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Everything posted by Torcer

  1. It's no longer Rock/Paper/Scissors, its Scissors beats rock and paper.
  2. You are right What a shame, I was actually excited about the new WZ System and the new WZ - but BW managed to snatch PvP design defeat from the jaws of victory.
  3. Worse, my PT feels like a Wet Napkin!
  4. Um, he Specced Shield, probably because he wants to be, you know, A TANK. Yes, anyone can Spec DPS, but it's rather silly to have a Game with Tank, Healer and DPS roles, and force everyone to DPS through your FUBAR design decision/mistake.
  5. Funny, I didn't lol, I sighed.
  6. Voidstar, 18 Medals, 65 Coms. Another an Alderaan with 10 Medals and 85 Comms. I don't get it - Maybe someone could Sticky a post explaining the new WZ reward calculations.
  7. I don’t think its speed, I’m not sure what it is, but for Voidstar we stopped the opposing team at the first door, then as attacker breached the first door, ending the match – a fast win with 18 Medals and 65 comms. Bizarre, just weird.
  8. Loss: Novar Coast, 7 Medals, and 35 Coms…. Win: Voidstar, 18 Medals and 65 Comms (This is not a typo) Loss: Alderan, 8 Medals and 65 Coms Win: Alderan: 10 Medals and 85 Comms What a Fakakta reward system.
  9. I just did two WZs post servers coming up. It wasn't a Bug, my VG goes down MUCH faster than pre 1.2.
  10. It’s really not that hard, or time consuming, that’s why you keep PR people on the payroll. In the absence of an explanation that it’s a bug, it’s reasonable to conclude that BioWare intended the faster TTK experienced yesterday and something is wrong, or missing from the math. If it was a bug, then BW should expressly say so and stop this *****trom.
  11. Really? There are dozens of threads consisting of thousands move posts complaining about the same issues with 1.2 (i.e., low TTK, Diminished/Zero Rewards for losing WZs, etc), and BioWare can’t spare one CommunityRep to take 15 minutes of time to sticky a post at the top of the PvP forum explaining 1.2’s PvP implementation? Instead, we have to speculate, to the point that people are posting math equations? Having your PvP community in meltdown mode and the ill will that engenders makes more sense than keeping them in the loop and diffusing the situation? I'm sorry guys, but from a pure CS perspective that just doesn't fly.
  12. (Emphasis added) Here's a totally crazy idea - if there was a bug yesterday causing the fast TTK, then how about a BioWare Community Rep clarify this rather than let the PvP community have a meltdown?
  13. The only thing in this thread more inane than BioWare's FUBAR patch is your post. I'm not going to go all Socratic Method on your ***, but think about this phrase in light of MMOs in general: "standard that would reasonably be expected taking into consideration the price paid and description." Remember, this IS a MMO.
  14. It IS an incentive – an incentive not to play.
  15. I have NEVER left a Warzone before - not 0-6 Huttball, or even an Alderaan lost by 400 points. However, if its 8 vs 4 and I will get ZERO comms for my 15 minutes of smackdown, then I'll leave and you will too if it happens enough times.
  16. If TTK has decreased, then doesn't that further weaken the Shield Spec, and make Iron Fist less viable? I mean the whole point of a Tank is more TTK. Not sure if the Mitigation decrease is a bug, or working as intended. If so it's blaringly obvious what changes mean for a VG/PT - or anyone who is not DPS specced for that matter.
  17. Maybe the patch had some stealth changes in it that were not mentioned in the patch notes?
  18. Actually, Rage Quitting is not the problem, people quitting based on a calm logic is the issue.
  19. People will "get over it" by choosing not to PvP - people "getting over it" is precisely the problem.
  20. Apparently the yellow dude appeared and said the Guild Bank will be restored. This is good community relations, popping in and letting us know, I wish BW would do what he did more often. He should post a clarification and make it clear that the deposited credits will return too.
  21. BW would need to do a rollback, or find some way to find the data and refund your guild the $18M. Then again, they never rolled back Valor from the Ilum debacle, so who knows?
  22. I’m not a game developer, but shouldn’t changes be tested before being pushed to live?
  23. Your argument is entirely beside the point. A proper PvP game will incentivize 1) Participation, 2) Individual Achievement, and 3) Winning (Team Achievement). Improper incentives in any one area, imbalances the game. If you don’t create an incentive to participate, then it decreases the number of people who will PvP, resulting in fewer people to compete against, and diminishing population eventually undermines PvP itself. If you don’t incentivize individual achievement, then people won’t try as hard as they could (e.g., the AFK problem), and if you don’t incentivize winning (Team Achievement), then people won’t play together as a team to win. Your Analogy to life and entitlement is poor because people play games to have fun, which self evidentially different from Life. People will not participate if it’s not fun, and receiving no, or nominal reward for 15 minutes of time investment isn’t fun. There are literally no posters arguing that you should not be rewarded for Winning, no reasonable person feels entitled to the same rewards for losing as winning. What people are arguing is that they should be rewarded for the time they invested by participating. If participation is not rewarded, then fewer people will participate and more people will quit WZs the moment they believe they will lose. BioWare has literally created an incentive for PvPers to quit Warzones, and although you don’t seem to have considered it, this decreased competition undermines the PvP experience of “winners” such as yourself, eventually harming the long term viability of PvP. Longer Ques, less competition and less illusion of achievement. The size of your ePeen only matters if there are other people around to see it.
  24. How can anyone think that what Staalker describes is right? What he describes is a travesty. Please tell me that BioWare was just too overwhelmed with 1.2’s colossal changes, they dropped the ball on this one, and they intend to change it back. Also, if they really think that 1.2 is the game changer that they had to get right, like described in several interviews an postings, then they might want to post and implement the fix a bit quicker than they did for the Ilum debacle.
  25. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the show?
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