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Posts posted by Irenicus_Jon

  1. I honestly don't think this is an issue anymore.


    Server transfers/merges will not bring back people like me. We have moved on to other things. Those that managed to swallow the bitter pill of re-rolling on another server and lose their legacy have done so. At this points there are some servers that need to be nuked (to prevent the illusion that they are actual servers) but I'm pretty sure the number of people that would come back with the offer of server transfer/merges is small (and decreasing daily).

  2. I have two days left in my subscription. I haven't logged into the game to do anything for a month. This will be TL, DR (I have become bitter). Reasons I have unsubbed:


    -Outright lying to customers. This is the greatest offender and the reason I'm not coming back. There are various examples, not just for this game but for the companies involved in general. Ranked warzones with 1.2, falsifying server populations on 1.3 video, promise of keeping developers for frequent content updates and then firing half of them 5 months in, the PvP server incident where they almost punished people who reported abuse from a GM, and many others. There is no integrity left.


    -Plethora of bugs but more importantly, the extremely slow response in fixing them. It takes months for quests that were bugged on release to get fixed (that object is in use). Introducing a patch means you'll get your graphics messed up, your sound messed up, loading screen will start popping up like a ****-site ad, etc. Content stays bugged for months before there is a fix and usually the problem is covered up. Droid in Directive 7 will keep spamming BHs because it somehow doesn't like certain people, almost everyhthing about Soa (took months to fix) was bugged to be considered broken/unplayable. I don't like beta testing games. When these bugs are prevelant, there's no "hot-fix" to address them. Daily quest is bugged? Why don't you temporarily double the rewards of another quest to compensate? This kind of action is never taken and thus a small problem turns into an infected pile of mess.


    -Server population is no longer an issue, it has now physically bled the game dry. If this game were to have a more solo-oriented endgame, the lack of server transfer on release and the extremely slow response to population decline would be tolerable. You need people to do endgame content. Servers cannot provide the requisite amount of people so players cannot play the game. I do not believe this can be justified by ifs and buts. And no, I won't be paying monthly subscription to log on once a week to do solo quests (the end of which stil requires a group of 4, LOL) so I can get BH comms for gear. That would be like paying 15$ for 8 hours of gaming.


    -Absolute blackhole of a community management system. If there's tens of threads popping up about an issue, perhaps it needs to be officially addressed with a sticky post, not have every single thread locked down to be buried or redirected to a player discussion about the issue. There's no "face", there's no tranparency, it almost feels as if there's a script running on the forums locking down threads that have flagged phrases with automated responses. There are free to play games with better human connection on their community management.


    Perhaps the game will tank, perhaps it will imrpve and be a stellar success. I'm not staying around to see how the chips fall, because I don't see the problems of this game as acute problems. I think these are systemic and pretty much ingrained to the way how they handle things.

  3. At this point it's criminal that there are no official warnings when creating characters on servers.


    "This server is lightly populated, it may be hard finding players to do content with on this server"

    "This server is heavily populated, you may experience queues during prime time and may not be able to transfer characfters from other servers into this one in the future"

  4. MMDV. My server has between 150-250 on the fleet most peak periods, no idea how many are on worlds.


    Your pic only proves that your server is /almost/ dead, not the game. YMMV






    Meh, nvm, your side of the ship doesn't have any holes I see, cya after they allow server transfers.

  5. A lot of people came to SWTOR expecting a complete wow copy right down to the LFG system and the easymode content throughout the entire game. Also claiming that wow invented any of their ideas and that wow's features are "standard" features.


    But they found out that SWTOR was not quite the same. Content was actually challenging and they had to put some effort in to achieve things because everything wasn't spoon fed to them. So they went back to wow...


    Copying wow is always a mistake. Not only is wow very dated now, but it's been loosing players for a long time. Wow's top developers moved on to other projects years ago, which is why the game's quality dropped massively mid way through the 2nd expansion.


    This entire post is so far from truth it's making my brain melt.

  6. I've a question to people who contend that this game is still "alive".


    Before/after release, the idea and the implication was that this would be unlike other MMOs. As it is story driven, the initial development team would not be dropped off after the release and our 15$ per month subs would go into keeping the team employed so they can release new stroy driven content on a regular basis.


    Do you honestly believe this will be happening now?


    Ofcourse this game will have players 5 years from now unless servers are shut down. If your definition of dead or failure means noone keeps playing the game, well, I'm sure college students could code games that would never be failures according to your definiton.

  7. Your accuracy with your basic attack (the first attack you get that doesn't cost any resource) is 90% by default.

    Your accuracy with special attacks (everything else) is 100% by default.


    There are two kinds of attacks, those with yellow damage and those with white damage. White damage is melee/ranged. Yellow damage is tech/force. Melee/ranged can be dodged or parried, tech/force can be resisted.


