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Posts posted by Aehgo

  1. Its nice you do this in a huttball where damage is almost meaningless lol.

    Edit:Nvm brain is still sleeping and didn't watch full vid lol

  2. Why on earth would BW buff assassins in 1v1s?Where is the logic behind buffing the best 1v1 class even more?

    The darkness/deception hybrid is unstopable,and I bet everysin will be playing it now seeing as they nerfed madness(this baffles me even more tbh) and deception is mediocre at best.

    BW are pretty much forcing sins to do hybrids even more with 2.0...

  3. Maybe you should guard side instead of leaving it to somebody else?I mean if I'm the only one guarding a side in a non-ranked civil war I will just afk for 10 mins and do something else,its so boring.If you care that much about winning in nonrated maybe guard the turret?Roll a tanksin and get 30k health and just do objectives if you care that much?
  4. Know exactly what you mean xD.But luckily I'm a very bad procrastinator so I never get around to deleting them before they ding 50,and then I try my best to ignore the stuff I dont like.

    (Although I have deleted 3 sages(44,38,30) ,2 mercs(33,20) and 1 vanguard(30) just because I couldn't stand the hairstyle xD,now I have limited to like 3 hairstyles for both genders when creating new characters hehe..)

  5. not true, you have an advantage over someone that has just one level 50 doing the event.


    How?I can only obtain 12k legacy a week,thats one day on 3 chars.

    Gray Helix isn't transferable and I can't see the point in buying anything other then the lightsaber.

    Make the legacy mean something,if your gonna make the rep legacy bound make the currency of the event legacy bound aswell..

  6. There are multiple weapons and the weapons are bound to legacy. If you collect helixs on 3 different toons every day, you'll be able to easy buy three of the weapons in no time. Which is still a huge advantage for people that have multiple 50s. People with only one 45+ character will have to spend a ton more time trying to obtain enough to buy 3 or 4 of the weapons. So, advantage = you.


    I dont want 3,I want 1,the lightsaber.

    I already have more then enough reputation and components stacked for atleast 2(But on different alts..),but BW is holding it back,even though I have the requirements.

    Just don't see why they are limiting people with big legacys when they promoted it so much..

  7. Well if you took 7 of your level 50s through it in one day to get the 12,000 rep limit then perhaps you should log off, step away and go outside.


    I took 3 through the quests lol all of them,wb and new zone and I'm capped for week,only took like an hour and a half each when done with a group,4.5 hours of playtime and I'm already on the weekly limit?GG

  8. I regularly put up 500-600k damage(when not turret guarding/ninjaing,in main fight) easily as 23-1-17,fairly easy just use discharge,DF,overload(in proper situation...) off CD,try hit atleast 3 people each time. and spam thrash and shock at all times.

    If a game had optimal situation I can break 1 mill easy,playing deception is your problem :/ no sustained dmg so no big numbers,also pretty mediocre survivability compared to hybrid tank.

  9. I love pugging and playing vs premades in huttball,it makes it so much more satisfying when I beat them :).

    Maybe I find it fun because I play a tank assassin,hybrid guardian,carnage marauder and hybrid sorc :p but I always find I can control a huttball game even if my team is filled with *******.Even if I'm going to lose its fun making life as dificult as possible for the other team to score :)

  10. Queues aren't long enough atm are they?We want to wait 15 minutes for a pop!!

    Also skill>gear.A good battlemaster can beat an average war hero,a good recruit(MK-2) can beat an average battlemaster.Would much rather have a smart recruit then a bad war hero..

  11. I love all these new smashers when I'm on my annilation marauder.Think so far the biggest smash I've taken was 3.5k from a full min maxed power surge jugganaut :D.Defensive roll+Cloak of pain=50% AoE damage reduction up almost all of the time..had a game vs 3 smashers on a voidstar and they got annihilated :).

    Alot of classes have AOE damage reduction passive talent,you should always try get this or you are putting yourself at a dissadvantage.

  12. Hmm as watchmen

    75k healing

    75k damage

    300k damage

    solo kill

    2.5k hit

    5k hit

    10 kills

    25 kills

    last hit on kill

    should all be attainable without much effort.

    Then you actually have to do objectives,could be difficult but possible.

  13. I've been playing around with different builds on the pts and I think I have found an awesome build 23-17-1.

    With this build you get

    Force pull

    15 second force speed that breaks roots

    1:30 min cc breaker

    25% DR on 45 second cooldown(also resets when combat ends or combat stealth is used)

    Combat stealth on a 1:30 min cooldown

    Force shroud on a >60 second cooldown.

    Force managment will never be a problemn(well it never was a problem in hybrid anyway but still,its even easier now)

    Maul has a 30% crit hit increase.

    This build can be played in tank or dps gear(although I haven't tested it in a mix,I believe it would work wonders).

    The rotation is very flexible,basically thrash till energise/duplicity procs.

    The build might need some fine tuning,might need some tank/dps gear to get it to its full potential,but if you thought tank hybrids were ****** before,wait till you play this..

  14. the people in his team are the true joke


    lol not really,If I was on his team I wouldn't waste my guard on a healer only putting up 58k heals..would rather put it on the dps putting out 300k damage or a different healer if there is one..

    You have to show you are a good healer then you will start getting guards..but putting up 58k heals will not make tanks guard you,if they see you putting up 300-400k they will start guarding you..

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