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Posts posted by CrunchyGremlin

  1. The Ops leader is the person the game determined to be the most well geared person in your Ops. This is usually the person with the highest Valor rank for obvious reasons, but not always. Note that the game puts some very unusual values for certain things, like matrix cubes. BM/Rakata gear do not get the weight you think they'd have (it's not even clear if the game weights them as higher than Champion). In fact, full Champion + Matrix Cube is the one setup that will consistently get you the leader spot no matter what other people are wearing.


    I verified this because before there were Rakata/BM gear become widely available, you can inspect whoever is leader and it is obvious that the leader is always the guy closest to full Champion/Columi. It's also too consistent to be something random like % of valor to next rank. I know I always had Ops leader before I hit Valor 60 no matter how close (or not) I was to next level.


    That is really interesting.


    Is it possible too that it doesnt rate by highest value but by bighest value for level.


    so a level 20 with lots of purple gear ranks higher than a level 49 with all blue?


    still it seems to me it the person closest to valor level cap gets ops... but maybe... it gear cap???

  2. here are the observations


    . opsleader changes when new people enter before the WZ match starts.

    . people with the highest valor do not always get opleader.

    . we cant assign/reassign opsleader manually



    this is the most likley guess...

    the player nearest their levels valor cap get opsleader. But this could be proven untrue by 50 only rank 60 valor players.


    I am guessing its a combination of player closest to cap and then random for ties.

  3. It's been said it's whomever has the highest current valor in their valor level.

    I don't know if this is a raw number or a percentage. I do notice I get OpsLead a LOT because with exception of just leveling, my Valor is always capped at 100%.


    yes i see that some of my toons that are capped tend to get opslead even when their valor is sub 25.


    I dont ussually take the time to look at the valor of all characters but i see that i will come in the game sub 40 with opslead while there are others wearing the centurian title.


    I am guessing that nearer you are to cap has something to do with it.


    Its a shame that i cant give opslead away.

  4. Iassume it has something to do with valor.

    I do not think it is random although it may be affected by random factors such as people arriving late in the match.


    I see opsleader change as new people come in.

    I see the same people get opsleader often.


    (some perform this duty better than others.)

  5. You know, I kind of just want to coordinate with the Imperials on our server, get on after prime time hours (when queues hardly pop), then have both sides queue premades at the same time....then have both sides afk through the whole WZ.


    Wonder if it'd just randomly pick a winner if no one did anything?


    this is really the only way we will know.

    would be usefull to see what is worth objective points by attacker or defender and how much.


    I imagine once we know that we would find that all of the WZ's use the same idea.


    The big difference in VS is taht its two rounds with a time to beat.

  6. Maybe... it remembers things from match to match that are not displayed on the end result...


    Pulling it out of my *** here.

    this picture..



    round 2: defender has no ojective points.

    so that means that all the objective points were scored in round 1.

    In round 2 the attackers never tried to plant.

    attackers LOSE for lack of trying for objectives.


    in this one the winners have more objective points.



    My stab at this is this.

    round 2 determines the winner. ties are given to the defender.

    objective points are only generated by the defenders.

    victory points are only generated by the attacker.

    Its possible that the objectives points are averaged over all players on a team.


    Is it possible that getting objective points makes you lose?

    someone said this earlier sort of.


    on a first foor tie the round2 defender has to score more objectives than the round1 defender for the *round 2* attacker to win?

    The effect is that the objective points can not be milked.

  7. here is post that had some ideas in it




    uy merc commendation. 30/10 transfer but you will get them pretty quick.


    After that...


    Get a champ bag.




    Buy merc commendation.




    Get all the top level PvP gear you can buy so you have them.




    Buy merc commendation. if you need to.




    I buy pvp boxes.

    I get a chance at some decent gear and the green gear can still sell pretty well.

    + i get stims.


    currently i buy the biggest 3 that i can open if i find i am near com cap in WZ.


    Outside of WZ i buy the biggest i can and open it. repeat until I get down to a point i wont have to worry about capping.