    Everyone has a base chance of 5% to dodge/parry (increased by the defense rating stat). This means without any accuracy, a special melee/ranged (white damage) attack against a target with basic defense has 95% chance to hit. Higher accuracy will increase your chance to hit, higher defense on the target will decrease your chance to hit.


    Defense rating doesn't affect your chance to resist. Some classes have skills that increase their chance to resist. At base accuracy (100%), your chance to hit a target with basic resist (0%) is 100%. If they have a higher resist, your chance to hit them drops accordingly.


    In PvE, it is generally suggested to get a bonus of 10% accuracy, since operation bosses are deemed to have 10% defense (thus with 10% bonus your accuracy with special attacks -everything but your basic attack- will have 100% chance to hit).


    Shielding an attack is a separate matter. Only melee/ranged attacks (white damage) can be shielded. After a white attack hits, the hit is either a critical hit, a normal hit or shielded. As far as I remember, critical, normal and shielded attacks are calculated all on the same stap. Critical hits can never be shielded. This means that if the attacker has 60% chance to crit and the target has 45% chance to shield, 5% of that shield chance is wasted (since it's out of boundry). Currently this only comes into play where vanguard/powertech and/or crit relic are in the play, since pushing crit chance up to the point where it interferes with shield chance is not possible through gear alone.




  8. Buy a game thinking it will be awesome

    Receive a game full of bugs

    Keeping paying hoping they fix the bugs

    Instead of fixing they introduce more bugs with every patch

    Keep paying thinking it'll be ironed out in time

    Server population becomes abysmal

    Can't play new content because server is dead

    Keep paying thinking they will fix this future?


    This thread is "OMG EVERYTHING IS FINE THEY'LL FIX DON'T UNSUB!!" and it should be buried, not bumped.

  9. I'm sorry, what?


    I should keep my sub going while I am unable to play on my server because it has less then 30 people online during prime time?


    Should I keep my character logged in, waiting at the imperial fleet at all times? Perhaps I should buy a 2nd copy of the game and a 2nd subscription to keep two characters online? So my server appears less dead?


    Perhaps I should also organize rallies against unsubbing and send out brochures to people who have unsubbed?


    Dammit now I have to try to beat this mark.


    Btw for those people who are going blue screaming "Fatman" and "Freedon Nadd", first of all there's legacy to consider before you can reroll. Second, the population problem has turned into a nasty cycle where the less people there are, the more people are leaving (rerolling or quitting) thereby decreaseing the number of people. A lot of servers are self-destructing each day this problem is not addressed.


    And not everyone is rerolling. Some are leaving the game for good.

  11. I'm guessing you're asking for people's opinions.


    My opinion is no, don't come back. I don't feel that EA will be keeping TOR alive for long. Sure it may stay around for 2 years (maybe even more) but my general understanding is that they will not be supporting the game as strong as they had planned intially.


    Another way to look at this would be 15$ a month means a new game every 3-4 months. So far with TOR it's been a new disappointment every 3-4 months.


    Ssub runs out in 8 days so take my opinions with a grain of salt.

  12. People have a limited a of time to play games. Also, people do not necessarily enjoy a single genre. Someone who likes the PvP or PvE progression of an MMO may also like the item pinata style of an Action RPG. Gamers do not have schedules set up reading something like "OK, 7pm-8pm is MMO, 8pm-9pm is RTS, 9pm-10pm is ARPG", this is not television (I can't believe I'm having to type this).


    Gamers will choose the game that will give them the most fun.


    Diablo 3 is not laying siege to TOR. Diablo 3 has burned down and pillaged TOR, leaving it a smoldering ruin. What's left is the refugees of TOR retreating to their ancestral lands where Diablo 3 can't follow.

  13. I'm ok to give bioware time to finish their game.

    But i will unsubscribe till the "moment of triumph".

    But without subscribers, that wait for fixing stuff, they will lack of money.

    Will they finish the game that not brings money? No.

    I'm customer and i can whine about bad quality of product. They released it, so only their problems.


    This basically sums up why the premise of "wait guys, they'll fix everything, other MMOs had problems this close to launch, etc" does not work. A certain amount of people will not keep paying subs while the problems within the game are sorted out, this amount increases as time goes on and stuff is left unfixed. Why should I keep my sub if my server has been dead since February and I can't do content due to lack of people anymore? And why should EA/Bioware keep development team employed for a game that has no subs anymore?

  14. My server was at the crossroads about 4 months ago.


    OP, your server is not going to recover. Not before server transfer are introduced. You will not gain new players because new players will roll on crowded servers (either taking other people's advice or when they realise your server is dead/dying). People on your server who do not have investment in their legacies will roll on crowded server. You will lose current population to people moving to other server and/or quitting altogether.


    Enjoy your guild while it lasts.

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