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Posts posted by pathiss

  1. So its Tracer Tracer Tracer (rest) Tracer Tracer Tracer (rest) etc...

    And for Trooper it's Grav Grav Grav...


    They redesign BH so they need to use more complex rotation. Probably by nerfind Tracer and boosting something else.


    That is the worse way to do damage btw and should not be your rotation.

  2. People that whine about 'spamming' fail to realize that the particular spec is completely designed around it. People playing that spec have no choice but to throw several missles out there to get buffs/debuffs up.


    Debuff / heat signatures / defensives / unload damage increase / railshot / HSM ....all kind of rely on heavy use of tracer missle. (or grav)


    ITs the way it is designed. ou want to totally screwed a 'spammer' ...bind your interrupt key to lock out the missle for a bit while you close on them, stun them in the middle if the next cast while you kick thier face in, use a knock back or pull to stop the next one. The players that are truely 'spamming' grav/trace wont know what else to do and will literally be free points.

  3. So cross healing is OP ? So is focus fire and gibbing targets in 2 seconds.


    If healers are coordinated and keeping each other alive, you need to be coordinated right along with them and focus fire them down. If you kill someone in the span of a gcd or two with focus fire, there is no amount of healing in the game that will save them.


    This is PVP basics 101. People need to stop crying needlessly about things.

  4. While I can avoid/tear up most grav spamming mongoloids, the fact that they can still deal the same damage as a well-played marauder is infuriating.


    If they are spamming they are doing it wrong and won't outdamage you. Unfortunately they are designed around tracer missle in that spec and if the class doesnt use it, they gimp defense and offense ability.


    A well played merc is still going to use tracer missle ALOT. No choice as too many other abilities rely on it as a precursor. However, you shouldnt whine about a well played merc dealing the same damage because you way way more than make up for it with utility.

  5. Mercs use tracer missle alot because the are forced to by spec tree design. That is what some of you less people with less game knowledge fail to realize. No tracer missle means they gimp their defense and their damage.


    I also wouldnt be to worried about one button wonders who just spam tracer/grav, they are easy to shut down with interrupts. I would be more worried about the people that use rail shot, unload, dart, hsm, etc. at the right time. They are the ones wrecking people in warzones.

  6. Oh I disagree. I was focused less often and got away far more easily when I was dps. Really wasnt even close to comparable for me. *shrug* everyone is entitled to thier opinion. With a guard, you would be right though... but either way my merc > my sorc for healing in competitive games.
  7. I can see a maurd owning you IF you try to straight up fight him... A good sorc will bubble and sprint.. toss in a knock back (With root that isn't goverend by resolve) before you to that and You have a huge gap.... guess what? you escaped.


    Also you might want to try another heal is the first is interrupted. Because interrupts only lock one ability for some reason.




    Just heal through his damage, knock him back, root him, slow him, spam bubble until your allies kill him.


    It's possible. If you 're not a hybrid Sorc.. you are missing out.



    NOW flip the script and put a Merc in there with that marauder. Unless it's rampball .. that Merc is toast.


    A hybrid sorc cant heal worth a damn.


    In order to spec to get the root on knockback (in a dps tree), you have to give up your real healing capabilities and force management. In other words, you are a gimped healer.


    You also cannot spam bubble period. Once you bubble yourself, you cannot cast another bubble on yourself for 20 seconds. (17 with pvp set gear bonus).


    Lastly, a merc is going to heal through a single dps easily whereas a sorc cannot. The difference is being interrupted and not being able to be interrupted.


    Seriously, please don't post if you have no clue what you are talking about. A merc healer is superior to a sorc healer against anyone with half a brain. Ranked matches are going to shed light on this for those who havent managed to figure it out yet.


    For the record: I play BOTH.

  8. It think it mostly comes down to getting immobilized when you pop their bubble. That seems to be the biggest complaint of melee vs sorc/sage.


    I still think that should get moved to the respective healing trees. DPS specs have too much survivability and heal specs dont have enough.

  9. The REAL problem with Sorc/Sage is the fact that it's the only polished ranged class and the only polished healer class.