    I have lost a lot of coms to capping...

    Not to mention valor... Valor fills up at about 50% of level. I lose half my level of valor generally unless i go PvE.

    Which i do.


    I go and fight mobs and try to pick it world coms and xp. Missions would be better... but... i need the flexibility to bail and or WZ whenever i want/need.

  8. PvP xp is slower than PvE xp at higher levels.

    But as for items... I cap on WZ comms and end up with bunches of greens and blues from PVP boxes. I get more premium equipment from PvP'ing than i do i from questing.

    Still i dont care about the Xp or the items as much as the valor.


    the valor reaches cap in 1/3 or 1/2 of the xp needed for level.

    I also get to the point where i am capped on commendations.

    Which means all that PvP after that is wasted valor and/or comm.


    I would not mind seeing objective based PvP quests with rewards that exceed the caps. Or perhaps with a reward that is a cap expander for some period of time.



    Cap all three guns

    win by reducing opponent to 0 with more than 300 points left.

    blah blah blah.


    But that is all dreaming anyway.

    I would rather hear about how great Ilum is after its been carefully and meaningfully fixed.

  9. I ****ed up only once... there was a Trooper, firing at me, instead of going stealth to delay him as usually i force jumped at him, and while we were fighting some stealth class, probably Shadow, planted the bomb. I admitted my fault in OP chat:o


    Usually however, my door is okey and enemy manages to breach the other one. How for heaven's sake they manage to plant anything with 6 our people there is beyond me.:eek:


    That was me. I planted the bomb.

  10. No, I generally think baddies are those guys at the very bottom of the list who contribute nothing to the game. You know, the types that join level 50 PVP in green gear constantly, never gear up, can't seem to damage people for ****, can't seem to kill anyone or heal anyone or capture any points. You know, those useless wastes of space that take up slots on your team.


    Those are baddies, you're kidding yourself if you think anyone that rages at how terrible you are is a baddie. Especially if they're ending games with 300k healing or 40 kills and you're ending games with 50k in damage, no heals and no protection and no medals...


    Yeah the game isn't about winning medals but its eery how people at the top of the leaderboard tend to *usually* be people contributing more than the people at the very bottom.


    You're right generally... I am talking more about those those folks that post pics of 700k damage where they lost the WZ. They dont give advise that isnt about your mom and are difficult to teach or to get to change tactics.


    The poorly skilled people you speak of can likely be taught pretty easily unless they are permanently bad for some reason in which case they are indeed less useful then the "good" baddies but screaming at them might get the to not PvP anymore... but it wont get them any better and it will demoralize the team.



    Defenders in VS who spend all their time killing the attackers after the door is blown and take their sweet time getting to the next location. meanwhile some or all of the people they killed are respawning at the new attacker spawn making them actually closer to their objectives with full health.


    never going for objectives and only trying to kill folks.


    giving conflicting orders in chat because they know the right way even though they dont have opslead and wont ask for it and take party chat.

    Ignoring ops chat.

    Leaving the WZ because they dont like the way its going.

    shouting insults and then leaving WZ because they dont like the way its going.

    harboring personal vendettas against their own side because they take instruction as personal criticism and they can not handle being wrong.

    People who cannot handle others being wrong.

  11. I seriously had people asking "lol, what west? just say left or right!" in chat after informing them about an inc...


    As others seem to be oblivious to cardinal directions and I myself cannot say from memory which side in cv is the grassy or the snowy one, let alone voidstar - the easiest fix would be colourcoding the doors and adding landmarks to the turrets.


    Just like arathi and SotA.


    I agree landmarks are better but the map is so simple and so left/right intuitive for republic.


    The biggest problem here is the CW empire side gets the crap side of the UI.

    The guns indicators are reversed from their locations in reference to spawn.

    the mini map is reversed and upside down when in reference to the direction a person is actually going in reference to spawn.


    as an imp runs out of spawn Move the camera over your head and the direction arrow is pointing the opposite way of travel. Go towards either gun and its same.


