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Everything posted by Akyio

  1. its true my server is however becoming slightly more balanced in terms of republic/empire dominance. empire is dominating probably 70% of the time, but i still can something try to run and pick up some things if there are 8-10 emps running around. it takes long.. nothing is gonna change, maybe time will change something.
  2. Weekly/daily illum/warzones quests give you a champion bag or more. I finished yesterday weekly warzone quest(9 matches won) and got 2 champion bags + 1 additional one to choose(to choose one more champion bag or to take champion box but it requires 60 valor). thats pretty much how it goes. and its completely random what u will get.. for daily quests u get 1 extra champion bag.. its luck and patience :/
  3. 45 jedi sage, today hitting 46 for sure.. quite bored actually. not sure what to do. i noticed that all planets are the same, always in the spaceport or something a guy waiting to give a quest.. im sure in the 47+ planet will be the same lol. the thing that i liked, that leveling was not very difficult. it's like in WoW not Aion or any other korean grindfest(more or less grindfest it was but still). so leveling from like 30 is always the same.. i notice now some grinding and doing pointless bonus quests giving me 6k xp while i need 400k to level up, and always being pulled by annoying mobs that i need to kill and they give me like each 200xp.. i think there's no way i will level up anything else to 50. will stick to my healer..
  4. lmao im sure there is no mystery there, its just RANDOM ^^ lol
  5. The game is beautiful but it has funny errors. Like you go to market and you click "show only useable" and as a sorc you get heavy armor on list lol. I have 3 quests that i can't delete, they are just stuck. PvP warzones is a mess in balance and everything.. What about Ilum.. ? *cough cough* Balance between empire and republic on 90% servers?.. Im a bit shocked that it took so long to make this game and yet it still feels like the game is unprepared for release. The voices, cut scenes and everything is absolutely amazing, it soaks you to that fantasy world, but when you start doing the things that you have to do in every MMORPG at the end, you notice lots of bad things. Probably it will improve in the future.. I played 1 month, have some 12 days left, unsuscribed as well, I have 1 more gametime card, will see when I use it.. I think i'll come back after months to check what they have fixed.
  6. Akyio


    Okay as a sage i must say I have more abilities to keep ball than other players. Force speed is great, but where do i sprint ? if theres no healer nearby then i sprint to group of opposing team that is going to stun me, lift me, slow me knock me everywhere. Force armor is great, but as a sage anyway i always out force armor on the one who holds the ball shadow/assasin also has sprint -.- it looks like its easy for sorc, but just because you have some abilities its only slightly and at certain moments easier to do everything than for other classes. this game's pvp is still always stun stun stun
  7. Like i said once, empire and republic is not balanced on most servers. The point is not that empire has better players or something. The empire has MORE players overal, it means that they also have more 50s, and when you are 50, and you play on PvP server, you want to get valor, warzone commendations etc etc etc. Bioware should have interfered with the number of empire and republic. On some servers it is reaaaaaaaaaally 70% empire and 30% or less republic.
  8. let me correct emps have much higer % in teh whole population on most servers, that means that ALSO much more % are level 50's. and when you are 50 what can you do in this game ? farm valor. so go to warzone or to ilum. emps have higher % in population and has higher % in 50's, and higher % in wins, that says all ^^
  9. bla bla bla. come to senator contisplex, join as a solo, play warzone. be on republic side, and see who wins.. 5-7 times needed to win one game as republic. i have a toon on empire as well, there are 2 to 3 times more players on this server in empire. i think in overal population is like 80% empire, 20% republic. the only reason warzone on this server starts is because all those 10lvl people without advanced class join at all. if not them warzone would never even start because of lack of players
  10. Im now 40. I got a gamecard for 30 more days, my subscription ends at the end of january, im not sure if i subscribe.. my problems are: i chose medium population server, now its low population, it is impossible to get groups. empire is completely dominating in warzones. i played in empire and there were about 2 to 3 times more players than on republic. to win one warzone i have to play 5-7 times. not really a lot of content ;X a lot of bugs! i have several quests now that i can't cancel lol.
  11. \you need to be higherl evel to go to PvP However, being low level DOESNT MEAN you can't enjoy pvp. And bioware needs to fix that, level 12 should never get to play against someone like level 47. it's just ridiculous and not fun at all. they need to make balance like 10-19s, 20-29s 30-39s etc. but im afraid there wont be enough people then, since not a lot of people want to play it now, its kinda boring with current issues
  12. Warzone is just in beta i would say. Like im a sage, i have a lot of talents to put on force armor, i put them all, and guess what happens, i get no medals for shielding people with force armor damage dealers get most medals
  13. Akyio

    PVP Healing

    Its quite simple, actually low levels get their stats boosted so heal is pretty much the same anyway dont heal much because you dont get a lot of medals for it anyway :/
  14. Akyio

