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Everything posted by Aehgo

  1. "19.1% of the top 1000 players are Guardians/Juggernauts and this is solely because of ED. That is almost 1/5th of the total top 1000 group ranked. " As I said I play on tofn,the one EU server that has group ranked,I havent seen a team with ad ps Jugg beat a top team in GR. You know why 1/5th of the GR top 1000 is Juggs?Because they are flat out the the best tanks,not because of ED but because they have more CC the PT and more survivability then sins even without ED.....
  2. Imo they were balanced for group ranked pvp ,but I've yet to see a team with a vengeance jugg actually beat me,their CDs atm are OK for a group ranked senario but atm that is a really small part of the pvp community atm.....In regs/yolo with a decent healer or no healer at all Vengeance Juggs are tanks and should only be targeted when everybody else is dead...EP gives DR atm and is on what?a 1 min cd?When a jugg is at say 5k hp he can pop EP+Medpack and get around 42k hp if in full brut.so with medpack he gets a 15k heal,then he pops ED and gets heal crits up to 5k in 10 gcds..
  3. I havent seen 1 team on tofn that actually won vs top teams with a dps jugg...
  4. Rare for me aswell but yesterday I was getting quite a few of them
  5. Not sure about sins but since the patch on tuesday my Assault Vanguard has been hitting like Godzilla on steroids. I only play group ranked on it so everybody definately has full expertise and last night I was having 12-10k crits with HiB on operatives,shadows,sorcs for alot of the games,got alot of whispers and people wanting to inspect my gear after its full brut but something is a little off imo,having a 45% chance to hit that hard every few seconds and my dots are gonna get buffed in 2.8,pyro will be fotm again imo.
  6. I bought around 50 mill worth off the gtn,just because theres nothing else to spend credits on,I dont like spending over 1 mill on 1 item so, Got around 30 mill back in reselling and I generate alot of creds with crew skills maxed on 16 chars so need to spend them on something
  7. "While active, the guarded player takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat" Its 5% less dmg while only one tank can hold agro,if said tank doesn't generate enough threat outside of taunts he will eventually lose guard if you are dpsing right,I think neftra is 2.8k+ dps?Its not a good tactic imo
  8. Vanguards aren't squishy,well Assault isn't atleast,haven't played tactics in a while. You have alot of survival tools as assault -Diversion gives you 30% chance to resist everything for 6 seconds(stuns,melee,ranged,tech,force) -HOT you can get some distance and start kiting melee with ease -Shield flat 25% DR that also deals 1k dmg to people that attack you while its active -Adrenal another 25% DR -Medpack before you go under 30% -Adrenaline rush,you wont die while this CD is active,30% DR and keeps you just above execute -AoE stun,if 4 people are on you,just aoe stun and you have stunned their entire team for 3 seconds while you kill your target.. VG is fine....
  9. I dont see the point in this video?Is it to prove a keyboard turning clicker can play assassin?Im so confused...
  10. Easiest imo is AP Powertech -2 Cds to manage -30% DR when stunned -Best AOE in the game atm imo -2 sec aoe stun -Hydrolics increased uptime -rotation is basic and you never run into energy management
  11. You still don't see that you only posted after I said I was leaving?God you casuals make me laugh.If you have no ranked experience,you don't belong in this argument as its nothing to do with you,go back to your ERP or PVE.This thread is meant for pvpers who want ranked to be competitive,not some carebear mini-game.
  12. With the new match making now is the best time to make a new team as you will most likely go vs other new teams. Why the hell should established teams be forced to split up?rofl
  13. Your winning the conversation?rofl you only said **** when I said Im going to wildstar,your arguments are just idiotic and you obviously dont play on a pvp server as 8v8s poped everynight on tofn with around 7-8 teams queueing.You are butthurt because you are too bad to play pvp at the top level.
  14. They are too scared of losing,so they go easymode yoloqueue so they win based on rng alot of the time.
  15. I only speak the truth,if seguns can do group ranked,everybody can!Theres no excuses!
  16. Wildstar will have supported competitive pvp and you are references ranked warzones?You seem butthurt tho,maybe your were too bad to get in a team?amirite?By the way RWZ was the best thing BW did for pvp and to this day removing it was their biggest mistake.Anyway ofcourse baddies are going to be excluded from playing at the highest tier of pvp,but dont worry buddy you can still do regs!
  17. wont happen if you read this thread its filled with tools saying "ROFL OMG YOLOQUEUE WITHOUT RATING IS REGS OMG OMG" and BW will listen to the loud ignorant idiotic people that have no experience in ranked and just want easymode.Best to just treat the game as what it is-casual.
  18. Oh well,I tried but its clear that pvp in this game is beyond saving due to the communities eazymode attitude. Bring on wildstar.
  19. I'm not in the mood to argue with an idiot.Yoloqueue is based on rng,Group is based on skill.Therefor yolo should have no rating and group should.
  20. I didn't say remove solo,I said remove the rating.
  21. Please prove me wrong but your implying your better then the healers I listed when you have played only 11 ranked games :/
  22. Im saying,I would rather take any of the other listed healers in group ranked,because they play group ranked and aren't yoloqueue heros that have no idea how the proper ranked arenas work.Thats why they are better.Until you do ranked arenas they will always be better.
  23. Bit about my team rating,it would be higher if I queue dodged like yourself but I dont do that stuff And why they are better?Ranked experience,they know how to play ranked arenas so they are better.
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