    Sorry you are dead wrong. Sorc healers are easily interrupted and shut down even if guarded ...with no guard they are free points to any competent dps with an interrupts. Sure they 'can' put out higher numbers when left alone. For competitive play, a merc healer is vastly superior.

  10. The cohort of sorcs rises again..op is right you are ridiculous defending your class with so great arguments like we are noobs , l2p cool story bro...i m sick of this morons


    The sages and sorcs are fine mostly, just a few abilities need to be moved around in trees/tiers. Anything more than a slight tweak will make them pretty worthless to play.

  11. We are vastly superior to sorcs in competitive play. No contest really.


    The reason is that a sorcerer is simple to lock down, requires guard against competent dps (even 1), AND is too much of a draw on that guard.


    Sure a sorc is better against random bad players in pug WZs.....

  12. You mean aside from the ability to heal themselves?


    Sage/sorcerer healers are most likely the most squishy class/spec combination in the game because they are extremeley ineffectual at healing themselves through damage. In fact, against a decent dps with an interrupt, it is fruitless.


    There is a reason why anyone serious about being a healer in ranked matches is playing/rerolling a merc/commando.

  13. How are Sages/Sorcs easy to shut down with interrupts? Shield is instant. HoT is instant and allows for quick casted Deliverance. If you do get interrupted, you can switch to using your spammable Benevolence. You shouldn't have to worry about the Force cost because you should either be dead or OoC pretty quick.


    I've never really felt locked out because of interrupts on my Sage, there's always another spell I can cast. It's night and day as compared to say, my Commando or a healing Operative.


    I think Sages/Commandos are pretty well matched, with Sages being specifically better for Huttball. Smugglers/Ops can use some work.


    Did you really just counter my statement with a shield that cant be recast on a target for a minimum of 17s (20 without the pvp set gear, but everyone should have that). You might be used to playing with idiots, but I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that in competitive play you WILL be locked down. Hell, one maurader can completely take a sage out of a fight by keeping them on lockdown, even if they cant kill them alone through a guard. What do you think is going to happen when you face an organized team that is assisting well and cycling interrupts?


    A sorcerer as a primary healer is a liability in competitive play. I can't say that enough.

  14. You want burst? Granted, but to get it you'll have to give up your bubble... or roll a decep/inf sin/shadow if you want to see what squishy really is.


    Give up bubble for non heal specs you mean?

  15. Looks like in the new 1.2 build on test we will be able to buy Rakata gear with WZ/Merc comms as well. Finally something for us PvPers that want some of those pieces to tailor our sets with, without stepping into PvE and farming mindless instances ad nauseum.


    Step in the right direction for a change!

  16. Which class is the best pvp healer?


    Depends. Against competent enemies, organized enemies, or in rated play:


    Merc/Commando is by far the best option.



    Against random clueless idiots you can exploit:



  17. Then you are totaly wrong.


    Sorc/Sage just for this INSANE AoE healing + Bubble (3.5k damage absorb spammable).

    In addition you gain *** tons of CCs, knockbacks, snears whatever.

    AND spam DD+Snear (lightning anyone??)

    AND you can't stop them. Bubble+Sprint == fu... you rofl lolz, I just ignore you if I don't want to kill you.


    Scoundrels/Operations are by FAR the weekest of all as they have no real CC at all and no 'get out' abilitys. And if you spec them for heal their damage is a bad joke (not that it is worth anything IF you spec damage).


    But for real, there is absolut NO reason to play anything except Sorc/Sage atm ... and as BW allready anounced to nerf Mercs but let Sorc/Sage untoucht OP ... realy, no reason.


    But hey, it's OK when this stupid nobrain class can reach 500k damage AND healing in one match *sig*. Anyone with half a brain would notice how OP it is. But seams BW is either blind or stupid.


    First you are wrong.


    Secondly you are grossly exaggerating.


    Third you are completely clueless about this game.


    You are one of those forum whiners that things sorcs/sages have stealth too right?

  18. I put down enought Sorcs using my operative to know better. I can kill sorc healer but it's impossible for me to kill trooper healer. And if he have a guard on him...


    Sorry but YOU are wrong here. Dead healer is bad healer. Better to have less heals but for longer time than good heals for short period.


    Dead on accurate assessment.

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