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Everything posted by EngineerDavid

  1. I like Artifice because it indeed gives you the ability to change your lightsaber alot during the game. Yes you can buy everything, but making it myself makes me feel more like a real Jedi I would recommend it to everyone
  2. Since you mentioned in your post that you had it in KOTOR, I assumed you ment as an NPC, as you can only play as a human in KOTOR. One wonders how they reproduce then... So far only seen males of that species...
  3. The most known real-life example is the Romans. The Romans, at the height of there rule, had superiority in technologies, as in warfare, as in architecture, as in so many things Then came the Dark Ages and we stood still for 1000 years... Imagine if the Romans wouldn't have been defeated, we would be living on other planets now!
  4. You have it, in one of the flashpoints for the republic there is a Yoda-species master that gives you the mission trough Holocall Haven't played the flashpoint (it's level 35) so don't know if he plays a role in the flashpoint itself...
  5. In stead of changing the OT in every rerelease, he should change this in Episode one, cut the scene. I wouldn't complain
  6. Just want to say thanks to BW for keeping us updated and trying to fix all the bugs as soon as possible. This + Adding new content + Handling al the CS reports --> ALOT of work Thanks for doing your best
  7. He's a bad director, that is certain. Miscasts and lazy camera work, indeed!! But he is the man that made Star Wars, and wether you like it or not, we are al playing this game, loving the movies(some or all of them) and liking the universe he made. He wrote the greatest story in Hollywood. He had the great idea of making the galaxy(or as we hope to see it, future) not the streamlined clean version we see in Star Trek and other Sience Fiction, but making it as we know our world. Full of great technologies, but dirty in some places(Milenium Falcon for example). And yes Episode I to III were not what Episode IV to VI were, but they weren't a disaster(still decent movies). The story is good, it's the actors(well mostly Anakin, I loved Ewen McGreggor and Samuel L.Jackson, just as Liam Neeson,...) and witch types of characters to show(Jar Jar,...) and directing that were bad. Had he given the directing and casting to someone different, we would all love George Lucas now
  8. Letting the credits role over your screen just because the music is so great... One of my favorites, in Episode VI, at the end, this song: John Williams -> Genius
  9. From the few songs that you posted here, the SWG soundtrack was music from the movies and other games... The SWTOR music is an entire new soundtrack(though many influences from other music can be heard) so I recon it is alot harder creating something new than just choosing music that already exists and that alot of people already know. Of course music preference is a personal thing, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I like SWTOR music, but liked Star Wars: KOTOR music way more.
  10. Well if this is true, then it is indeed outraging... About this festering... Wel though the concerns and problems shared by many people on the fora, I do still believe it is only a minor fraction of the total of players. Like with the FPS treads, it is many people reporting the same problem and complaining how much time it takes to fix. Don't misunderstand me, there are troubles. To me it seems like the minimum requierments for this game are way to low on the box. Wether this is because they lied about it, or because bugs began to show up, I don't know. Of course, we see here the best game (or the potential for being the best game) of 2012. So it is normal that a 3 year old laptop can not play the game without small problems(low fps, ...) We also shouldn't expect so. My friend has a new laptop, even with patch 1.1 he has no low fps, neither warzone or fleet The thing is, people are outraged by the way Bioware acts. While, there a company. And companies lie, advertise, give false promises, lure you into traps,... Like banks. It's indeed wrong if al that is said about Bioware is tru, but it's a problem of modern society. It's all about the money... Bioware probably acts better then your bank acts, yet few are attacking there Costumer Service with complaints...
  11. The cartoons are indeed an abomination. As for the feel of the force, I like the SwTor-view the most But the New Republic era makes the force look like magic... Something The Force isn't.
