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Posts posted by Aehgo

  1. I give my vote to the guy guarding the weak node that actually calls incs.

    To the guy that passess to the hutball and runs infront of ball carrier to offer pass options.

    To the guy that uses CC's smartly(Probably give it to this guy the most..but there seems to be very few of them..)

  2. And this is why I say PROTECT YOUR HEALERS...


    58k...lol I wouldn't give you my guard if I was in a game with you..thats just amazing low heals,even getting focused without guard my commando healer will get atleast 200-300k.58k is a bit of a joke..

  3. So ranked pvp started,

    About 9 Guilds were actively queueing.

    5 Guilds where clearly superior,they roflstomped the other 4 everytime they faced eachother,it wasn't a contest.

    2 of the guilds realised they didn't stand a chance-they stomped queueing.

    1 of the top 5 guilds decided to disband with guild wars coming.

    The 2 other 'weak' guilds began to lose players/players got bored of consistantly being beat.They droped ranked.

    So the 4 other guilds had to organise times/days when they would all queue.

    A dispute happened in one of the guilds,they lost players,they left ranked.

    Queue dodging began to occur,guilds would only play with their 'a team'.Ranked queue stops.1 of the guilds leaves the game due to unknown reasons.

    Now 2 ranked teams are left on the server,guild wars right around the corner,both sides lose alot of their key players.

    No ranked pvp on server-Both guilds lose even more players due to boredom with game.

    Compare this to GW2 where you have tournaments/crosserver already..its very dissapointing this game is so far behind in these key aspects.

    No crosserver has killed the pvp on my server,all of the competitive players have gone/quit..

  4. My rival is anybody that is playing the class I am playing that warzone::D

    It ussually makes me play better having the competition,although there are a few players I will single out and hunt every time I see them because they are good players,they should take it as a compliment :p

  5. Dunno why somebody would bump this,anyway.

    Marauders are balanced and are so fun to play,the fact I have just got my marauder to 50 the last few days has not influenced my opinion at all,I love getting the insane ravage crits,having so much control in warzones and winning every 1v1 I come accross :D.

    Marauders wont get nerfed,I shoulda rolled one ages ago,these are too easy to play.

  6. That won't ever happen if the player is halfway competent, or he's just a below average mara vs a decent sniper.


    It will and probably has happened to alot of the mediocre war hero players.

    Lets take class balance out of the equation and say its a skilled mara recruit vs a keyboard turning war hero sentinal(I've seen quite a few..),who wins?

    A skilled recruit shadow vs a war hero assassin clicker

    A skilled recruit sniper vs a war hero gunslinger that doesn't even know what his dps rotation(Again there are quite a few at 50..)

    A skilled recruit sage vs a war hero geared sorc that doesn't use an interupt or cleanse

    The list could go on but I wouldn't want to think about the other incredibly awfull pvpers oin my server..



  7. it's a lot less work and easier on the ego to simply consider:


    everyone I can beat, i outskilled

    everyone that beat me, outgeared me




    problem with that is when you get full war hero and a recruit beats you,what then?:rak_01:

  8. Got my gunnery commando to 50 2 days ago,full recruit gear and thought I was gonna be roflstomped the next few days...untill I noticed after the first game I topped damage with 350k and had a biggest hit of 4.1k.Almost everygame I am topping damage or being a close second/third..I hit hard and sure 1v1'ing is out of the question,so I never put myself in those situations,I kite,los and offheal..

    Now 2 days later I have almost full BM and I'm tearing warzones apart..

    Sure playing recruit isn't easy,but its not as bad as people say..

    Bad players will always make excuses 'its gear' 'its lag' 'my cds where down' 'body type 1 is faster then body type 4'etcetc..

    People need to accept that some players are just better then you,you can accept this and try improve or cry saying your opponent had some sort of advantage..

  9. Because in organised HB(and every other warzone) having a hybrid tanksin(in dps gear) and a hybrid juggarnaut in full tank gear is alot better.

    The tanksin can score every 45 seconds,when force shroud is on cd the tanksin only needs to stay in stealth on enemy line so the Jugg can leap him.

    The tanksin can also use pull and insta whirlwin to give the jugg a free leap to very good positions.

    With tank PT as ball carrier,in organised pvp(ranked) he wont get a free leap,walking past fires will mean deaht as he has no cc immunity,he will need to rely on sorc pulls .

    Its just so much better to have a hybridsin and jugg,both are almost unkillable with cds up and both have the utility to score goals(friendly leap/shroud).

    Maybe a tank PT but in the dps tree so they get cc immunity might work as ball carrier..

    maybe something like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301RRGrboMZrsrMobcz.2

    but outside of HB it wouldn't be near as good as tanksin or hybrid jugg

  10. No gear progression?I would of quit months ago,I need something to play towards,it keeps the game fun and interesting having something to aim for..
  11. DaMage protection healing-These need to be high on civil war,novare coast and VS

    Objectives-Need to be high on Huttball,I often get 15k attacker points,win the match in 3 or 4 minutes and only get 3 kills and 20k damage,its really not important in HB.

    In CW,NC and VS,

    A dps not doing frequently over 300k is a waste of a player(This does not apply if the dps is guarding a node)

    A tank not getting over 100k protection is a waste.

    A healer not doing over 300k is a waste.

    Those numbesr only apply if said player is not guarding a node by themselves and the match is not finished too quickly.Objectives are less important then damage/protection/healing in certain warzones.

  12. As I said in my post alot of people dont use tank gear and hence dont understand how usefull it is..

    Dark Ward is a lifesaver aginst carnage marauders,pyro powertechs(Rail shot),marksman snipers and any other white damage attacks..Using the Pve set bonus I increase DW by another 5% and get a 2% damage reduction for internal etc.

    Having 27k health+force speed+DW,most roots you dodge/deflect,if you do get rooted FS will break it and you can survive the full duration of a fire with a halfway competant healer.

    You are also very usefull as a last defender in VS,when your team dies and you are in stealth,when you pop out to interrupt you can survive for atleast 20 seconds,more depending on your CD,but long enough for your team to get out of spawn.

    In civil war you can stall the other team from capping a turret for a minute or two at the beggining,if you know how to use los.They will probably send 3 or 4 guys just to kill you,allowing your team to get mid.

    In main fights you and your guarded healer are immortal,I ussually rack up 300k-400k protection most games via guard rotation,healer is priority but if dps are being focused I switch..

    Its just so fun playing tanksin :)

  13. Assassin tank is awesome when you go full tank in tank gear(Which few people do).You end up with around 27k health and you are unkillable if you have a halfway decent healer,you can win 2v1s with ease and you dodge alot of white damage,which is excellent for huttball you dodge the force leap root almost everytime..
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