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Posts posted by CrunchyGremlin

  1. 1) Have a champion bag ready in the vault for when you turn 50, convert WZ commendations to mercenary till you have 1000 mercenary commendations, then build WZ commendations up to 1000(CaP), level 42 gun, level 40 gear, Gear a companion.


    ROughly in that priority order. You want your purple bag in the vault and 1000/1000 (5 more bags to purchase on turning 50) when you hit 50. The level 40+ gear perhaps optional. An easy gear up for a companion optional.


    Oh damn that is a good point.


    If you can buy the best gear before you need it then yeah do that after getting champ bag... or maybe even before.


    Its really not that big of a deal as the coms build up pretty fast.

    I am pretty sure that in a day you can fill up 1k+ of comms if you can pull down the medals.

    Shadow puts those medals on easy mode.

  2. Buy merc commendation. 30/10 transfer but you will get them pretty quick.


    After that...


    Get a champ bag.




    Buy merc commendation.




    Get all the top level PvP gear you can buy so you have them.




    Buy merc commendation. if you need to.




    I buy pvp boxes.

    I get a chance at some decent gear and the green gear can still sell pretty well.

    + i get stims.


    currently i buy the biggest 3 that i can open if i find i am near com cap in WZ.


    Outside of WZ i buy the biggest i can and open it. repeat until I get down to a point i wont have to worry about capping.


    I have lost a lot of coms to capping...

    Not to mention valor... Valor fills up at about 50% of level. I lose half my level of valor generally unless i go PvE.

    Which i do.


    I go and fight mobs and try to pick it world coms and xp. Missions would be better... but... i need the flexibility to bail and or WZ whenever i want/need.

  3. I would like the WZ's to be connected to a bigger whole.

    Have an effect on ilum, OWPVP, or PVE.


    Special Hutball ranking per player.

    hutball leagues and teams and team managers and owners...


    After so many CW wins a real CW happens and if the imps win they turn the area around the alderan guns into OWPVP for some amount of time and one shot resource nodes spawn containing something like bags or high level crafting mats.

    WAR ON!


    Or after each CW more NPC IMPS land on alderan.


    Whatever makes the WZ's something to fight for and defend.


    9) Interrupting before opponents bar is full only to find out they did complete the action afterall


    I have done this thinking i was so pro.

    Ill let him cap for a while i kill this guy...

    Too late...

    The guy i killed then rides the bike right back to the gun...

    Failure upgraded to complete failure.

  5. well, a couple of marauders had been dogging my poor gunnery commando and they caught me on the bridge in void star. We were going at it and luck saw my knockback finally came off cool down before their interrupts so i was able to knock them off the bridge. Problem was my camera had gotten all off during the fight and i managed to run myself off the bridge right after them.... O.o



  6. was late night same groups just one was 4 premade, and dominating, i got put on their team twice and i took my chest pants and helm off, still killed a bm on the other team as well as a couple of others 1v1.


    wasnt embarrassing for me, thanks ilum :p


    Sub 20 i fight naked whenever its not too inconvenient and i remember.

  7. The first time I realized you don't have to face your target to extricate them. I tried to pull the ball carrier across the final flame vent not realizing he charged past it already and was about to score. I pulled him away from the goal line.


    Luckily he was able to score with next to no health. That was embarrassing.


    Oh man.


    thanks for sharing.

  8. East/West.


    People need to learn how to use their map.


    People need to learn directions.


    If someone starts using the left/right terms, I politely ask them to open their map and start using East/West instead because they're confusing people.


    East/West works for both factions.


    End of discussion as far as I'm concerned.


    This is the right answer as long as it works and you believe that east west works better.

  9. swtor.com forums...where intelligence goes to die


    Honestly if you think it works so well then just use it.


    Nothing is stopping you other than yourself.


    Who cares if people agree with you or not.

    Put yourself in a position where your ops chat matters and use it.


    People typically expect others to be the change they want to make.

  10. Since when do you have to explain cardinal directions? Applying your logic, why don't we explain right and left too?


    There's a mini-map. It can be reasonably expected of your fellow players to understand NSEW and to look at the mini-map. Cardinal directions give vastly more directional information than left/right. You do understand this concept, don't you?


    well then dont explain it and just get all pissy when people dont know what you mean.





