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Posts posted by pathiss

  1. sage/sorc by far. no contest at all. Not just for the pure healing prowess but the incomparable utility of the class itself.


    Sadly, this is a common misconception with bad players. I do agree that sorcerer 'can' put out the best raw healing numbers, however, against competent and organized enemies, they are extremely easy to shut down with interrupts. In rated play, any team that relies on a sorc for primary healing is going to be handicapped right out of the gate.


    A merc/commando healer if vastly superior to a sorcerer healer in everyway outside of huttball.

  2. Sage/Sorc - Kites easily, bubble breaking also stuns attacker, mass cc....but hit them like a mac truck after 10-15 seconds of cc and resolve bar is full.



    Sorry kid, you are wrong. A heal specced sorc/sage will NOT have the bubble blindness. It is not in the heal tree and unobtainable with points if you spec for healing. They also do not have insta cast whirlwind or root on knockback.

  3. Sorcs/Sages were never overpowered grossly to begin with. It was always about the extra utility. To be honest, you cant do much more to the class outside of moving a few abilities around or they will be completely worthless. As it stands now, you wont see too many sorcs in ranked WZs on the successful teams. They dont spike damage well enough and they are too much of a draw on healing resources and they are too easy to shut down completely. Heck, you wont even see too many healing sorcerers because outside of being able to put up higher numbers when left alone and unfocused, they are far too squishy and thus a liability in ranked play.


    So with that said, moving the knockback root to the heal tree would be a start at making them less 'OP' to random puggers as dps, and more viable as healers in ranked play. Possibly moving the bubble blindness around as well.

  4. However, you can still heal effectively through one DPS but you will eventually die if you don't have a tank.



    This is true for mercs, but not for sorcerers. A sorcerer cant stand up to a dps that has half a brain and interrupts. They dont have the survival tools that DPS sorcs do, and are actually probably the squishiest class/spec combo in the game. I can face tank any single dps indefinintely on my merc though when I am heal specced.

  5. .


    Had a healer (merc) today that was surrounded by 4 melees and had 1 ranged who I think was healing. Looked like he was at about 20% health, i.e. very dead, but I was able to throw up the guard and AOE taunt the melees, which gave him enough damage reduction to heal himself up to 100% and we were able to hold out long enough for our team to show up and clean them out.


    What I'm saying here is that I don't think there's a problem with your healing or the damage you're taking on your own. I think it's a problem with whoever's not tanking properly.


    A merc is infinitely easier to guard than a sorc. Trust me on that, its the whole reason I rerolled a merc. I do agree with you that a single dps cant kill even a sorc healer through guard :) nor should they, considering it is a 2 v 1 then. However, depending on the class ...they can still shut down that healer quite effectively by interrupting/ccing key spells.

  6. I have to say I disagree that healing is weak. I play sage and I find that I can survive one on one against pretty much any class, however if two or more people are on me I will eventually die, which is as it should be.


    You don't have the tools to survive a maurader that knows how to play. I do agree that you can stay alive indefinitely against people that either dont interrupt or interrupt the wrong spells. The better dps aren'it interrupting your channel in the classic sense, they are using a knockback/pull ability on that and saving the interrupt/lockout for a castable. You wont keep yourself alive even standing in a puddle when those two heals get taken away from you.

  7. You should experience interrupts.


    Exactly. A good dpser will destroy a cloth healer if they know how to use interrupts. Even if the healer is being guarded, cycling interrupts and CC can take them out of the fight easily enough.


    The fact that cloth healers are extremely weak in survivability will come to light once rated matches start. It is the entire reason I rerolled a heavy armor healer. Sure I heal for slightly less, but I can face tank quite well. Dead healers dont heal ****.

  8. Okay so enlighten because like i said i dont believe a class a bad just a player not playing to the fullest. How well does a good marauder do?


    A good maurader will destroy a good hybrid/dps sorcerer most of the time given equal gear and skill level. The sorc stands a decent chance of running away though.


    A healing sorc/sage will stand no chance most of the time of even being able to get away, let alone sit there and heal through him/her without guard. You really cant even argue this. No insta whirlwind, no root on knockback, and no shield blindness on a heal spec sorc/sage. That directly equates to being unable to even run most of the time effectively.

  9. Healing specced Sorcs/Sages actually need help in the form of survivability. Not everyone wants to be a dps class and some people actually rolled sorcs/sages to be healers. In their current form they are the squishiest healers and quite possibly the easiest to melee pain-train down. In pugs this isnt too much of a problem because very few know how to assist and even fewer are in full battlemaster gear, but come rated WZs this will be a problem.


    Again, 100% the truth for a player that knows what they are talking about.


    This is also why I said a merc healer is > a sorc healer in ranked matches.


    Edit: full disclaimer - This is also 100% the reason why I am a merc now. I rerolled the second I got the news about ranked warzones.

  10. Lol


    A good played marauder kills a sorc ... easy ... especially healing specced sorcs.

    You migh be able to win the dps race every now and then vs a marauder if you are hybrid specced but only when he starts with a disadvantage or doesn't make full use of his nasty interrupts.


    Otherwise you realy realy have to be lucky with your procs to get him down fast enough.

    But it's true ... there are quite many very bad marauders in this game ... it's one of the classes that actually require the player to think a bit and not just blindly smash the default rotation of skills.


    Truth. Given equal skill, this is dead on the truth.

