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Everything posted by maxetius

  1. It's coming, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'd love to play on my Mac.
  2. Makes too much sense, not nearly Grindy enough.
  3. Time to start 24/7 AFKing. Once this change is in effect I can tell all the new players to QQ l2p while I farm them until they get tired and leave. If I insult them enough they may unsubscribe. Then I'll win the game.
  4. This will piss people off the longer it goes unfixed.
  5. Happens to almost every class. It's also completely unacceptable and should have been fixed yesterday. And I love TOR.
  6. Asschabs regardless of what side you pick. Do what I did, find a guild run with them, they are generally more tolerant of, well, everything. I ran into the same thing. ******s, getting kicked/insulted/berated for picking light/dark, people insulting me for daring to put a hairstyle on my character, being insulted by teammates in PVP for playing a char below 25. If it wasn't for my guild I'd just turn off chat altogether.
  7. When the bracket comes, every 50 will be here QQing, so who cares. Just dont PVP if it bugs you. There are better ways to get XP.
  8. I must be teh optimum!! I could be missing on 1% Overall Effectiveness! That 1% will make or break raids, Bioware!! Seriously: No. I dont want a minmax munchkin ******* looking over my shoulder to tell me im not playing to my 'optimum output' etc. I do, however support a combat log.
  9. Easier to remove than fix. Low priority. Yeahhh... We won't see this for at least 5 years.
  10. Revan never amounted to anything, Anyone who thought otherwise wrote a story in their own mind. While I disapprove of making Revan weak and killing the Exile in order to make the Emperor into an omgbadazz, it's already happened, it's in the lore. So it's pretty pointless to complain about it.
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