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Everything posted by Patizor

  1. BioWare seems to think people parry with their feet.
  2. Very hard to choose one thing. I suppose mine would be: please optimize this game to work on computers like mine. My machine runs every other game on the market just fine, and I won't stick with this game unless it starts running fine as well.
  3. Bump, since this issue has come up again. I wouldn't call that a "mistake". I'd call it a game experience changing over time, which is what you want from a game. And as a jedi knight myself, I sure can't blame you for getting tired of that class.
  4. I could not agree more. I didn't make a guardian to do damage, I made it to be hard to kill. And guardians are not hard to kill.
  5. Fine. YOU can choose to never change it. The rest of us think this policy is idiotic.
  6. When I use Blade Storm, my character very clearly lifts his lightsaber, lowers it, lifts it again, pauses to consider the ramifications of his actions, then finally executes the ability. Is this because of the parry delay? I've been watching this ability closely lately and it seems to work alright when I'm 10 meters away. Of course, that hardly ever happens, because I'm a melee class. It would be one thing if parried blaster bolts went back and hit their shooter, as others have suggested.
  7. But this game already has insanely high repair costs. But that's what I'm doing anyway. I'm not going to give up on a mission because I was defeated.
  8. LOL. "Play the game"? That's your intelligent response? I want to play the game. But I can't. Because I have to wait. And I sure would like to know: why?
  9. But look at the waving blades of grass! And the wrinkles in the sand dunes! What, you aren't walking around wiht your eyes on the ground?
  10. At least you can buy a speeder at level 25. Then, when a womp rat jumps out of nowhere and bites you for 5 damge, your speeder vanishes and you're lying on the ground. But you'll look cool cruising around Carrick Station!
  11. As a Jedi Guardian, I'd rather have a few really good abilities rather than an avalanche of mediocre ones. You'd think hitting someone with a lightsaber would be all a melee type needs.
  12. I think it would be great.
  13. How the heck could they not ship this game with one of the things that sets it apart? Too busy drawing a billion wrinkles in the sand on Tatooine, I suppose.
  14. He was good, even among all the strong voice actors in this game.
  15. I'm starting to see what people mean. As a Jedi Guardian, I feel like if I attack some enemies and anything goes wrong--I see 3 but there are 4, a walker stumbles upon me, something spawns on me, etc.--I'm screwed. I could see if I were a DPS class that has more damage than survivability, but my damage isn't good either. If I attack a group of enemies and get lag during the battle, I'm done. Then Mr Smuggler comes along and kills 4 enemies with 1 grenade. Maybe once in a while I could finish a battle without having to recuperate? I don't feel like a tank. I feel like a DPS who left his weapon at home.
  16. It doesn't sound like him to me. As for "famous", I guess that's a matter of perspective. Is the "Mud Woman" in that Swifter commercial famous?
  17. Good ideas, I'd say. I think they just put in a level 50 bracket, or are going to soon.
  18. In "Star Wars" the Millenium Falcon was parked in a hangar on the planet, not up in some orbital space station. In "Empire Strikes Back" Luke landed his ship right on Dagobah, no station needed. In "Phantom Menace" Amidala's ship landed right on Tatooine, etc......
  19. Yes you can, you just need 600 more light points than if you were just starting out. Once you cancel out your dark points you will be neutral.
  20. Exactly. When MUDS began they didn't have a graphics engine. Everquest took MUDs and added graphics. When it was launched it didn't have an auction house, instanced dungeons, taxi services or mounts. WoW had those features right from the beginning and innovated from there. The MMOs that come later need to start with those innovations and go from there or they won't make it. "Wait a few months or a year and we'll be where the games you already play are" won't cut it with many players.
  21. Right, and that's what the poster did, with all the "I think" and "I hope" and "here's why I think this is happening".
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