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Everything posted by Yaevinn

  1. This is why I don't really enjoy playing on Republic. Too much of too many annoying little things. On Empire side, the NPCs just worship my warrior, he does his job and causes chaos whenever possible and all in the name of the Emperor. If there's some officer who disapproves, he/she usually dies by very Darth Vaderish force choke and then gets instantly replaced by more approving person.
  2. Sorry, don't really like the feel of either of those classes. Trooper I might try some day, but I can't stand Republic storylines. I'd stick with Sith Sorcerer, but Assassin looks way cooler.
  3. I've played healer efficiently in Vanilla WoW, TBC and Lich King. I had no problems while playing without addons. You just have to learn to make do with what you've got, don't say people don't know what they're talking about if you just ain't as good players as they're. Not too much about healing in SWTOR yet, the classes that have healing specs seem either too boring for me or the other advanced class seems a lot more interesting to play as for me to level one anytime soon.
  4. There's big difference between being good and having no social life whatsoever.
  5. Hardly the same thing, some people just have dumb parents. Those names are far too common in the game. I've seen a few dumb -finnish- names on Lord Calypho already, but I haven't really seen any form of RP on the server yet either. Not really sure what to think of the RP servers in the game, will have to wait till level cap before I start digging deeper.
  6. Republic loses just as often as Empire. Each time one reappears it's a new beginning. Can't be arsed to cry about something that won't really affect my game one bit, if it's something so terrible for you, then switch sides.
  7. It's available. About the title, I was bit confused about it as well. I had it in beta and I didn't do firestar nor any of the heroics after Korriban, for that matter. Haven't seen anyone with it afterwards though.
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