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Everything posted by Zekiirah

  1. 1) The dev was drunk. 2) Got the money for my 16 alts? Thanks.
  2. Zekiirah

    War on Yavin

    Er, sincerely doubt we're larger than The Guardians. Member-wise across our three games perhaps, but not SWTOR-wise. Anyway... this topic has rather lost its amusement.
  3. I agree with pretty much everything said, and what bugged me most was the dialogue of my character. I play a super light side, nice Jedi Consular and sometimes.. she just seemed really angry or flippant. As others have said, budget constraints or something. It weirded me out to hear her sound close to rude when I chose an option that gave the illusion of being nicer in text than it was in audio. It weirded me out more when auto dialogue came on and hey.. lo and behold, she sounds snarky. Woo.
  4. Zek-anlai - Warzone - Most Damage Taken (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof here Painful WZ as well, but we won, woo!
  5. Zek-anlai - Warzone - Overall Healing & HPS (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here ^ God that WZ was painful. Zek-anlai - Warzone - Kills (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here For the one above, it can count for the others on my team too if you want to add them to the list.
  6. Devs are never going to see a post here, and trust me, they're "aware" of population issues, but dodge an actual answer to improving it every time - I've asked them at cantina tours, no solid answers. Dead is a rather strong word for what Jung Ma is. If you have a guild and a consistent group of friends, life is pretty good. Lv60 Warzones go till 2 or 3 am PST, and then a lull happens on the weekdays. Sometimes even midbies or lowbies are going, too. I'd say the only true aspect of the game that is close to dead in Jung Ma is ranked. It really only happens lately if people go out of their way to coordinate it and get people on both sides queuing. "We need to let Imps know that there are Rep in queue." "Not it." "Not it." "Not it."
  7. PvE operations can definitely cause pressure for healers to maintain resources. The difference with operations is that you can eventually get the rhythm and feel of the fight in order to be proactive about the tougher phases or big damage spikes, whereas in PvP the scenarios are potentially endless. Healers are also encouraged to DPS, and some of the bosses require it unless you're among the best raiding groups in the world. Hell, the other night a raid group of mine was like DON'T HEAL, JUST DPS, GRARRRRR at the end of HM Cora. DPSing makes my beautiful Force disappear quicklyyyy.
  8. Zek-anlai - Warzones - Damage Taken/Death Ratio (Sages/Sorcs) - Proof here
  9. They need to be safer with pre-registration next time. All they asked for was my username, and I got in. Anyone can see someone's username so long as they've been haunting the forums. While it wasn't a big possibility (no one could know if I had pre-registered or not unless I told them), I think showing ID to confirm our names connected with our accounts would be far safer next time. I wasn't satisfied with the Q&A either, but it does give them better time management and organization in an event where fans could ask questions for hours. The questions likely were pre-screened, but to be fair... who on the panel could have really answered any PvP questions? =/ I approached Eric and asked him to try and bring more PvP-oriented minds to the panel next time, but we were both being rushed out the door and I'm pretty sure he thought I meant try and encourage more PvP players to these events, and I of course know he has no control over that. Honestly, Anaheim was great fun for me, but it made me realize that hardcore PvPers are in the minority with this game. One of them summed it up pretty well: "I think everyone in this room wants to live in the Star Wars universe." People flocked to this game because it was SW, and they wanted to experience those epic storylines. I'm here for more than that, but I at least give major props to the guys on the panel - I feel they're doing what they can with the knowledge and parts of the game they have control over.
  10. Other people do care about the crap endgame stuff. Not every single thing the devs implement will always be something you yourself are excited for. The story certainly does matter, and my guess is that a majority of those who play SWTOR are here for that. However, there is still the population within the game that wants to hit max level as soon as possible, get geared and get into progression raiding and/or competitive PvP.
  11. Zek-anlai - Arena - Heals Per Second (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here
  12. Zek-anlai - Arena (Reg) - Highest Single Heal (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here Esmeria - Warzone - Kills (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here ^ That one is a midbie, I don't know if you count those or not? It can also count for # of Killing Blows for a Sage/Sorcerer (17.) Zek-anlai - Warzones - Highest Single Heal (Sage/Sorcerer) & Heals Per Second (Sage/Sorcerer) & Overall Healing (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here
  13. Title says it all. I'm intending on going with a friend of mine, wondered if anyone else out there from Jung Ma would be making an appearance.
  14. Hey sorry. Your PMs were working, I just honestly got real busy with a lot of different RL and in-game priorities hitting me all at once. I'll answer your PM some time today, just gotta finish studying for a test I have today. Super sorry!
  15. Zek-anlai - Arena - Healing Per Second (Sage/Sorcerer) - Proof Here Glad to see this new topic, Krux! <3
  16. Pretty sure you could lose all 10 of your first ranked arenas and still land at 1000 rating or higher. I sincerely doubt the minimum will ever be much higher. The horror.
  17. This is a fun topic to read, keep it up! It's fun for me to read about trends and the ups and downs on other servers, as there aren't nearly enough folk on my server for significant trends to take place.
  18. I'm considering this. I can't promise you the most steady gameplay hours (I'm awful at leveling, Netflix is just so much funner), but I can make an effort. I have two lowbies that are 19 and 14, and would prefer using one of them over creating another character (I have all of my 15 slots used up atm as it is.) Feel free to PM me here or PM me on Zek-anlai or Zek-anlei in-game
  19. The problem I have with this is that there are DCs happening because of the servers, and not the player's internet connection. It's happened to me and it's happened to plenty of the other ranked community on my server. We're all chilling in our Mumble or TeamSpeak, and suddenly we're booted from the game, but not the voice channel, not our internet browsers, nothing else. I definitely agree that quitting from ranked matches because boo hoo, I didn't get what I wanted is bad. I think we've all had quitters. But Bioware needs to fix what players can't control before implementing punishment. As for suggestions for season 5 and beyond, I think they need to start with the population and work their way from that. Jung Ma goes days without any pops for healers. The Elo system can't work properly when there are 20 people queuing at a time, and I question whether it would even work well were we to have a megaserver (I still don't know if it would be enough people.) Reworking the system is probably too difficult and too time-consuming for them to invest in, though.
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