    Leading by ESP works too in some imaginary worlds.


    It can reasonably expected that when in spawn people say "2 go left rest mid" that left at any other time means the left gun from spawn.


    If they cant figure that out then without explaining east and west they wont get it.

  11. I had a guy call "left" in CW last night... I proceeded left from where I was and ended up on repub spawn platform then asked in ops where everyone was because I was in mid facing west when the guy called "left" and left was the repub spawn.


    Since you don't always know the orientation of the player making the call EAST/WEST is always superior.



    Cool story bro.

  12. East/West, no argument necessary. It's universally correct.


    without a clear reference you might as well say shows and toast.


    you have to explain it in spawn if you want it to work.


    anybody that knows what east and west means will know what left and right means.

    its the noobs or the learners that need to know.


    If you want to use those indicators then explain them in spawn.


    No more discussion here is needed.

  13. I have realized it doesn't matter. If you are in a full PUG. People will do what they want. They do not defend. They do not use the map and they really don't bother reading the chat box.


    I often feel like if I say help East! A few too many of my team are thinking which way is that anyway.


    Yeah this.

    I think its enough to say "inc" for the most part. If they see it they can figure it out.


    And still the incoming part isn't as big as an issue as saying where to hit.

  14. Screenshot from the Imp side:




    As you can see the left turret is the one we can directly access from the spawn point. Thats why I referred to it as the Imp turret. You can see why it's called the generator on the turret map in your top right corner. The crash site is pretty obvious as well.


    I think a discussion is pointless to be honest. Any direction will do as long as it's a fixed position and not something people can get confused (left/right) about.


    So the issue is that from mid you cant see those indicators.

    The guys calling incoming crash! The guys in mid would need to know where those are. East/west left/right from where they are.

    But you can see the drop ships which should indicate immediately which way is needed as the screen shot shows.


    Well whatever i have tried east west and for the most part it works less than right left.


    The mini map...

    Well i moment of honesty here......

    I use the minimap on VS to see the division of people.

    I use it on CW when running from spawn to see how many people are going left.

    On hutball i use it to see where the ball is.


    But honestly its hard enough to get people to use the left and right bikes in CW.

    now you want them to also pretend the minimap has cardinal directions on it?


    I will try to use it and give people those instructions more.

  15. On the plus side its pretty clear that WZ's can mechanically support 20+ players.


    16 on 16 anyone?


    32 on 32?


    Now we are talking battles.


    At that point TOR could totally be just an MMOPVP, like world of tanks, rather than an MMORPG.

    Great big maps and such.

  16. I totally agree that Sentinels are damn hard to play.

    They also get medal shafted at low levels.


    All a marauder/sent has to do in hutball is fight and spam speed or heal.

    but As a ball carrier they instill fear.


    People plan defense around force leaping ball carriers.


    You just have to do it once and people will "yell" at their team mates to stay off the ramps.


    The only draw back to these guys in PvP is their performance somewhere about under 30 or 40.


    Here they dont have stealth.

    they dont do burst enough to get 2.5k medals.

    they dont have protection skills.


    So they score subpar medals.


    Any shadow spec will out medal a higher level sentinel easy.

    Easier to play and more "free" medals.

  17. The sad fact is that this isnt going to change.


    I have the creeping suspicion that the GW2 people were right.


    The combat in this game is a lot of fun.

    But it likely will be two years before it becomes really good if people stick it out not just now but when the big changes happen.


    Lots of people will quit when they make the big changes as PvP folks are the biggest whiners in any MMORPG.

  18. I dont see as that big of an issue.

    Before i learned resillence it sucked but it wasn't a game breaker.


    Now that i have resilience i kill the defender and purge and cap. Or I start capping as they are dying. If i see no one capping when we are winning i go and cap.


    I mean its an effective taunt if nothing else.



    So maybe in the 50 queue this is a bigger deal.

  19. I really think this boils down to people not using or not knowing how to use their mini map.


    I can always travel in the cardinal direction you give me by glancing at the mini-map for an instant. And so can any player.


    Again, left/right, snow/grass, up/down, etc is superfluous. Am I missing something?


    Try explaining it to people in spawn and your problem will magically go away right?

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