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Everything posted by ShadowMudkip

  1. The reusable stims and medpacks should be slightly better than the prototypes, not the other way around.
  2. Hey, I'm not a new player, but I have always wondered about this issue. If I had a stack of 10 green stims, and the RE chance was 20%, is that percentage for the whole stack or individually? So if I RE'ed all 10 at once would it apply the percent chance to each stim, or the stack? Would I be better off RE'ing them one at a time or in bulk?
  3. I agree, every regs 8v8 should be rated, this way, you actually get matched up with someone with a rating close to yours. Then have an option to toggle off your rating so others cant see it.
  4. I tend to agree that the LS inquisitor is a bit...off. I think it takes a little RP to play a LS inquisitor and make it not seem off. For example, I made a backstory in my mind for my inquisitor. He sees the republic as morally grey, but weak and unable to defend itself. He sees the potential for a LS empire, and wants to make it stronger and change who the sith are, and how they act, and what they stand for. But most of all, he fights for the empire because he knows that the republic would be willing to recreate the massacre that happened at the end of the Great Hyperspace War. To say the least he is a carebear .
  5. I personally enjoy the light side inquisitor the most out of any class.
  6. I prefer empire, partly because the voice acting is better in my opinion. I also like it because I feel most of the stories are better. But I play empire because I like the whole "Redeem the empire" type attitude of the lightside warrior and inquisitor.
  7. Our server tends to have more endgame raiding guilds on the republic side
  8. Oh please, another round of the Tor apocalypse crowd is leaving. I have been playing ever since launch and I have heard that numerous games were going to be the death of Tor since then. GW2 was supposed to kill this game, lol nope. I highly doubt that Eso and wildstar are going to do any worse. Heres a secret, a secret which explains why Tor won't roll over and die like some want it too. The secret is that this game is based off of a giant, popular franchise with a large following. The second part is that this game was developed by a company that excels in story based games, Bioware. Like it or not, Bioware has made a game so rich in story, setting and character development that unless Bioware itself were to come out with another mmo, this game won't fail. I believe it was Andrayah who coined the term "MMO nomads", people who jump from mmo to mmo because the previous one didn't satisfy their needs.
  9. No mmo is ever going to be perfect, many times, the community can hold developers to unrealistic standards. For example, the majority of the pvp community wants cross server queue. On a smaller scale this might work, like only North American Servers, only European servers ect. However, expecting cross server queues to link a west coast server like Bastion, to a European server, like ToFN, is unrealistic and will never happen.
  10. A simple increase in cost to kolto probe would solve the OP ness of medicine.
  11. lol Inquisitor used Force Sneeze... Its super effective.
  12. Um...Well... I would have to say Darth Nox. It would almost be a stalemate except for Darth Nox would generally do things the Consular wouldn't (dirty fighting).
  13. Arena only analysis is very ineffective because some classes will do significantly better in an 8v8 environment. I bet that you would see more sages and commandos if their were ranked 8v8 scoreboards.
  14. I wants it back, I grant Bioware 10 Bioware points if they do.
  15. The Pushback system is absolutely useless. If ranged attacks with cast times were super roflstomp powerful, then I guess I could understand it, but until then... NO
  16. Yes, the current Sith Empire as an institution is fundamentally evil, destructive, and opposed to peace, but a government is only as good as its leaders. Do you believe that a Sith Empire with new leadership, leadership like the LS Inquisitor and LS warrior, could want genuine peace? You yourself have written immensely on the topic of the LS warrior through your fan fiction "Beyond Good and Evil". What kind of defeat do you mean? Does the Sith Empire have to endure another massacre in order to be "defeated"? I don't like Saresh for many reasons, but my prime reason is this. Saresh, in my opinion, would be willing to recreate what the Republic did 1000 years ago. Under her, the Republic would once again bring unnecessary death and destruction to the galaxy. She might be genuine, and really might want the best for the Republic. But if the Republic is to be better than the Empire, and win with minimal casualties, She and the Republic must take the high ground. They cannot do what her predecessors did. If she were to repeat their mistake, the cycle of violence won't end, and the Galactic Republic of TOR will experience another needless war with the survivors of Saresh's massacre. If Saresh can defeat the Empire while keeping the values of the Republic then good for her, but what are they to then do with the Sith? The Jedi of TOR aren't exactly the most accepting people. For example, they don't even accept the Voss, because they view the Voss with disdain. The Jedi have a very "My way or the high way" type of attitude. I agree with you. 1. The war cannot continue for much longer. 2. The Empire, with its current government of maniacal sith can not win. However,I believe a new empire under rational, more light sided/grey sith would work. 3.If the Republic were to win, it must be an unconditional surrender on the part of the empire. One final thought, the Republic of the great hyperspace war also wanted an unconditional surrender. If the Republic should win, they must be careful not to repeat the mistake of the past.
  17. I completely forgot what this and Guiding Lights were about. Going to have to reread
  18. I guess it would be ok to make the stacking dot uncleansable. My fear is that soon, all classes will want cleanse protection, then healers are so screwed over.
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