  12. Also it's overfilled, like the clone wars is 3 years, but we have material for 10 years It's like a Jedi never sleeps
  13. Regarding the EU, I feel torn. Because though the EU had given us, IMO, some great and awesome stories, like: - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (the comics, games and entire area) - Star Wars Legacy - Rise of Darth Bane and Rule of Two(also the war before that,...) it has also given me the creeps... The entire New Republic area(4 ABY - 45 ABY), it seems like al these authors made the same mistake: It always had to be bigger, more dangerous and more dramatic. Like the authors said: "Hey you know that last novel of that other auther were you tought it was dangereous? Wel now it really is even more dangerous." They even killed Chewie, trying to make their point. The parade of superweapons(a small ship deadlier then the Death Star???), superpowers(teleportation???? Making black holes???) and clones of the emperor, are just ridiculous. Trying to top the Death Star and trying to top the Emperor in Episode VI as the "Ultimate Evil". And though all these stories have some cool attributes(like in the Yuuzang Vong-Invasion where Empire and Republic must try to work together), to me they fail in the big picture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interviewer: "Do you think you'd have other people continue the Star Wars saga past Episode VI or turn some of the other material into films?" Lucas: "But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books. But there's three worlds: There's my world that I made up, there's the licensing world that's the books, the comics, all that kind of stuff, the games, which is their world, and then there's the fans' world, which is also very rich in imagination, but they don't always mesh. All I'm in charge of is my world. I can't be in charge of those other people's world, because I can't keep up with it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George Lucas went the wrong way, he should have never allowed Dark Empire I and II, he should have never made The Force Unleashed a strict canon game, that is just over the top... It doesn't add up with the idea of Jedi and Sith we get in the movies... Please feel free to add your thoughts, but please no cursing and calling people idiots, everyone has a right to have his opinion.
  14. Kotor I was WAY better storyline then Kotor II !!! Yes maybe the gameplay was better in Kotor II(should be, it's a sequel so they have to improve), but the story with the entire Kreia-stuff... Not really... It's only after reading the novel Revan that I understood who The Exile was, in the game it just seems so pointless sometimes, with al those boring discussions with Kreia... If it were me, I would have shoved the ***** out of the airlock of the Pegasus, it was so obvious she was going to betray The Exile by killing the Order. Seems so pointless too, you spend an entire game saving 3 Jedi Masters, then suddenly they get killed... I just didn't have the feeling of really living the story, and I played the story entirely(every plot, quest and conversation was made, I also played the game multiple times) I'm sorry but IMO Kotor I > Kotor II
  15. Revan Why? Well the best Jedi shouldn't only have awesome Jedi moves and powers, but also a good story Let's face it, anyone who has played KOTOR knows he has some nice Jedi moves and powers. Also his story is amazing. Jedi Master -> Hero in the Mandalorian Wars -> Dark Lord of the Sith -> Hero of the Republic trough his redemption because of his love for Bastila And then I'm not even talking about his actions in the novel "Revan" (which I will not mention because maybe some are still reading it). He is just cool, and sometimes funny. As the only Jedi he understands the light and the dark completely, being able to have a relationship with Bastila without falling to the dark side. He's just the best, at least in my opinion. But everybody has it's own taste
  16. I think this one belongs in Customer Service forum
  17. Indeed awesome They put a lot of work in the effect
  18. Haven't played it, but liked Star Wars Empire at War alot Loved the spacebattles ^^
  19. Movies and a series about the KOTOR era Man the story in KOTOR 1 was the only story that could rival the Old Trilogy(almost) "I'm your father" - Darth Vader "Your Revan" - Darth Malak Both made me go: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  20. Totally right, in the Horrid FPS thread allot of the posts are rants, and people threatening to give up there subscription. Imagine being a developer and having to filter the usefull information out of these threads...
  21. I agree, though I too had some problems installing and getting it started without low fps, eventually it is worth it all!! What an amazing game! My previous favorite game was Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, and this game is about 100x more contant and 100x better They will get the bugs, just give them time! Thank you Bioware for creating yet another original game(a fully voiced MMO with a story for each of the 8 different classes you can choose!!) Apart from the fps and some patch bugs, this game is perfect in every way! :D:D
  22. I agree, this is illegal and should be punished... I also don't understand the fun in this... You just get millions of credits, what's it all worth then... The fun in this game is about becoming stronger every day, by playing it consistently, and if you want to buy something, you got to earn the credits first!!! Sadly, another problem for Bioware, there hands are already full (or should be full) with the lag problems... By the time they have solved that, the money is probably gone or untraceable... :(
  23. Indeed none It's understandable, because if you have a million subscribers and some trouble shows up, EVERYONE starts reporting it to them, there just people, they can't work 24 hours a day(there not all like Jack Bauer )
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