    PVP is Ridiculous

    pvp has no matchmaker at all there is no balance, look carefully at your team if you roflstop other team, are all people like level 50 ? because thats where everything lies. currently you get a team of 10-15lvl people against 44-50. and those 10-15 are all solo, and those 44-50 are premades. there's just no balance at all >.>
  15. Medals suck. I had a sniper at first like level 20, i went to pvp for the first time, i didnt know what the hell i was doing and i ahve to do, just snipping some sage's and other guys, and i ended up in top 3. Later on when I understood what I need to do at level 21 i always was in top 2-5, never below. now that im a sage and I spec on healing.. i heal the f.. out of me and constantly get targeted, and all i get is 4 medals for 300k+ heal. and i end up somewhere in the middle or in the end of the list lol.
  16. this must be a joke, because healing in this game is absolutely trash. there are no healers basically because nobody wants to make one, when you get like no medals in warzone, and its just worthless most of the time. healing in group quests is necessary and wanted, in pvp its not even that needed. im thinkin to really reset all skills and go to damange instead of healing, till it is(ever) fixed.
  17. Just one word HORRIBLE im on Senator Contisplex server. 3 days ago I wanted my daily win, I had to play 10 matches to win one. Its just ridiculous non existing balance that messes up everything. Yesterday i had no wish to play anymore after 2 losses. The following teams are always the same: Im on republic, i was 28, the highest was 33, the others were 10-16. The empire players highest was 50, the others were 33-47 It is 90% of the time the same story, there was nothing that could be done about this.. completely waste of time. Warzones just suck with balance.
  18. Healers are loved in teams, they save a lot of lives but are never rewarded enough. I just found a perfect build with some heals and dmg, but ill need like level 40 for it. For now on to go fully into heal or even like 75% is not worth. doing damage is much more rewarding so probably u will have to stick to it until they fix it.. if they ever do it..
  19. I was wondering if shielding allies, buffing them cause anything to happen with your medals and points that you earn ? healing is very slightly rewarding, but what about putting force shield on your allies and protecting them in this way from damage, does this reward somehow in warzone or doesnt it have to do anything at all with it ?
  20. your heal is actually going to be decent only if you put your talents on heal. otherwise you shouldnt be healing too much unless you really need to. they can heal but its slow. its same like shadow priest in WoW.
  21. Im sorry but it will have to be your computer. 5 days ago i played with HP laptop. dual core 2400, 4gb DDR, some crappy video card, with lowest graphic settings and it was lagging so bad. now im on a new gaming laptop i7, 8gb ddr, gefore gtx 560M(1,5gb GDDR5) im on max settings, everything is abo****ely on MAX, i have no lag at all, everything is smooth and clean, doesnt matter i see 10 or 20 characters in game casting spells and abilities, it never ever gets laggy. however there is sometimes something with internet, im not sure about my internet or not my. it just kinda freezes in warzone, but if we talk about fps its perfect.
  22. Akyio

    Warzone "balance".

    So ok, I'm a noob here in this game(as much as everyone is, the game is out just a month). But the warzone is sooo broken.. When I started playing warzone I was like level 20, I went there and I thought "This must be balanced, probably ill play with people level 10-20, or 20-30". Then I noticed that there are people in my team like level 50, 40, and some people like level 11. Then I thought "This must be pretty balanced, probably enemy team also has a few 50's like we do". Then yesterday I decided to play till I win my daily win.. And I had to play 10 times, yes 10 times(I'm on republic ftw). I was clicking "requeue" and at that time I was stuck with pretty much the same players on ally team, and the same opposing team.. Then I checked it more carefully.. What i noticed was that THERE IS NO BALANCE AT ALL. Even though you get your stats boost, and you do some damage. But my team was mainly level 20-24. There were some 12, or 18. And there was one 37. The enemy team was 80% only 50's, and the rest were 40-47. The lowest was 33.. 10th time I won.. My team was 50 50 50 39 and I was the lowest 22. I tried to look at enemy team, they were all like 20's. So there is no balance in levels whatsoever.. I know im low level, im just 22. But i don't have 20 hours a day to play this game yet. It's been just a month. And moreover being low level doesn't mean I can't enjoy PvP. This reminds me of AION where u can go to abyss at level 25 and get pawned 24/7 by some 50's. If you don't fix the balance in warzones with levels and everything, it's gonna get only WORSE as more people will reach 50's, and the people who are like 20-30 will have to grind and quest their way to 40-50 just to start enjoying PvP.. Thanks for attention ^^
  23. Its pretty much a gamble, one side has to win the other one has to lose. if you go solo there is no way there can be like a gameplan or strategy, everyone is on their own and you dont know which sages or sorcs are going to heal or which are going to damage.. its constantly gamble and thats the way it has to be if you go solo ^^ but i wonder the numbers of empire vs republic. i wish they posted it of each server. i think there are 70% people in empire and 30% in republic.. -.-
  24. Am I doing something wrong, or is cover so bugged.. Many times when I start using cover and an ability after that, it just gets cancelled while casting, and it happens so many times even when everyone is still in the range. In warfront cover is such a mess completely, it sometimes takes like 2 seconds to even start the cover(might be my old computer fps? lol) But anyway has anyone noticed weird things with cover? also like jumping annoyingly to obstractions that you dont want your character to jump etc etc..
  25. Akyio

    PVP server ?

    So I just noticed that I was playing in a PvP server, and i wanted to ask if it is going to cause me a lot of trouble? I noticed that im pretty much always flagged for PvP in every zone from level 10. Does anyone know what is the main difference between PvE and PvP ? Am i always going to be under attack in PvP server or not really?
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