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Everything posted by ShadowMudkip

  1. Same, I don't really feel anything towards a particular side. The DS looks like it has the numbers to win, but the SE definitely has the better strategists. Question, didn't Guri have her assassination protocols wiped?
  2. While the DS may have the SE outgunned in space, its worth noting that the SE has far superior tacticians. A really, truly great tactician can make even the worst odds livable.
  3. Hmm, I would think Plagueis would be an interesting subject. But who would he face?!?!
  4. Can the Sol'yc Empire use this? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electro-proton_bomb *EDIT* Hehe, sorry, forgot that using this would go against Kaggath rules. Was to tired to realize what I was doing.
  5. The war won't drag on for long, it cant. Both the Sol'yc Empire and the DS are built for different types of ground combat. The Sol'yc Emire would be disadvantaged were it forced to fight a conventional war, as it doesn't have to numbers to pull it off. It's best bet would be to fight a tactical, precision strike type guerrilla war. The DS wouldn't be able to respond to a fast surprise attack from opposing forces, but it would definitely win in a conventional type war as it has the resources to fight one. The conflict would be won, IMO, by whoever is able to cripple the enemy's supplies first. If the DS gets their droid factories destroyed on Geonosis, it would be hard to recover and launch an offensive. Question, do the DS droids have any sort of protection against weapons that could simply deactivate them? Such as an ion blast type weapon? I recall the Republic had tried to use one in TCW while defending the Dugs. I think:p
  6. That's not what Unduli was talking about. Unduli recognized Dooku's fighting style in Ventresse's lightsaber fighting. Unduli said that compared to Dooku's style, Ventress was unrefined, amateurish, and sloppy.
  7. This doesn't make any sense as substances (drugs, chemicals ect.) almost always act in the same way. This would mean that EVERY dark side user would exhibit the same symptoms. As almost every Sith is different, and some don't show signs of craziness or mental instability, then something else must be at work. I believe that the sheer amount of power at a Sith's disposal is what causes sociopathic tendencies among Sith. Power doesn't corrupt, it attracts the corrupted.
  8. She, along with another group of Jedi attempted to evacuate the Chancellor during the ground battle.
  9. Shaak Ti was able to move the Chancellor, fight off squads of magnaguards, and survive against General Grievous, all at the same time during the battle of Coruscant. That merits some notice in my opinion.
  10. Exactly, the Republic never got serious about the war till the end, then the treaty happened and here we are! The Republic, should have won quite easily. It has more natural resources, a significantly larger population, and is in business with extremely powerful corporations (Czerka, Kuat, ect.). The only explanation for their lack of victory is that the Imperial war machine is in one word, superior.
  11. While the Empire did indeed win countless victories against the Republic at the start of the Great War, we have to remember that the Republic was completely unprepared for a war. This doesn't mean that the Imperial war machine only succeeded due to the element of surprise. Simply looking at, again, the Harrower vs. the Valor we see that the Harrower comes out on top.
  12. Is this the entire sixth season? Or just a few choice episodes? I have to say, TCW was one of my favorite shows for like, ever. I hope they expand upon the fate of Ahsoka.
  13. Apart from dual wielding, there are no advantages, imo. Even then dual wielding may not be an advantage against Ti's swordsmanship.
  14. Thanks for the link, my money is on the Sol'yc Empire. Although its hard to tell who the victor will be this early into the debate. I think its time to close this discussion up. I'm in agreement with Beni that the Empire can change, but there must be restraint and patience shown on the part of the Republic.
  15. This is true. that works for the Empire as a whole, but can't happen if the Sith don't play along. Anyways, this is sort of bunny trailing off into completely unrelated topics. Sort of like your last Kaggath Beni. Did you ever call that? I can't seem to recall a victor.
  16. "By all accounts the reign of Roan Fel was relatively benevolent..." Taken from the Wookieepedia page of the Fel Empire. While the Fel empire was no democracy, it wasn't some power hungry expansionist regime.
  17. I believe its stated in game that the Imperial Navy is indeed superior to the Republics. Take the Harrower class dreadnought, its said to be better in every aspect than its mirror, the Valor class cruiser. While Imperial superiority when applied to its army may be questionable, there is no doubt that their navy is better.
  18. I'm aware of that, Xilizhra stated that positive emotions were a light side thing (To which I agree). However the line "There is no emotion, there is peace", is a very straightforward statement. The Jedi council of the Clone Wars had determined that all emotions were bad, thus leading to Anakin having to hide his marriage and love for Padme from them. If the council had never banned positive emotions, I can assure you Darth Vader would have never existed.
  19. I seemed to have missed the part about the whole "There is no emotion, there is peace" part of the Jedi code. The problem with the Jedi, is that they revolve their whole lives around a philosophy that is near impossible to conform to. Simply put, the modern code is broken, the original code was better.
  20. LadyKulvax just posted a link over in general discussion detailing what will and wont be rewritten. Old republic stuff is safe, but it looks like everything having to do with the New Republic is toast. http://archive.foolz.us/co/thread/49696942/ Poor Wookipedia, so much has to be rewritten
  21. Forget Beanie Babies, this is where your retirement investments should go. I wouldn't be surprised if all those books "Magically disappeared" from local libraries. What would the library do? Charge you a dollar in late fees?
  22. The community team hardly ever posts on the weekends. A new initiative by GSI called "Thorn" had been spotted on Alderaan, they aren't fixing anything, they are activating the Rakghoul event. Many Rakghouls. Much Obvious. So Alderaan.
  23. Ok, I'll play this game. Based on you logic, ALL Jedi are good, there can be no evil Jedi. In the consular story In the Warrior storyline Finally, The Jedi are not very fond of the Voss, they believe the Voss can be dangerous and thus are not keen on the idea of a Voss mystic teaching Jedi (Consular Story). In real life, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule, its a part of being human. Just because there happens to be something called the force in a galaxy far far away does not mean that every situation is black and white.
  24. Many Sith are mentally unstable, but I would blame their personalities. Power doesn't corrupt, power attracts the corrupted. There are some Jedi I would call unstable. Your idea of monitoring the more benign Sith is the best way to go. All the crazies locked up and the rest can go free.
  25. Because the Jedi fear the unknown, they wont admit it but they do. Anything even bordering on "dangerous" would be stamped with disapproval from the council. Then you get people who want to follow the other path.
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