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Posts posted by Naethion

  1. Hello all, I had something odd happen to me and was wondering if anyone else has noticed this:


    I had gone to bed last night after exiting out of the game. just a straight exit. But before that I had sent Qyzen on a mission to gather, and was waiting, but then I said nah and just exited.


    The next morning I had logged on and to my surprise Qyzen was waiting for me, ingredients in hand like time hadn't even stopped for him. I'm wondering if its intended for crew skill missions to continue even after exiting the game. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say its not, but I was just hoping for some input. =)

  2. I'm level 23, so I don't have Force Stasis yet, but is there any other way? I can't charge them, and I can't interrupt snipe while they are in cover. and even if they do get stunned, they just drop back into cover and shoot me point blank in the face.
  3. 4 Stars.


    Most of the class changes aren't bad and I'm about to explain which ones are good.


    Shatter/Plasma Brand. That is perfect. The CD can stay the same but the length of the DoT duration is too long.


    Overcharge Saber/Battle Readiness now reduce the force cost of all abilities by 15% and removes all internal cooldowns on techniques during it's duration. Ability tooltip has been updated. - Good!


    Now what I think you can do to make this better is dial back the amount of damage decreased on each ability by 5%


    Snipers don't need anymore crit chance especially when they can shoot you point blank in the face and not be interrupted unless stunned.


    Keep Fletchette Round/Acid Blade Off GCD, and make the damage increase 15% down from 20%


    Root on Cover Pulse = no. They don't need that. 1.5 seconds of that root is wasted by the GCD


    Marauder's rupture/Sentinels Cauterize do not need such a huge nerf. Only Deadly Saber/Overload Saber will do 1k ticks and thats talent with the crit damage. Cauterize will do maybe 600-800 Ticks.


    Change Maul Crit Chance to Crit Damage 15% increased Talented.


    But other than that its Gravy

  4. I'm stuck halfway through a load screen, and I get kicked out because SOME idiot decided to make the initial entrance into Huttball WAAAY in the back instead of at the spawn like the other 2. At least give us 1 minute before AFK detection kicks in.
  5. Taking away CC from the class w/ the lowest burst damage and lowest defenses in the game without giving anything in compensation is asking for a nerf.


    Would you rather they raised Sorc burst damage and buffed the shield to compensate for having fewer escapes?


    Well, there aren't many options. There needs to be balance between damage and control. You cannot have both. And when I mean damage, I mean both Sustained and burst. If you have both damage and control, you have frost mages. So BW needs to figure out something.

  6. This guy makes very good points, and it seems people believe he is asking for a nerf, when in reality is is asking for a Tree rearrangement. to keep the good CC away from Hybrids.


    I mostly agree with this, however, some of the CC should stay at least. not all! but some. Or at least give some and Internal Cooldown.

  7. Its already coming. If you don't like it, don't use it. I hate this mentality that just because some people don't like something, they need to ruin it for the rest of us. I hate having to respec just to go run a FP or heroic, or OPs. It gets expensive. So, yeah, its coming and I'm loving it.
  8. Your making Assumptions on what MIGHT happen, IF its implemented (which it will be). To be honest, if they made LFD Same-Server priority, more than likely you would still see the same people you know and love/hate. There would just be a few others who you wouldn't know and that could be rectified by either having all the PVP Servers, including the Rp-PvP servers in the same pool, and same with PvE/Rp-PvE.
  9. The Q&A is out and while they don't address LFG, they do address cross-server Warzones:


    "Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


    Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup."




    What did I tell ya. They're going to have "Wargroups" like WoW has Battlegroups and I'm sure when they announce their updated LFG tool, we'll have cross-server LFG based on the Wargroups. :D


    As this post implies, we will most likely have Same-server priority LFD tools. and I say PRIORITY. Not outright same-server

  10. I'm all for this. Probably won't ever use them, but that doesn't mean others won't. Ignore the Vocal minority. If a time comes where Macros will come, they will come, the whiners will leave and the rest will stay. if they don't, they don't and everyone will get used to them eventually. All the people who suggest macros are shot down, by people who post first and read later. Such as what happened to your thread.
  11. hmmm.... I guess you could call it a last resort. Unless you count random mobs in the open world. But I only count those in the quest who will probably kill you if you don't kill them, in which case its self-defense. A Jedi can ask that person to stand down, among other non-aggressive options, but if the person refuses, it really leaves us little choice.
  12. This argument about arenas are meaningless, and we just have to simmer down and wait for something to happen. Arguing about the pros and cons will have very little effect on the decision the devs have. If they want arena in the game, it will be by their choice, and they will design it to suit their needs. If there is never any arenas, and you want them, tough luck. Go to another game. Thats the simplest solution.
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