  11. Trolololol this honestly made me laugh so hard a sithed my pants. Your server must have terrible sorcs then. I can easily troll a marauder 1v1 no problem and I am actually a hybrid DPS sorc. And not good for pwnage in a group!? Hybrid or not ForceStorm and Deathfield easily destroy crowds in any warzone and if not all of them die i can pick em off quickly with inst-forcelightning or dots. And okay maybe the warriors in my server are not up to par same as the sorcs in yours.....but ive seen PvP with marauders in other servers and they seem to suck terribly. In my server ive seen few and less good marauders but what you said was just plainly a bad analysis. Im still laughing lol


    I was speaking about rated warzones. In a rated warzone you arent going to be free to destory a crowd, let alone do enough dps AEing to get through healing. Also, if you are off in a corner 1v1ing in a rated warzones, then your team should drop you for a better player.


    Like a said, a sorc is great against clueless puggers. I did say that you know. :)

  12. Even just one person, a high DPS for instance is being kept busy, you are down that massive burst potential while it attempts to kill a good sorcerer that is abusing running around objects.


    Of course, by the general consensus of the vocal community crying for nerfs. It is much better for the grossly OP sorcerer to be taken out of the fight by being forced to abuse running around objects then eh? Better to lose one average dps than have that grossly OP sorcerer *** lightning melting faces off while chain ccing 2 people, stealthing, and healing half his/her team at the same time.

  13. It does, actually.


    The hyperbole in this thread that sorcerers/sages are terrible is just that, hyperbole.


    So you are directing your response to me based on the other content in the thread, rather than at the content in context of what I posted. My point is not the point of other posters.

  14. You know if a non-healer is dying they can't simply LoS around the corner and heal right? Putting yourself out of the fight for 10 seconds to heal to full is a lot better than a 15-40 second wait because you died, or simply hiding around a corner HOPING a healer comes to your rescue.


    Not sure what you are arguing either. Did you read my original post, or did you just come in late the the game without reading all the earlier conversation?


    Of course running around a corner and throwing out slow heals is better than not healing at all. The reality is that a non heal specced sorcerer/operative/merc is going to take numerous heals barring a lucky string of crits to go from 10% to 100% and will most likely be out of combat anyways by the time they do. I can speak of that personally as the truth since I play ranged too and am always dropping los to throw my heals out. It takes more than 10s to heal to full by the way without being heal specced (barring a string of all crits).

  15. Our mauraders destroy sorcs. A well played maurader is going to beat a well played sorc the vast majority of the time. Even though this isnt a 1v1 game, the instrisic value of a good maurader is higher in group play than that of a good sorcerer. I do see hybrid sorcs having a role due to utility, but it most certainly isnt going to be due to ability to pwn peoples faces off. There are other classes more suited to that role.
  16. Busy wasting peoples time while they chase me around a pillar and my dots are still going.


    Basic PvP 101.


    Still does not discount my point. Not sure exactly what you are arguing.

  17. Ranked warzones and competitive play is going to show what the real powerhouse classes are. Sorcs/Sages are great for pwning noobs in pugs, granted. In competent play, you wont want a sorc as primary dps or as a healer either.
  18. You don't heal with DPS in your face.


    It is called LoSing, moving to a good spot, healing yourself. Bad sages/sorcerers let themselves get into spots where they aren't controlling the fight.


    ...and you are out of line of sight, not hitting anyone or affecting the fight while you self heal for crap. This only assuming the dps that got you there in the first place doesnt put you back in line of sight and kill you.


    My point stands.

  19. My class is incredibly silly. This is my spec.




    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201Zfc0MdRrhZcMcRsMz.1 (Sorcerer version)


    340~ Expertise.


    It isn't even optimized, but it is a spec that suits my playstyle, and I can beat full battlemaster geared people. I have an answer for everything, can heal myself, and get away really easily. I'd say the only thing that even comes remotely close to giving me trouble is good operatives/scoundrels and Powertechs/vanguards. Even then, it is still drastically in my favor.


    Every game now is against 5 sages or sorcerers + other on my server.


    We are the best healers, best at utility, and because of this it makes us great to have in bulk. I'd like to see more things get moved up high enough into the trees so hybrid specs aren't viable at all.


    Kinetic Collapse/Backlash and Electric Bindings/Force wake, combined with Madness/Wrath and Telekinetic Balance/Presence of Mind are the criminals. Please fix this, thanks.


    You arent healing crap with that spec by the way.


    So as listed, you arent the best healer. You also wont be able to heal yourself through a single dps (cant really do it full heal spec either if the dps knows what to interrupt). Sure you can run and hide and heal, but so can operatives and mercs. Big effing deal. If the enemy lets you run and hide, their fault not the class's.


    A sorcs/sage HEALER actually has the least survivability of any class and are 100% reliable on other people to help them (peels and guard).


    A full specced sorc healer is on par with my merc, what they gain in extra healing over me, they lose in survivability.


    Reality check needed.

  20. All enemy markings should drop on death. At least require some skill in getting targets marked instead of the fire and forget stuff. MMOs lowering skill level to the least common denominator needs to stop.
  21. I swear half the whines about sorcerers I see are due to abilities that they don't even have. Hell even the whines that are actually about the class are ususally grossly inflated.


    A heal specced sorc is one of the squishiest classes in the game. If you see a sorc that can actually heal worth a damn, he will absolutely NOT have the knockback root, insta/low cool down whirlwind, or the bubble blindness. HE will be hard pressed to keep himself alive against a single competent dps, and if that dps has half a brain, all he will be able to do without guard is run away and pray for help from someone else.


    I love when people whine about sorcs have ae puddles, massive healing, aoe knockback roots, bubble blindness, insta whirlwind, invisibility, and some ability that reduces damage by like 99% for what seems forever.


    Absolutely clueless noobs.


    If you want to spend time whining about classes, you should be whining about mauraders, assassin tanks, and bounty hunter healers. Those are the three power houses for ranked warzone matches.

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