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Everything posted by JediQuaker

  1. It may be more of a 'time zone' thing, than a population thing. If I recall, more 'west coast' and APAC players are on Satele Shan, so the peak PvP times could be different than Star Forge.
  2. More picky details - there's a 'sticky' at the top of the 'new player help' forum called "SWTOR Acronyms Explained". Shake that fist at the mirror.πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‚
  3. Picky details, but LFM is usually "Looking For More" More picky details. The "x" would stand for "experienced". Don't say "x DPS" unless you are familiar with the particular OP.
  4. "Group" is the one you want where you'll find the OPs and FPs. PvP is for PvP Solo is for 'solo' content - flashpoints, heroics etc. "Lockouts" has to do with 'weekly' operations - if you've done a weekly, it just lists which OPs you are 'locked out' of for the rest of the week. I wouldn't say "looking", but I would say "willing to accept". Things vary as people leave and join. At this time we do some OPs on our own, but more often in conjunction with another Guild. I sent you a DM.
  5. The "Activities" drop down at the top of the screen has sections for [sM] Operations, veteran and master Flashpoints, and Uprisings. The Operations usually take a long time to 'pop' and are more often done by just joining a group on Fleet. Guilds vary a lot. Some have strict requirements, some are very lax, etc. The Guild I'm currently in has no pressure to do anything, but often does Ops.
  6. You don't (didn't) need to abandon the quests, you just needed to do them twice - once for each of you. If I recall, the main thing is who enters the instance first or who the party leader is. πŸ€” The 'leader' has a small icon on their portrait and leadership can be passed to another player in the group by right-clicking on the other player's portrait.
  7. You know, you can buy them from the Cartel Market with CCs. 😏
  8. How would you suggest you determine if the team is on Discord?
  9. Without going into detail, it's mostly based upon your IP address. Your IP address can change because you log in from different places - such as school, home, work - or, most likely, because it's being changed/reset by your local ISP. The ISP may be doing some maintenance and/or upgrades that (temporarily) result in your IP changing.
  10. I don't play ESO, so don't know or care what it's armor looks like. 😁 But have you seen the armor in FFXIV?
  11. That might depend a lot upon the particular keypad. It could have something to do with a 'driver' - if it came with a driver try uninstalling the driver, and see if it works without it. Or conversely, install a driver for the keypad. The obvious workaround would be to plug a standard USB keyboard into the laptop.
  12. This is the sort of armor I wish they'd make more of. But I fear they would screw it up by adding pipes, hoses, and/or a backpack. πŸ™‚ It's odd how much SWTOR armor looks like stuff salvaged from a junk yard.
  13. I didn't know that the Legacy Storage can go beyond 4 billion. That will reduce the amount of credit shuffling I need to do between characters. πŸ™‚
  14. If so, why do you (if you do) bother with a 'key code'? Just use a password without bothering with the code app. (Yeah, I know 100 CC, πŸ™„ )
  15. The nightlife event wasn't too boring if you skipped most of it. Mostly what I did was to do the base machines to get the Feeling Lucky* and then just use up any Emperor tokens that I'd gotten as 'drops' in the wild. * I'm not sure if FL has any affect on the Emperor slots. πŸ€”
  16. I was just in Esseles with 'cutscene watchers' last night. Basically I watched Youtube videos of Kitty, Daisy &Lewis during the cutscenes (on my second monitor). There are always alternatives. πŸ™‚ P.s. One player did, of course, quit immediately, but Nico Okarr took their place. πŸ˜‰
  17. I haven't noticed getting any WZ-1s. I'd have to check in game later. But, could it have anything to do with your 'loot settings'? πŸ€”
  18. The general lack of proper grammar and spelling among today's youth speaks volumes. πŸ˜‚
  19. As I mentioned in some other thread, I always thought the guy who said he "doesn't Spacebar in cutscenes in case someone else wants to watch it" was amusing. πŸ˜… Also, the person who only opened chests on Tuesdays because that's when they get refilled. 😏
  20. So, someone with no sense of humor, like DS Jaesa, for you I assume. πŸ˜‚
  21. The proper term is "air quotes" not "scare quotes" and it only applies to hand gestures, not written text. πŸ™„
  22. Actually, if you get people to spacebar through the cutscenes, Esseles/BT isn't that bad. Speaking of which, if you choose to evacuate the engineers into space, you then skip the whole 'shut down the reactors' bit, making it even shorter.
  23. There are a couple of ways to get to your ship. You can access it through the "space port" on most planets. There is an icon (if I recall) on the map (M) that looks like the Millennium Falcon. Possibly a similar icon somewhere on the drop downs at the top of the screen. You can purchase an "Emergency Starship Transport" item (or some similar name) through your Legacy panel.
  24. There are many possible answers. BW just needs to pick one. πŸ™‚ The simplest solution would probably be to allow a certain number of FPs to be deselected while still getting the weekly. That way, KDY could also be added back in without too much complaint.
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