    Thats why people say left and right are confusing.


    on republic its all in line.

    some one says trouble left, or the left gun indicator starts flashing, you can look at the minimap and turn your facing left in relation to the UI and you are going to the problem

    Its very intuitive for republic to use left/right.


    Not so for empire. In fact it is damn near crazy making.

  12. 1) Mock people on their team instead of trying to coach them.

    2) Tell others how bad they are and how bad everyone else except them is instead of trying to help them improve their game play.

    3) Overreact when something bad happens, rage at the rest of the team and demotivate them.


    AND....in forum PvP


    1) Make posts like the OPs.


    Yeah Bad leaders.

    Its a hard skill generally requiring a person to have a life to learn...

    There is a lack of good leadership in PvP games in general. Compassion and understanding are weaknesses to most of the players. The importance of always being right so that i never fail.


    There is a difference between badies and learners.


    here are some baddie traits

    1. Its always the other guys fault.
    2. Inability to adapt.
    3. Inability to lose with grace
    4. Inability to accept mistakes
    5. Easily Frustrated
    6. Expects that other should "just know"
    7. Inability to remember How they learned a skill
    8. Poor learning skills
    9. often needs to QQ
    10. Never admits they don't know.
    11. Generally dickish behavior.

  13. has anyone else been killed by an operative coming out of stealth and stunning you then killing you in less that 5 seconds? Does anyone else think that stealth should only be given to healers to get out of trouble?


    I am interested in what others think.


    i haven't

    I don't

  14. What is stopping you from Re-Rolling? If you enjoy that bracket so much, then play in it.



    You bought a RPG and you hate gear/progression? Talk about irony. Your hypocrasy knows no bound....


    this is incorrect.


    gear grind can be a component of an RPG but a gear grind by itself is not an RPG.

    See "world of tanks" for gear grind and character progression with no RPG.


    I bought and continue to pay for an RPG i expect an RPG.


    But what i got is an RPG that has PvP with RPG elements.

    This makes the PvP structurally the same as WOT which is free to play.


    As long as the focus of PvP is gear it will not be good enough.

    That doesnt mean the gear grind has to go.

    It means the PvP is missing a major element that is greater than the gear grind.


    If I’m the guy defending a turret in Alderaan by myself and I say “inc 1 east” then you better come help or we are losing that turret.





    You did this wrong and on purpose too!



  16. Totally agree, I was playing Voidstar the other day and planted 2 charges successfully and over the whole game didn't get any objective points. That makes absolutely no sense.


    I was watching Sinnahti's stream on Twitch.TV the other day and there was a WZ where he was the only on that wasn't inquisitor on his team.


    I have done the whole damn thing.

    3 doors, bridge, and upload.

    That effort isn't worth 1 medal and sometimes is worth 0.

    I have a feeling that those things are worth nothing and only combat counts for objectives.

  17. Means your ball carrier was running around alone. You get objective points in Huttball by 1.) being next to your carrier or 2.) attacking their carrier.


    And regardless of which you did the points are divided evenly between offense and defense.


    It is obviously a back burner idea.

    Id expect it to change over the next year or two.


    Obviously BW/mythic is trying compensate for population imbalances with stealth fixes via intentional bugs.


    10 and 12 v 8 makes a good challenge for the imps.

  18. It is troublesome when a stealther slips out from my death grasp.

    But generally... big deal.

    Once they run i win if im playing for objectives.


    Although i have used force cloak to escape and nab a heal powerup and come back into the action but generally im dotted and i have already used my purge.

    Maybe i use the purge to generously...


    Still i get a second or two or stealth which is useful.


    But i can not do anything from stealth save get to safety, choose a fight, or get behind someone standing in front of an objective.


    I like the way stealth works in this game. It has a huge tactical advantage and almost no offensive combat advantage.

    Unlike some games stealth where i kill you in a 2 or 3 fast hits and never come out of stealth.

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