your main/highest level toon because its THEIR legacy, get it?
  14. yeah I was glad this convo was brought up because it seems to be both gear and timing your rotation well, if you can do both in perfect sync you're like unkillable
  15. OMG guys if you guys are that stupid to realize they made it so his AIM STAT is the equivalent to STRE STAT. its the same thing just a different name, AIM does the same thing for him as Stre would for a jedi knight. the only thing that needs to be changed is the written text. its exxactly the same, his aim stat is different the the players aim stat.
  16. you went from bagging on your companion, who I totally agree with btw, to bagging on the game itself. ohhh no its such a terrible game because of ONE companion you aren't going to use after the next one anyway....ohhhhhhhh its a crisis... qq don't play the game if its so bad lol
  17. hey serious poster here, yeah this seems to be a problem for both sides of the coin. jedi/sith. its a terrible esign flaw both sides are complaning about, just be happy youre side looks cool in it. the jedi consulars look so bad.....so bad...lol
  18. I would have continued to care about this arguement, but then I took an arrow to the knee...
  19. you just made me so happy when you brought up crushbone keep. i haven't laughed that hard in a long time. its so true,
  20. okay can i get this out in the open, uhm for everyone who played Wow and is playing this game. good for you for playing wow but shut up. this game....TOR IS WOW. jsut like WOW is like every MMO before it. everyones like "well it shouldnt be like wow" or "wow did it fine so they can too" yeah because the whole dual spec/talent tree thing wasnt created by blizzard. its been in the MMO business forever before wow and on and on. wow is not the god creator of MMO's its actually like the baby in the whole realm of MMO's besides TOR dual spec is a part of every MMO, like talent trees, all this talk that wow is polluting TOR is wrong. dual spec doesnt affect ANYTHING. ever. all it does is allow players to have more ease when switching between PVE and PVP. its not the end of the world lol. it doesnt make the game easier. all it does is challenge the player more to keep a steady geared character for both sides of your dual spec. i dont understand why this is so hard for people to understand. just because you played wow like myself doesn't make you a god at MMO's. and for everyone who is saying TOR isn't WOW.... it is because every MMO is another MMO. they are all generally the same in some way. otherwise it wouldnt be an MMO. QQ, get over it, its already going to be implemented into the game, if you don't like it then simply don't use it. if its to much of a pain to use and keep up with then ignore it. but respec'ing your AC because you dont want to DS, a million times is pretty much the same except you have to pay for it. personally, IMHO WoW sucks. it was great until they ended WOTLK, then messed it all up with CATA. so get over it. WOW is probably the worth MMO ive playe out of all the others ive tried, the only good thing about it is its community and raids. everything else is pretty much a "who has a cooler looking character" contest or a "who has the most boring life ever because all i do all day is farm for a skill that is already at its max level" its a brats dress up game for guys basically...with swords. so relax, TOR willbe WOW in a year or two you'll be fine. and TOR kids, cry more its happening. period. if you thought this was an MMO that was secretly not an MMO then you need to wake up and realize its the same thing. okay? you just have lightsabers now. congratz you successfully switch universes
  21. thats not the point, the point is that dual spec is usually intended for people who want to do pvp and pve at the same time, youstill have to pay and you can still respec, all youre doing is changin your skill tree around to suit your needs, i dont see why you would want the conquences and setc. thats kinda weird. thats like if i said "oh you want to do pvp and pve but you can spend money respec just to play a round of pvp then respec again and spend moeny to go back to a pve build." its just not user friendly. some people want to be able to ahve two builds for dual purposes. now i will agree that if youre doing it for youre crew skills thats stupid just make an alt character why dual spec for skills. but i only used dual spec for pvp and pve switch in and outs and so did everyone else so i dont see the issue
  22. why would they have to redo the game? wow added new weapons to their classes almost every patch. lol, they jst add a new weapon proffiancy to the class...not really that hard
  23. besides, i still have yet to see the exact problem with duel spec... if you don't like it don't use it? its not like they are forcing you to use it. if you don't get that its for players who want to pvp one day and pve the next day then thats pretty sad. idk why wow was brought into this just because it uses dual spec because it did not create dual spec lol the fact of the matter is, is that people use dual spec as a commodity not to make the game easier or to make guilds smaller or w.e. youre saying, i failed to see the evidence and logic that people who dual spec ran off and created their own guilds, or why it had to do with them switching between their alts and mains. that has nothing to do with dual spec'ing your toon. personally i like being in a tight group within a guild i dont like when the 200000 people in my guild ARENT one everyday. i go threw my list and its like 15 out of 198 online....*** is point of that. and the definition of a guild is a small to medium size group of people working together for blah blah blah. IMHO i don't want to babysit 20975209357029375 kids in a guild id like a steady 20-30 people max in my guild, idgaf how great the guild is. i just want to have fun with those people i grow close to within the game. not have a "whos go a bigger guild" debate. its supposed to be a fun game where we all have fun and compete with each other, not listen to people like you who want to take every aspect of the game and every other game like it and rip it to pieces for their own single purposed gains that never benefit anyone else cuz you can't figure out why everyone left your guild they left your guild to start their own cuz they got tired of seeing that you were proably a lvl 20 guild with all herioc crap that hey couldnt use anyway, probably saw what a dick you are, probably said hey i dont want to be in a guild where i dont fit into all this crap about dual spec/ we. else you went on about. they wanted a better guild or to see the excitement of having and running their own. dual spec does not force people to leave a guild.... its not a living breathing alien with wings! just play the damn game and cry more. you arent being forced to use it so stop talking already. you're not right nor wrong. you just don't have any pure hard evidence. nor does anyone care. because you obviously weren't using dual spec properly or you'd understand it was to be used for pve and pvp switchers. sigh holy ****
  24. lol okay wait what? you're calling him a bad pvp player....when you are using a PVE spec in PVP.... uhm okay theres a reason he'd obviously be the better PVPer....because his talent tree is set to pvp? not pve... you're an idiot for saying that. think before you speak. what he's saying is that why shouldn't we be able to switch specs depending on how a person feels like playing today. maybe i dont want to spend all day doing quests, let me switch specs to pvp so i dont suck at pvp.... why would you use a PVE (PLAYER VERSUS ENVIRONMENT) (E.V.I.R.O.N.M.E.N.T) in PVP (PLAYER VS PLAYER) that would completely negate the point of the two being separate servers and play styles.... which have been used for 20 years in MMO history.... if you don't like go play a normal RPG like fable or mass effect where things aren't to difficult for you
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